Sita's pain

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On the next day, Sita was joining the mental asylum as a psychiatrist. She was getting ready in a purple saree, which was given by Sunidhi.

When she got downstairs, she saw Veer and Dadi Ji were having their morning drinks.

" Sita beti, are you going already?"

Sita nodded and looked at her husband, who ignored her. She sighed and was about to step outside.

" Be home by 7 pm. Don't be late." He said in a cold voice.
" Ji, Veer Ji."

Sita said and was about to leave again.

" Take the black car, the driver is already there." He said again.
" Ji..."

She left finally. She reached asylum and introduced herself to everyone.

" Namaste, I'm Sita Ra... Chauhan. I hope we will get along well." She smiled.
" Hey, I'm Minakshi Singh. I'll take you to the head doctor, Mr Dubey's cabin. Come with me."

Sita nodded and went beside Minakshi. Dr. Dubey was probably in his 40s. He had fancy glasses on. He didn't look like aged or something.

" Oh, hello. Sita, Sita Chauhan, right?"
" Yes, Dr. Dubey."
" You can leave now, Miss Singh."

Minakshi left. Sita was standing there.

" So, you're married, Sita?" He asked while looking at her.
" Yes, Dr. Dubey."
" I'm Vikram. You can call me Dr. Vikram."
" Oh... but..."
" No buts, Sita..."

Sita felt uncomfortable cause of the tone of his voice and the way he was addressing her. But she didn't mind anything.

" Can I have the list of my patients, please?"
" Sure. Here."

He was handing her over the list, and when she was taking her, he intentionally touched her hand. She glared at him while he just laughed.

" You've soft hands. Sita..."
" I'm leaving."

She was about to leave when he came in front of the door and stopped her.

" What?" Sita was already upset.
" Sita... you're very beautiful. "
" Dr. Dubey. I've to go!"

He put his index finger over her lips and stopped her. Immediately, a man came in and pushed him, and he fell to the ground.
Sita looked at the man but couldn't recognize him.

" Mrs. Chauhan, I'm Akshay Verma. Mr. Veer's secretary. " the man said.
" Oh..."
" You may wait outside, I've some unfinished business here."

Sita didn't say anything and left the cabin. Everyone was already outside looking at the drama. When Sita got out, she saw Veer standing there crossing his arms near his chest.

" Get into the car." He said slowly, but Sita obeyed him without asking any "why" questions.

After a while, Veer came back, and the whole ride was silent. None of them speak a word.

At Veer's room

Veer finally closed the door and glared at Sita.

" Care to explain, Mrs. Veer Chauhan, what stopped to tell all of them about your only husband?"
" I... I..." Sita was too scared to reply.
" Speak properly, Mrs. Veer Chauhan. Or did you want this to happen?"
" No! No, Veer Ji. I... I just didn't want my co-workers to stay away from me because of... because of the fear of you."
" For fuck's sake! Is this how stupid you are?! He won't be there from tomorrow but what about you?!"
" He won't be there?"

He smirked.

" Nobody touches what's mine, Mrs. Veer Chauhan. Not even my thrown cigarettes!"
" What.... what happened to him?"
" You don't need to know. But he touched you! He touched Veer Chauhan's wife!! Isn't he touched you here.."

He said while rubbing her lips, which was so damn soft. He rubbed slowly, but the sweat on Sita's forehead came faster.

" I'm feeling disgusted, aren't you?"

He slightly pushed her away cause touching her lips was increasing his hormones more and more. Then he left, leaving her alone in his room.

Sita looked at the mirror and her lips where the bastard touched her. She touched them and got goosebumps. She hated that. She bit her lips aggressively until they started bleeding. She sat down while crying. She didn't realize when she fell asleep.

Veer came to the room right after she fell asleep. He looked at her face and the blood around her lips.

" What the fuck?!"

He touched the blood which wasn't dried yet. He looked at her confusingly.

" Did she... damn! I thought she treated the crazy ones, but she's the one who needs treatment!" He whispered slowly.

He lifted her in bridal style and put her on the bed. Then he took a fresh clean cloth and put it inside a water bowl. Then he slowly wiped her lips and looked at the wound she made. Like a vampire gets attracted by blood, he got attracted. He wanted to taste her lips off her badly.

" Come on, you're her husband. You can do anything with her!" One side of him said...
" What if she takes it as a love language? No! I don't love her so I can't!" The other side of him said.

He stopped looking at her and went out to smoke a cigarette. Then he came back and saw she woke up.

" Sorry, Veer Ji..  I slept here." She said, looking down.
" How much sorry are you?"

Veer said, getting close to her. She got the smell of cigarettes and moved backwards.

" A lot. I can't explain in words.. "
" Oh really?"

Veer went closer again, and the smell hit her again. So she again moved.

" Why are you moving away?" He sounded cold again.
" I... smell... the cigarette..."
" Oh, you don't like the smell? Then let it be your punishment for today!"

Sita looked up at Veer, who was nearly 9 inches taller than her. She was 5'3".

He leaned closer and closer. Their faces were only an inch away.

" I like it, that you're not liking it."
" Veer... Ji..."
" Hmm, Mrs. Veer Chauhan?"

He leaned closer. Veer looked at the cut on her lips and again wanted to eat her lips right away. Sita was not breathing normally.

" Will you hate it if I show you more sides of me?"
" Do you have schizophrenia?"
" Oh fuck, what again?"
" Schizophrenia?"

He didn't know what that was but the word was so complicated and the way Sita said that made him feel like listen it again and again.
He finally got off from her when he heard the barks from outside.

" They are probably hungry!" Sita said, and Veer didn't respond.

He went out, and the barks stopped. Then he got a phone call, which made his mood worse again.

Thank you. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It will be good if you comment your thoughts about it~

See you in the next chapter....

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