24. Happy Days

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| Miles Cohen |

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| Miles Cohen |

For some reason today, it was taking me hours to get Ellery settled. I had tried coloring books, reading books, playing down on the grass, TV time, having something to eat, just anything to keep her entertained, but she wasn't having any of it. I was partially at fault for that, as I had brought someone new into her life and I don't think she was ready. 

But my brother had insisted on meeting her yesterday, before he had to head back. They had a small chat, over dinner, but then he left, and she looked a little sad. It was good, watching how she spoke not only about the boys, but me. To my own brother. She had stunned my own brother, her uncle, speechless. 

 I was proud of the little girl that she had become. Hence, why I needed her to be on her best behavior, as I was going to introduce her to someone she was familiar with, but this time, as bad as it sounded, I had been talking to for a while. "Don't move, okay?" I used my hands to show to Ellery to stay put, as she had finally relented to eating some reheated food that Luca had made, while I was going to answer the door.

I knew that Ellery loved this person, so I hoped that maybe the two of them could bond, before in maybe a weeks time, I asked the question I had been considering. Ellery was the key to all of this, as if Ellery didn't approve, it was a no go. Ellery was going to be the yes or no if I asked this special someone to be my girlfriend. 

"Hey" I said as I opened the door, seeing just the person I was after. Technically, this was our first date, so, I wasn't shocked when she leaned in for a kiss. "Come on in" and with that, when Ellery caught sight of her walking down the hallway, she put her food down and ran full force at Clarence, warming my heart at the sight. 

"Clar!" she squealed as she ran into her legs, causing a chuckle to erupt out of my chest. This was a good sign. This was really good. "Hey Ells" Clarence bent down to her height, as they discussed something. Before I knew it, my date was being dragged away from me, and into the living room, while all I could do was watch the two of them. 

This meant that everything I had been working towards, was now becoming a reality. Maybe I really could give Ellery a motherly figure after all. I knew that was jumping the gun as Clarence wasn't even my girlfriend yet, but she had really helped the two of us out, other than her friend being a shit babysitter, I knew I could trust her with my daughter, like I trusted the boys with Ellery. 

I hadn't even told Ellery that I had full custody over her and everything. I hadn't even had the chance to tell her that I was her dad yet and if she was comfortable with that. I had been so caught up in everything, that it had just slipped my mind. It felt so natural to me now, that I had a little girl to look after. Things were starting to clear up now. 


I think I had spoken too soon. Ellery had fallen asleep on Clarence, but as soon as Clarence had gotten up to leave, as we had chatted and had dinner here, things went south real quick, which ended up with Clarence in the bedroom with Ellery, and some of the boys had showed up, unaware of my date. 

I should have said something to them, as they were all waiting for an answer now, but I didn't want to be chirped and hounded about this new girl that I was slowly falling for, and I guess Ellery loved her too. I didn't want to get Ellery's hopes up if it didn't work out, and I didn't want to ruin anything for the hockey team as she was our media lady that had kindly looked after my daughter at the two games she had been too. 

She had done wonder for Ellery and I, and I would forever be indebted to her. "I know what your all thinking" I started, trying to ease the tension that I was shocked to feel in the room. I didn't think it would be this way with them. Especially Carter, who was shocking me the most. He had seen my past exs and the very few hookups I had had. I thought he would have been on my side. 

Suddenly though, the room just erupted in laughter, shocking me even further. "Buddy, we don't care. We are happy for you, and Ellery. This could be good for the two of you" Carter then walked over, patting my shoulder as he just continued to laugh, before he was walking to the fridge and grabbing the few beers I had left in there.

Relief flooded my body at the mention that they were happy for me. This was good. This was really good. Everything was starting to work out, and I felt like I was finally getting my life back on track. Maybe I really could end up with Clarence, and give Ellery that mother figure. She had a mother, but we all know how that went. 

I didn't want to scare her, most of all, and get her hopes up, with what she had been through. But with the reaction and the constant holding to Clarence, things were going to be okay. "She's asleep" Clarence murmured in my ear, as I pressed a kiss to her forehead, as a thank you. It was good, to share the load with someone. 

Sometimes, being a father, Ellery was a little unpredictable. I was learning, and she had never had a father before, or even a fatherly figure, so this was new to her too. I always felt at fault and awful when I could never get her to stop crying, and now with Clarence, maybe we could work this out together. Maybe I wasn't so alone anymore. 

Wrapping my arms around her, I placed her in front of me, as I just watched the rest of the boys settle themselves throughout the dorm, feeling at peace. Things were starting to clear up. I had the girls I needed, or I hoped I did, and the boys to back me any day. That was all I needed. I didn't need to go pro or have parents. 

With Clarence, I was feeling like I had someone to walk through the fire with. She hadn't made me feel like a fuck buddy to her, and she really cared about my Ellery. She cared about my little girl. I had seen the two of them chatting at the games, and it had made my heart melt. I wanted Ellery to be able to have a mother again, even if it may be a long road of trusting, I just hoped Clarence would stay for the long one. 

Maybe I could marry this girl one day, when I had the money to do so. When Ellery was a little older, but still little enough that she could be my cute little flower girl. I didn't want it to happen yet, but a little later, down the road, when we were all ready. When we were out of college, and I had a job that I could keep down. 

Swaying a little, Clarence and I danced a little to the soft music that was playing, I pressed another kiss to the side of her head. I knew that she would be smiling and maybe blushing a little, as was I. This was new territory to me, as I had never felt love this deep for another women, other than my little girl. 


thoughts? xx

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thoughts? xx

this is a bit of a filler chapter for y'all as I had no ideas for this book. 

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