Chapter One

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'The classroom was lit perfectly, despite the light being kind of dead and leaving a dim shine. The sun lit up the room the rest of the way, no doubt because it was in the middle of the day. Early morning and noon were the best times to be in this classroom, any time after these made the classroom somewhat eerie and uncomfortable. At this time though, it was lit perfectly.

I sat in the front second seat from the window, quietly eating my lunch. I'd usually bring it here and eat with the teacher since I didn't really get along with many of my peers, and the ones that I did had club activities or meetings today. I stared down at my mac and cheese, and began shoveling the peas I had into it. Strange, I know but I liked it. Seemed more normal to me than ketchup in mac and cheese. I'd seen a girl do that before, her name was Eliza. She was allergic to just about everything, apples, oranges, peanuts. You name it, she was probably allergic. On top of that, she had horrible asthma too. Kind of feel bad for her, it flared up at random times and more than once this year she had to be taken out of our school in a ambulance. I finished eating my mac and cheese, and was just about to drink my milk when I heard giggling from the end of the hallway. Hopefully it isn't anyone unsavory. I opened my milk and chugged it, once it was all gone I placed it back on my tray.

A few minutes passed, and the giggling got louder and louder until a group of girls walked in. I recognized them, unfortunately I do not really get along with them. I hung my head and stared down in an attempt to avoid grabbing their attention. Of course, this didn't work.

"Oh look at this!" One girl, the one I recognized as Ava. She was pretty as a painting, but her personality was awful. I honestly couldn't fathom the idea of someone wanting to date her, especially not my foster brother. Of course, I guess he was just as equally awful as she was. "Glad you graced us with your lonely presence, are you?" Her voice was annoying, and I wanted to talk back but I held my tongue. I didn't want to make the situation worse, but... as always I didn't need to do anything to have them continuously harass me.

"Seriously, what are you even doing here?" Emily, Ava's personal informant spat out. "Don't you have a hole to crawl into or something?" She sneered, it was an expression I was all too familiar with. I clenched my fists, closing my eyes tight as I tried to maintain my composure, of course this never really helped.

"Maybe if you put as much effort into making friends as you did shoveling food into your mouth, you'd have more!" mocked Zara, Ava's back-up friend. In case Emily ever decided to ditch her. I thought it was funny, the fact that Ava's friends could leave her at any moment. Drama wasn't far from these girls, and it wasn't going to be long until they're at each others throats instead of mine.

"Or! Or! Maybe if you didn't eat so much, your parents wouldn't of left you!" The girls began with another barrage of insults relating to my family-life, some of them bringing up the fact that my foster brother barely even notices my existence.

"Did you even have a family? I guess we'll never know, the only family you have now is that foster family... but not even your brother will accept your existence!" Ava, as usual had a malicious smirk lacing her lips, it made me unbelievably angry, I just... had to say something.

"Seriously? 'A hole to crawl in'? 'your parents left you'? 'Your foster family won't accept your existence'!?" I made whiny face, and then rolled my eyes. "Can't you guys think of anything else to say to me?" I asked, annoyed while looking over at Ava, Emily and Zara, who's faces were twisted in surprise as they hadn't expected me to fight back.

"... Oh little orphan, I think you need to cool down." Ava said, her smirk widening as she opened the milk she had been carrying, and then dumped it over my head. Emily and Zara followed suit, emptying their milk cartons onto my head. I sat there, drenched and surprised. I felt tears beginning to well up in my eyes... I hated it, I hated it... I hated HER... I'm going to...

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