Chapter Two.

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Author's Note:


Just a heads up... I curse, so there's going to be some cursing.

Sorry for the misspelling and the typos. I'm semi-smart, not too much.
Point of view: Luna Jennings
Location: PG County, Maryland
Season: Fall, September going towards October type shit

"You're a mean ass bitch with high standards; I will never get any nieces or nephews," Dawn said as she opened our school building door for the both of us. This was just another day of her complaining about MY love life.

I never got the lesson about love or why people desire it. My sister 'Dawn' hates that I don't want love or need it. I have plenty of love with family and friends. I don't need anyone else.

"I'm not a bitch, and I have so much love from you already... why do I need anyone else?" I said as I hugged her waist while we kept walking to our lockers, which were close to each other.

She rolled her eyes as I kept smiling at her brightly. I let her go and sped walk to my locker to avoid the conversation any longer, but no, she kept going.

"That's different, Luna. I know it's hard to find love in Maryland, especially at this school, but still, it's okay to try to find that type of love. It's not a crime. You don't have to be scared. Not everyone is out to hurt you," Dawn said, grabbing her stuff from her locker.

This time, I rolled my eyes, thinking about my first two relationships, which weren't that bad. I wasn't in love, neither were they; they were more in love with messing around and getting hoes while I sat in my room waiting for a message.

"Dawn, Everything will be okay. I'm okay. I'm not rushing it, neither should you. You don't have anyone either, and I'm not rushing you. I know this will take time, and I need time." I said as I grabbed my last few things and put them in my bag

"How you know I don't have anyone," Dawn mumbled. I couldn't hear her, so I left it alone, knowing I irritated her enough for this morning.

"Whatever, we got to go meet Amani in the fashion design department; she needs us to model some of her work before her big day tomorrow," Dawn said, closing her locker, and started walking. I followed her without question since I didn't want to hear hers or Amani's mouth.

The things I do for peace.

Giovanni Ramos

"Ma, I don't think me living with pops is going to make me feel better or help with my mental health."

I continued to look around in my childhood room, which was completely different, of course. I heard her sigh, making me regret complaining to her for the tenth time today. This move wasn't easy for her either and not something she didn't want to do but something she felt like she needed to do. I haven't been back to Maryland since my parents split when I was eleven. I wasn't sure about returning, but my mom insisted due to my incident.

"Gio, this will be a good opportunity to be around a new scenery and spend time with your dad. If you don't like it by the time the new year comes around, you can come home."

I didn't argue with her anymore and just went with the bet. I didn't want to stress her out anymore, so I just told her, "I loved her," and got off the phone. I decided to start unpacking some clothes but slowly got bored after a while.

I wanted to do something decent before going to school tomorrow, but the only thing that was chill for real was the mall. I decided to go downstairs to the kitchen to see if my dad came back from the grocery store. Once I saw him unloading the groceries into the fridge, I sighed, seeing him look upset.

I had never seen him smile ever since the divorce. Even though I lived with my mom afterward, he made sure to stay in contact with me and ensure I was okay. We constantly had our daily check-ups, and he would send me money here and there. He wasn't the perfect father, but he did his part. We never met in person because he didn't want to see my mom's face. My mom divorced him. She never explained to me why, but it's not my business.

"Hey, pops, you need any help?"

I walked towards him and saw that everything was in the fridge already. He quickly picked up his face into a smile and shook his head.

"Nah, I think I put everything away already. Thanks for asking, though, sweets." He said. He kissed my head, making me smile at his fatherly warmth that never changed. "Did you need anything?"

"Nah, I just wanted to see if I can go to the mall real quick to shop around for some things for school," I said. He nodded a "yes" and told me to be safe going since it would be raining soon. I hugged him on the way out while also grabbing his keys.

The drive wasn't long, but I ran into some traffic, nothing a little Drake and Partynextdoor couldn't do. Once I got inside, I started to walk around without a destination since I didn't know if this mall changed a lot since the last time I'd been there. I went into H&M, Forever 21, and sneaker stores around. I got a few things but didn't see anything I liked for real, so I decided to get something to eat in the cafeteria.

I decided to settle with Chinese food to chill in the seating area. I didn't feel like going home, and I wasn't ready to have a father and daughter heart-to-heart yet. Anyway, I was on my phone watching TikTok when I heard a chair sliding out from the table in front of me.

I didn't look up at first; I just continued to eat my food and mind my business. It's what I'm best at, for real. If it's nothing else, minding my business always kept me at peace.

"I would just like to enjoy the rest of the night sleeping, Dawn. I don't need to be dragged to another one of your parties after work,"

Even though keeping my peace and minding my business was top-tier for me, a little peek at the situation wouldn't hurt with my nosey ass. I looked up slightly, not trying to be on no creepy shit, and looked at whoever was in front of me. It was a female on the phone looking so tired and annoyed. Even though her vibe wasn't the best, she still looked pretty.

Her curly hair matched her outfit, which looked so good, but I stopped looking at her and just watched my TikTok while finishing my food.

"Dawn, I get it, and I would love to hang out. But I'm tired. Be safe, and I'll see you when you get home,"

She hung up the phone and started to eat her food. I guess she wasn't much of an extrovert, to the point of people begging her to go outside. I could feel that her energy was off not only because she was tired but because of something else. I heard a couple of sighs from her, making me look up at her again. She looked like she had a lot on her mind but didn't want anything but sleep.

After a while, I noticed that I was staring at her to the point that she looked up, making me quickly look back at my phone. Hopefully, she didn't notice, but she probably did cause my face was bright red. Dumbass.

Due to this embarrassment, I got up, threw away my food, and quickly walked to the entrance to leave. I stopped in front of the doors seeing that it was pouring down raining, I didn't have an umbrella or hood, so I was fucked for real.

I did not notice anything else but the rain since it was annoying me. I loved the rain when I was prepared for it or at home to enjoy it, not when I was about to get drenched and feel like a wet dog. I was about to risk it, but a voice cut me off.

"Take this, you need it more than me."

I turned around and saw the girl on the phone from earlier, but now she had on this purple hat to match her outfit, which made her even better looking. I didn't even get a chance to respond before she put an umbrella in my hand that was surprisingly out. I will just be doing shit without knowing, which scares me sometimes.

She didn't even wait for me to respond and ran to her car. "Great, Gio, Didn't even say thank you, you big dumb ass," I looked at the Black umbrella that she had given me and opened it so I could walk to my car. Once in the car, I put the umbrella next to me in the passenger seat and started thinking about that girl in the purple outfit.

Hopefully, I can see her again or not... life isn't fair like that.

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