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Lily walks up towards Jules who's watching the bodies of dead werewolves burning in a pile, Jules looks at her sadly. Lily lays her head on her shoulder as Jules kisses her on the forehead.

Jules: What is it, Stevie?

Stevie: When Brady told me what that Tyler kid said about Mason being here for the moonstone, something clicked. There was this moment back in Florida when I suspected Mason was up to something because he was banging that hot, vampire chick Kathy and he didn't want anyone to know.

Jules: [agitated] All right. Just get to the point, Stevie.

Stevie: That is the point, Jules. It's the sun and moon curse. Mason was asking me all kinds of questions about it, if it could be broken, and when that evil man-witch showed up last night, double-click. Witches, vampires, moonstone. They're putting everything in place to break the curse.

Lily: What's that mean?

Jules: We can't let them do that, baby even if we have to kill every vampire in town

Lily's eyes widens as a gasp escapes her lips, tears wells up in her eyes.


Bonnie and Caroline are sitting at a table in the Grill.

Caroline: Okay. So tell me about this big, witchy plan you've been cooking up.

Bonnie: We still don't know the extent of what Elijah's up to.

Caroline: No, we don't.

Bonnie: So, I'm gonna ask Luka to tell me what he knows.

Caroline: And he's not gonna tell you anything.

Bonnie: I didn't say he was gonna have a choice.

Caroline looks around the Grill

Bonnie: What?

Caroline: Have you talked to Lily lately?

Bonnie: Not since she met that Jules girl, the one who kidnapped you. How can she be so selfish?

Caroline: Bonnie, don't say that. Lily's our friend.

Bonnie: She had to know what Jules did, Caroline. To you. I'm sorry but John's right, she's the enemy now.

Caroline: But Bonnie----

Bonnie: I'm sorry, Caroline but that's the truth. We can't trust her anymore.


Jules is waiting outside the trailer, gazing off into the distance. Tyler approaches her.

Jules: Tyler, hi.

Tyler: You're still here.

Jules: Is that all right with you?

Tyler: That guy last night made it pretty clear that you needed to go.

Jules: And we will soon.

Stevie and Lily walks around the side of the trailer, Tyler does a double take looking at Lily confused

Tyler: Lil? What are you doing here?

Jules: She's with me

Lily smiles linking their fingers together, Tyler looks down at their hands and smiles happily at his best friend.

Lily: Listen. We kind of need your help with something.

Jules: We need you to help us find the moonstone.

Tyler: Somebody needs to explain to me what the big deal is about a rock.

Stevie: That rock helps break the curse of the sun and the moon.

Tyler: I don't know what that means.

Jules: It's an old curse placed on both vampires and werewolves.

Stevie: Vampires break the curse, they're free to walk in the sunlight, but we're stuck only turning at the full moon, aka werewolf Armageddon.

Jules: But if we break it, they're stuck as night-walkers, and we can turn whenever we want.

Stevie: Aka werewolf domination.

Tyler sighs heavily.

Jules: Tyler, if we can turn at will, that means we never have to turn at all, not if we don't want to.

Tyler: I'd never have to turn again?

Jules: There's more. Stevie?

Stevie: If those vamps are gearing up to break the curse, they must have also found the doppelgänger.

Tyler: The doppelgänger?

Stevie: Evil twin shadow person. We're betting Mason's hot, vampire chick Kathy knows all about it, so we need you to help us find Kathy. I--I have a picture. Mason brought her to the bar once. No one liked her. She was a vampire. Bad news.

Stevie looks through his phone for the picture.

Stevie: Right--right here. The girl next to Mason.

Stevie shows the picture of Mason and Katherine

Lily: Jules, that's my twin sister; Elena.

Jules: I'm sorry, baby.


Jenna: Lily, you came

Lily walks up to her and hugs her

Lily: I told you I would.

She approaches Damon and Elijah

Damon: Bestie

Lily: Hey D

Damon side hugs her, Lily looks at Elijah

Lily: I'm Lily Gilbert

Elijah: Elijah Smith. The honor is all mine.

They shake each other's hands. Elijah frowns sensing something radiating off her.

Alaric watches as Damon opens the door to the study and gestures for Elijah to enter. Damon follows Elijah in and shuts the door behind him. John walks up to Alaric.

John: What's Damon doing with Elijah?

Alaric: How would I know?

John: Because you're his little helper.

Alaric: If you say so, John.

John: Does Jenna know about your extracurricular activities? Maybe it's time we tell her. I mean, she can't stay in the dark forever.

Alaric: You're a dick.

John: I don't think you should sleep over anymore. It's inappropriate with children in the house, and that ring that Isobel gave you, that's mine. I'm gonna want that back and also we're gonna need to lock Lily up

Alaric turns and glares at him in anger

Alaric: Touch a hair on her head and I'll kill you myself

John: Oh Ric, the things you don't know.

Alaric looks at him confused, John smirks patting him on the shoulder and walks away.


Lily is perched over Jules's lap who has her hands on the sides of her face, their lips moving together in a passionate kiss. Lily moans into the kiss until they pull away

Lily: Do you have to leave?

She buries her head in her chest while Jules runs her fingers though her hair kissing her on the side of the head

Jules: I'll be back before you know it. Just let me get Tyler settled and when I get back, we'll go out to a fancy restaurant, just you and me. Hell I'll even buy a apartment here.

Lily: You mean that?

Jules: Of course I do.

She lifts her head off her chest and caresses her face kissing her on the bridge of the nose

Lily: I love you

Jules: I love you too, baby.

They share a loving passionate kiss before Lily opens the door and gets out, she watches the car drive away with tears in her eyes.

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