Chapter 10

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In the Operating Room, the Decepticon is looking over Maine, who is unconscious and strapped to the table. Y/n has numerous wires attached to the down Edgerunner crew leader, analyzing everything about him. Height, weight, Blood type, everything about the leader. Y/n is typing in the supercomputer he installed in the Operating room to see exactly why Maine is developing Cyberpsychosis. 

Y/n: "There have been many theories regarding cyberpsychosis. Mainly it's caused by having too much Chrome on you. Too much than your human body can handle. If that's the case, then half of this city, maybe even the nation, is at the start of developing it since everyone has at least a piece of cyberware installed in them. There should be something more than that." He said to himself as he looked at Maine's cyberware that's installed.

Y/n walked away from the computer and his visor began to light up, to a long list of Decepticons. 'If I'm going to operate in Maine, then it's best to do it with the Decepticon that has the most... logical ideas and experiments.' "Decepticon Selection, "Shockwave" selected. Begin Transformation." He commanded in a monotone voice.

The isekai champion's body began to glow before he was engulfed by the bright light. Once the light died down, his new body was deployed. He is now the Decepticon's most prized and very dangerous scientist, whose experiments and projects caused a major advantage to their war against the Autobots.

 He is now the Decepticon's most prized and very dangerous scientist, whose experiments and projects caused a major advantage to their war against the Autobots

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The newly disguised Shockwave then walks up to Maine as his optics begin to scan his cyberware. 

Y/n: "Maine is equipped with Cyberoptics, Cyberaudio, EMP Threading, Projectile Launch System, Gorilla Arms, and lastly some CyberLegs. He must have had a few of those installed during his time in the military. Meaning that he was properly installed by a trained militaristic Ripperdoc. There wouldn't have been any errors or be equipped with trash chromed. These looked properly constructed by the manufacturers and were sent to the Armed Forces." He said to himself as he walked up to the computer to get an overview of the cyberware.

As he continued to scan the Chrome, his computer began to detect some errors. The Decepticon types in a few keys to get more data about the errors appearing on the screen. The computer screens show that on some of Maine's cybernetics, there seem to be glowing spots on them.

Y/n: "Hm?" He then types to get an overview of one of the cyberware. 

As he reads the brief description of the chrome, the cold-hearted scientist then sees a familiar icon appear on the screen. A bio-hazard Icon appeared on Maine's Cyberoptics.

Y/n: "It will be highly illogical for a man like Maine to have contaminated cyberware implanted in him. Especially his eyes." He then typed in the computer to get a complete scan of the bio-hazard. 

The computer did a complete full scan of the Cyberware, as well as the others. After the diagnostics of the chrome were complete, he finally got the results that he was searching for. 

Y/n: "From what I remember, Maine gets his Cyberware implanted by the same Ripperdoc that implanted the Sandevistan on David. I also remember..." He stops talking and typing on the computer after he realizes what he remembers from the show.

Y/n slowly typed a scan on what was the source of the contamination and the results were what he expected.

Y/n: "...It seems the first thing the idiot forgot to do before an operation... is wash his hands. Or in this case, clean his cybernetic arms since they have been used over and over again." He said with an emotionless sigh. "All of that unclean blood, unsterilized equipment, and messy work area, makes the Doc unqualified for implanting these. Including Black Market Tech and Drugs." He said to himself while looking at the sleeping Merc. "Guess it's time to clean him up." He said as he pressed a button on the keypad and a wall vault of Medical equipment and engineering tools appeared next to Maine.

Y/n then pressed a button on his left wrist and two of the sliding doors that were on the left side of the room began to open, slowly revealing what was stored inside. It was the DD-13 medical assistant droid, also known as the DD-13 cybernetic surgical droid and the 2-1B Surgical droid from the Star Wars universe. Y/n constructed them during his first few days when he joined the Mox.

 Y/n constructed them during his first few days when he joined the Mox

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Y/n pressed another button on his wrists, making the medical droids be activated. He then commanded the droids to get into positions and to be on stand-by.

Y/n: "Fixing you now instead of later, is Logical. Not just to me and my plans to destroy the Corporations, but to ensure the Mox's safety and survival." He said to himself as he walked up near Maine. "Let's begin the operation." He said as his single optic began to glow as both droids also got near Maine with the 2-1B droid injecting the anesthesia in Maine's body and the DD-13 droid having its limbs on Maine's Cyberoptics.

It's time to help this big dumb S.O.B.

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