arms of comfort

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double update (or should i say triple since I've updated yesterday too?) bcuz i feel like it
hope you enjoy folks!

"hey y/n! how's it-" your brother's friend's voice died down, his whole body turning to look at you from where he was seated on the couch. "who the fuck did that to you?" his voice was suddenly stern and heavy, he was angry and mad.

you were doomed.

halting in your step, your previous effort of going into your room without your brother or his friend, c/n, noticing anything was apparently unsuccessful. you were holding your head down, hoping your hair would be enough to hide the tears streaming down your cheeks on your way to your room from the hallway.

but of course c/n just had to be too noticing. at least your brother was not present in the living room at the time - for who knows what strange reason he left his friend in his living room by himself - because you certainly would not have enough energy to deal with two overly protective and worried boys.

you forced yourself to meet his concerned gaze, e/c orbs staring into yours with thousands of questions lingering inside them and yet asking none, waiting for you to speak up on your own cue.

"it's nothing," you faked a laugh, wiping the salty water off your face with the backs of your hands hastily. you wanted to sprint to your room now and lock yourself in there, but the boy you so wished not to see you crying ugly like that was faster than you. he grabbed your hand before you had the chance to actually start moving, and hid you in his warm embrace.

"don't say that. i can clearly see something's happened. i'm not going to leave you alone when you're sad," the soundwaves of his voice somehow managed to reach your ears even though your head was pressed against his chest so tightly one could think it was impossible to hear anything. but his voice was loud and clear.

you had known c/n since you were small. you and your brother were only a year apart and you always shared friends. c/n had been an important friend of yours, too, and you knew you could trust and rely on him, at all times.

"actually, i dumped (random/guy's/that/you/want/dead/name)," you decided to finally tell him, even though he never urged for any answers. you moved to sit on the couch instead of standing in the hall.

"you dumped r/g/t/y/w/d/n," he simply repeated after you. it was still not explaining as to why you were crying. if someone was to reject someone, usually the one rejected would be sad, not the other way round, or...?

"yeah," you nodded as you sat sideways on the couch, facing him. he was still holding onto your hand. his skin burned with warmth on your own. "so he accused me of leading him on and called me a bitch in front of the whole grade," you went on to further elaborate.

"that dick," c/n muttered after the explanation, then addressed you again, "do you want me to go and kick his balls? i'd make sure that boy would not be able to reproduce any of those stupid genes he's got."

that made you laugh, but only for a bit as you remembered the all the embarrassing situation again and another gloomy look overtook your face.

"oh, you know he doesn't deserve you anyway." he pulled you into his arms once again, burying your head in the crook of his neck, the smell of sweat and shampoo filling your nose. he rubbed circles on your back soothingly. "you're the best girl in the whole world, you can have anyone. don't let those words or that prick get to you, mkay?" he squeezed you tighter.

you can have anyone?

can i have you? you wanted to whisper. because, truthfully, that was the mere reason you had rejected him - because you still could not let go of the hope that maybe, c/n liked you back. that, maybe, you'd come home and you'd have c/n confessing to you, too.

but you came home and had c/n comfort you instead.

he really probably just sees me as a sister...

you pulled away from him, your tears falling down from your chin and drying on your cheeks.

"is that what you think of me?" you asked in a small voice instead of saying what you really craved to say to him. yoi didn't dare look at him anymore with your eyes red from crying.

since you wouldn't look at him, he lowered his head and peeked at you from under. "of course i do. because it's true."

the corners of your mouth flew slightly upwards by themselves. you had stopped crying, too.

"there you go! now, that expression suits you sooo much better."

you smiled harder, completely forgetting the event that had made you cry in the first place. and seeing you become better again, c/n smiled widely too, shining with happiness.

and then his smile died down, a thoughtful expression replacing the joyful one. "honestly, i would not want to be your boyfriend if i were him. i'd be too scared for my life."

"what?" his statement made you confused. furrowing your brows slightyl together, your smile fell down as well.

"because if he became your boyfriend, i'd get so insanely jealous that i'd probably break his jaw."

"what?" you couldn't form a proper sentence in your head, could hardly gulp. so you just blandly repeatedly yourself again, although your rising heartbeat in your throat was making it harder to speak.

"i wouldn't be able to stand it if someone else became yours sooner than me. i wouldn't be able to stand watching you be happy with anyone else. i've always belonged to you. always, y/n."

was he really confessing? his eyes were so full of shimmering hope and love you thought you were going to start crying all over again, only this time it would be of happiness.


"you don't need to say anything. i know. i see it," he cut you off, leaned in and was about to give you a kiss, until-

"wait! where's my brother, anyway?" you suddenly exclaimed, afraid he'd suddenly jump out of some room and see you and c/n getting all intimate on the couch.

laughter bubbled out of him. "he's dead asleep in his room because he stayed up all night even after i refused to play games with him because you know, i need my beauty sleep," he cockily ran his hand through his hair as he said it, then became more serious again as he leaned in to finish what he started.

this time, you kissed properly.

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