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The room was shrouded in darkness, the only source of light being the faint glow of the moon seeping through the tattered curtains. The air was heavy with a sense of foreboding, as if something sinister lurked within the walls. The room had a history, a dark past that whispered through the cracks in the floorboards.

As I stepped inside, a chill ran down my spine, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. The room seemed to come alive, the shadows dancing and twisting in the corners. I could almost hear the whispers, the echoes of long-forgotten secrets.

The walls were adorned with faded wallpaper, peeling and curling at the edges. The furniture was worn and tattered, as if it had witnessed years of neglect and decay. The bed, once plush and inviting, now sagged under the weight of time.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I explored the room. It was as if the very essence of evil lingered in the air, seeping into my pores and infecting my thoughts. I knew I had stumbled upon something sinister, something that would consume me if I dared to delve deeper.

As I stood in the center of the room, a sudden gust of wind blew through the open window, extinguishing the lone candle that flickered on the bedside table. The room plunged into darkness, and I felt a presence, a malevolent force that seemed to surround me.

I knew then that I had entered a realm of darkness, a place where nightmares became reality. The room was not just a room but a gateway to a world of horrors beyond imagination. As I took my first step forward, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever escape its clutches.

As I cautiously moved further into the room, my heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing in the silence. The darkness seemed to press against me, suffocating and oppressive. I could feel eyes watching me from the shadows, unseen entities lurking just out of sight.

The floor creaked beneath my weight, the sound reverberating through the empty space. It was as if the room itself was alive, groaning with the weight of its secrets. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being drawn deeper into its grasp, like a moth to a flame.

A faint whisper brushed against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I strained to catch the words, but they were elusive, slipping through my fingers like smoke. The air grew colder, my breath visible in the dim light. I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to ward off the chill that seemed to seep into my bones.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught my eye. I turned towards it, my heart racing. In the corner of the room, a figure stood, shrouded in darkness. It was tall and slender, its features obscured by the gloom. Fear gripped me, but curiosity pushed me forward.

As I approached, the figure seemed to retreat, fading into the shadows. I followed, my footsteps echoing in the empty room. The walls seemed to close in around me, the air growing heavy with anticipation. I knew I was on the precipice of something unimaginable, something that would change me forever.

But just as I reached out to touch the figure, it vanished, leaving nothing but a lingering sense of dread. The room fell silent once more, the darkness swallowing me whole. I was alone, trapped in a nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape.

I knew then that I had stumbled upon a malevolent force, a presence that fed on fear and despair. As I stood in that room, surrounded by darkness, I made a vow to uncover its secrets, no matter the cost. For I had become entangled in a web of horror.

I suddenly woke up panting while sweating as the sound of the alarm clock echoed on my ears... "What the hell was that?" I whispered to myself as I looked into my alarm clock, fuck! How the hell this alarm clock sets on 8:30 am? I have classes... I groaned as I got off my bed and went into the bathroom to get myself ready.

That dream... no. That nightmare, it felt so real. Like, it's just so fucked up, damn. I shouldn't watch horror movies too often, it's making my life shorter. but seriously, that building is goddamn familiar, that room felt like a whole lot other dimension, but I wonder if there's such place like that... I mean, eerie and haunted, that would be so cool to explore.

Maybe that tall, slender shadow was my sleep paralysis.

As I stood in front of the mirror, trying to shake off the remnants of the nightmare, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The image of that tall, slender shadow lingered in my mind, its presence haunting me even in the waking world.

I quickly brushed my teeth and splashed cold water on my face, hoping to wash away the lingering fear. But as I looked into my own eyes in the mirror, I couldn't help but notice a hint of darkness within them. It was as if the nightmare had left a mark on my soul, a stain that couldn't be easily erased.

I hurriedly got dressed and grabbed my backpack, eager to leave the confines of my apartment and escape the lingering sense of dread. As I stepped out into the hallway, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching me, lurking in the shadows just out of sight.

The walk to my classes felt longer than usual, each step filled with a sense of foreboding. The campus, once bustling with students, now seemed eerily quiet. It was as if the nightmare had seeped into reality, casting a dark cloud over everything.

I tried to shake off the unease and focus on my studies, but the memory of that nightmare kept creeping back into my thoughts. I couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth to it, if there really was a building like the one in my dream, filled with dark secrets and haunted corridors.

As the day went on, I found myself unable to concentrate. The words on the pages of my textbooks blurred together, the voices of my classmates became distant echoes. All I could think about was that room, Room 17 in Building 1349.

Curiosity gnawed at me, urging me to investigate further. I knew it was foolish, that I should just forget about the nightmare and move on with my life. But the allure of the unknown was too strong to resist.

That evening, as darkness descended upon the campus, I made up my mind. I would find Building 1349 and uncover its secrets. I would face my fears head-on and prove to myself that it was all just a figment of my imagination.

Little did I know, the journey I was about to embark on would take me to the darkest corners of my own mind, where reality and nightmares intertwined. And in that twisted realm, I would come face to face with the true horrors that awaited me in Room 17.

to be continue...

dark's note:

hi! i hope you like this opening, long live humans :>

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