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Kairo walked out of the business meeting feeling refreshed. He was hyped for a new business opportunity, and to make more money. Kairo was only 23 but he felt like he needed to have everything together already. Due to Kairo not having much guidance in his life, he fell into making money the illegal way. His mother was strung out on drugs and his father was doing a bid for murder. Having no one to turn to, he turned to the streets.

Kairo began selling drugs when he was 17, and he liked being his own boss and he loved the fast money even more. Granted this lifestyle was dangerous, when the money started piling up, it made up for it.

Kairo had only sold weed but when he came across a guy named D that wanted to talk business with him, he was excited. This meant more money and a better opportunity. He was going to be D's business partner, basically the one calling the shots with D. Instead of weed though, he was now dealing with cocaine, large amounts of it. He was excited to learn the ropes but he knew also, more money more problems.

"Wassup, G?" Kairo dapped up his homeboy, Trey, hopping in his car. Kairo's car was in the shop and so he was bumming rides lately or either taking the bus. Shit he didn't mind but this was definitely why he was excited for the new opportunity. Kairo had money but it wasn't like he was rich. People needed weed, he sold it to them. He wasn't a big time drug dealer or anything like that but all that was about to change.

"Can't call it." Kairo leaned back and grabbed the blunt from Trey as he passed it to him. Kairo had been friends with Trey since diaper days. Trey was more like a brother to him. Trey was older than him by a couple months but he acted like he was older by a long shot. He had to admit though, Trey made better decisions. Trey was more leveled headed but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get Kairo to get on the same page as him. Trey was in college and had a full time job. He wasn't into the drug business, but his father was and that's why Trey chose a different route. Trey seen a lot of things when he was younger that traumatized him and he promised he'd never be the monster his father was. His father died because of the game and he didn't want that for himself or Kairo. He knew what kind of business Kairo did but there was just no talking Kairo out of things.

"Shit, what you on?" Trey asked him, wondering why he was picking him up from a fancy restaurant.

"Shit business." Kairo exhaled the weed and passed the blunt back to Trey. Trey took a puff from it before he spoke again.

He took his eyes off the rode for just a second and looked at Kairo. "Man, Omari you gotta be smart." He called him by his real name. Trey knew both his real name and his street name but most of the time he called him by his real name, especially when he was trying to get through to him.

"I am being smart." Was all I said, grabbing the blunt and taking another puff from it as he passed it back to me.

"Man ever since pops died from that lifestyle, I just be tryna put you on the right path man. You my nigga and I ain't tryna see you go out like that, fam."

"I feel it, Trey. I'm straight though." Was all I said. He didn't keep pushing the issue. I knew Trey meant well but shit I didn't have it like he did and that's what he had to understand. I had to make a way for myself and there was no way in hell I had the patience to work a 9-5. That was Trey and I respected his hustle but we just had different hustles. I couldn't lie, I admired his hustle but I wasn't the type of nigga that wanted to work for anybody but myself.

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