Chapter 23

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30 minutes later

I'm looking down at my phone when I get a text from an unknown number. It's a picture of Dante kissing some random girl. It was obviously taken today as he's wearing the same thing he was in his office.

Unknown number

*picture of Dante kissing a random girl*
Looks like your boyfriend doesn't care about you

Who is this?
How did you get that picture?
When was that picture taken?

You don't need to know my name
I took the picture
It was taken 5 minutes ago

I don't believe you

That's your choice sweetheart

End of the conversation

I hear Dante coming downstairs and walk into the kitchen. "Athena what are you doing?" He asks, coming into the kitchen. "What took you so long?" I ask. "I was taking a shower" he says. "Oh so you weren't kissing a random girl while I was waiting for you?" I say, trying to stay calm.

"What the fuck are you talking about" he says, pretending to be confused. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Maybe I should have explained that when your in a relationship with someone you can't go kissing other people" I say, walking out of the kitchen.

"Athena what the fuck do you mean, I didn't kiss anyone" he says, following me. I ignore him and walk upstairs. "Athena talk to me" he says, still following me. I go into my room and lock the door behind me. "Athena let me in please" Dante says.

"Go away Dante" I say, taking off my shoes. I lay down on my bed.

10 minutes later

I hear a knock on my door. "Go away" I say. "Athena let me in before I break this door down" I hear Antonio say. I get up and open the door. "Thank you" He says, walking into my room. I close the door and lock it again. "Why the fuck is Dante so pissed off?" Antonio asks me. "Ask him not me" I say, rolling my eyes. "Well he told me to ask you" Antonio says, sitting on my bed.

"He cheated Antonio. I got sent a picture of him kissing another girl while I was standing downstairs for 30 minutes waiting for him" I tell him. "He fucking cheated on you?! I'm going to kill him!" Antonio raises his voice, opening my door and running out. I run after him, following him into Dante's office.

"Your pissed because you decided you wanted to fuck up and cheat on her?!" Antonio yells, not knowing I'm behind him. I step away from Antonio. "I didn't cheat! I swear on Luna's life I didn't fucking cheat!" Dante yells, also not seeing me. "Dante don't fucking swear on your daughters life!" Antonio yells. "I wouldn't swear on her life if I was lying!" Dante yells back.

"Dante you can't go kissing other girls when your dating someone! That's not how relationships work!" Antonio yells. "Why do you care so much you don't even know her!" Dante yells, standing up. "So you admit you did cheat. I've known her for a long time. You would know that if you ever paid attention" Antonio says, disappointment in his voice.

He turns around to leave and sees me. "You shouldn't have a fucking child" I say, looking past Antonio and at Dante. I walk back to my room before he can respond. "Athena, what are you doing" Antonio says, following me into my room. "Well first I'm going to return the shit Enzo gave me. Then I'm going to return the shit Dante bought for me" I say grabbing the pandora bracelet with the charms on it, the necklace, the ring, the swimsuit, the pyjamas, and the 3 dresses.

"Athena why are you returning it?" Antonio asks, putting the stuff in a bag for me. "Because I don't need his shit and Enzo is Dante's friend" I say."I'll take you but I have to tell Dante I'm leaving" Antonio says and I nod. I put my shoes back on. Antonio grabs the bag and I follow him to Dante's office. We walk in but Dante's not there. "Where the fuck did he go" Antonio groans. We go to his room but he's not there either.

We go downstairs and ask one of the guards. The guard tells us Dante's at a club. "Athena do you mind if we stop at the club first? I don't trust him" Antonio asks me. "Sure but we aren't staying" I say and he nods. We get into his car and he starts his car.

30 minutes later when they get to the club

"Do you want to wait here or are you coming in?" Antonio asks me. "I'll go in" I say, getting out of the car. "Alright" he says, walking in with me. Antonio immediately starts looking around for Dante and I just follow him. "Oh fuck" Antonio mumbles. Antonio starts walking really fast and I try to keep up. When I finally catch up to him, he's standing in front of Dante.

"Dante what the fuck were you thinking?!" Antonio yells. "I was thinking about the love of my life thinking I cheated on her when I was just making sure I looked ok" Dante says. "This was the only place I could think of to get out of the house and you would come here to if you were me" Dante says. "I would never go to a club and get drunk just because someone broke up with me!" Antonio yells, getting really annoyed. "You are acting like a fucking child and I am sick of it! You are a grown ass man!" Antonio continues to yell but I know Dante isn't listening.

"Antonio there's no point in yelling at him right now" I finally speak up. "Why Athena?! Why shouldn't I fucking yell at him?!" Antonio yells at me. "Because he doesn't fucking listen when he's drunk! You might not realize it but when he's drunk he completely zones out! If you would pay attention you would see that he's been staring at me since you started yelling! He hasn't moved a fucking inch because he's zoned out! You should know this as his fucking best friend!" I yell back at him.

"Why are you yelling so much" Dante asks with a confused look on his face. "See what I mean! You can yell and yell and yell but he won't listen! At this point I'm starting to think that I know him better then his own best friend!" I yell. "You don't understand him at all Athena!" Antonio yells back at me.

"Oh really?! When he's drunk he zones out all the time! When he's angry he will ignore everyone!When he's sad he will act like he's pissed off! He only smiles when he trusts the people he's around! When there's an issue he won't tell anyone unless they force him to talk! He doesn't take disrespect from anyone! But no I don't fucking know him at all!" I yell. I grab Dante's hand and he stands up. "And it takes him forever to completely trust someone" I say, walking away with Dante.

I find the car that Dante took here and help him get in. "Oh hello ma'am" the driver greets me. "Hi, I'm sorry I know I didn't come here with you but do you mind taking me home with you? I want to make sure Dante gets home safely" I say explain. "Of course ma'am" the driver says, smiling. "Thank you" I say, getting in the car.

"I love you" Dante mumbles, laying his head on my shoulder. "Dante, your drunk" I say, blushing. "Drunk words are sober thoughts" he mumbles before falling asleep. I swear to god this man is going to be the death of me. And not by shooting or stabbing me.

New chapter!!!!

I'm sorry for breaking them up right after they got together I promise they will get back together almost immediately!!!

I'm sorry for making Antonio a bitch!! I promise he will be nice again soon!!

I love you all so much and I really appreciate the support!!

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