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Avinah rushed to the hospital and saw doctors looking after her.Dev,who was standing out side of the room asked Avinash to wait but he couldn't wait any longer and rushed into the room.Ishika, blink her eyes open after weeks in a coma. A mix of relief and anticipation flooded his senses.A surge of indescribable emotion overwhelmed Avinash. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he could barely contain the overwhelming joy that surged through his entire being. It was as if a dam had burst, releasing the pent-up emotions that had been held captive for far too long.Avinash was freezed at one place seeing Ishika blinking .

He couldnot control himself any longer so he directly went near her and wrapped her in his arms.He was sobbing like a child and his tears were unstoppable.He hugged her for few minutes and then pulled himself apart from her and shower her with kisses all over her face.

"How are you, darling, am I in pain somewhere? Should I call the doctors? It's good that you are fine my love, you know how worried we were, it's good that you came to your senses, it's been a long time since I haven't talked to you, haven't heard your laughter. Life.....! Why are you not talking? Did something happen?"Avinash said as Ishika was not giving any response.

Before he could say anymore Ishika pushed him.Avinash was unable to understand what had happened?

"w..who are  you?"

"why are you touching me?"

she shouted. At first he thought she was joking.

"Darling, what kind of joke is this, don't make this joke now Darling please, what is this, who are you? Don't you know who I am?"

​"I don't know you and you stay away from me "hearing her shouting Dev and Ashika too came in the room.

"what happened Avinash?"Dev asked.

Avinash stood in one place wondering what had happen to her when suddenly Ishika spoke.

"Ashu, what happened to me and how did I get here and who are these people? Why was this man hugging me like this and what was he saying?"Ashika was equally confused by her words.

"Ishika, what are you saying, don't you know them?"


"Ishika this is Avinash and what are you joking about? Are you angry or are you joking?"

​"Ashu Yaar, what are you saying, I don't understand anything, who are these people and why don't I remember, how did I come here, what happened to me, I don't remember anything, what happened to me."This time Ishika had tears in her eyes and she was unable to understand anything.Seeing tears in her eyes Avinash went out of the room and went to call doctors.

Who is he?I don't know him but seeing tears in his eyes, its aching my heart. I feel like thousand of needles and stabbing my heart. I can feel my heart breaking into millions of pieces. 

"Why doesn't she remember what happened and why is she saying this, why isn't she recognizing me?"Avinash said and Ishika was looking at him as he too had tears and fear in his eyes.

"See Mr.Rathore, due to the injury on his head, she has lost his memory of some time ago, but it will come soon, but till then, do not give her any tension or put pressure on her head. These memories will come back on their own and if you try to force them then her health may get worse."

Ishika was quitely listening to doctor and she understood that they were her people but due to memory loss she couldnot recognise them.

"Ashu can I please talk with you?"Ishika said and everyone looked at her.Avinash heart was broken knowing that he was not her Abhi anymore,he was just a stranger that she just saw now.

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