Chapter 9

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As I leave the gym, I can't help but feel bad for how I reacted to learning Tyler is an MMA fighter. It's just that every instinct I have tells me fighting is never okay. And even though he's been nothing but a good guy, it rubbed me the wrong way.

Still, he didn't deserve the judging eyes I threw his way. Now, the least I can do is apologize when I come back to the gym on Wednesday for my first class.

It's not his fault I have all these violence issues, after all.

Driving to the bar, I allow myself to wonder what my life would've been like if my mother hadn't died so soon. I know it's a train of thought that always puts me in a depressive mood, but one I can't seem to escape when the messed-up relationship I had with my father comes ruining my everyday life.

I wish I could be wired a little differently, but the truth is that I have way too many issues for a twenty-five-year-old.

Putting my game face on, I park my car and walk to Sugar Rush. I spot Colby and Bruce at a booth and make my way to them as I wave to the staff. Josh is tending the bar until 5 PM today and when he catches my eyes, I let out a smile. We've been working in perfect sync for the last couple of years, so I know he'll help us with hiring a new bartender soon.

"There she is." Colby raises his beer to acknowledge me.

Taking a seat by Bruce's side, I let out a chuckle. "Isn't it too soon to be drinking?"

"You know it's always five o'clock somewhere." Colby takes a sip of his beer. "Besides, I'm celebrating. Martina and I just signed the papers to our new place in Spain."

"I guess congratulations are in order." I squeeze his hand. "Though I have to admit Bruce and I are freaking out thinking what we'll do without you here."

"I'm not freaking out. I know you and I can handle things." Bruce says, making me pause. I love how he trusts me, but deep down, I know I can't hold a candle to Colby's expertise. He's been managing bars for the last fifteen years, and me... well, all I know is how to mix drinks.

"I'm just saying we'll miss you, Colby. You can expect a bunch of calls from me the moment you land in Spain," I say, ignoring the weight of Bruce's gaze on me.

"And I'm just a phone call away, Andie." Colby pats my hand. "But Bruce is right. You got this."

"Well..." Bruce opens a folder full of spreadsheets. "We should get this training started. We just have a couple of weeks until love boy here ties the knot."


After meeting with Bruce and Colby, I had to run some errands before going back to my evening shift. We've placed an ad hoping to hire a new bartender before Colby has to travel. Now, all we can do is wait as they try to prepare me as much as they can to become the new manager.

To my surprise, all the staff was happy with my promotion, but it doesn't mean I'm not a ball of nerves.

The moment I step inside my place, the smell of meatball sauce greets me, and I know Marcus is here. My heart warms at how he's always expressing his love for me through cooking. 

However, when I make my way inside and see him frowning at my laptop, I know something is wrong.

"Hey..." I say, sitting on the couch by his side. "Is everything okay?"

"Yep. I made you that recipe you sent me the other day," he says, his eyes glued to the computer screen.

"Is that homework? I can help you. I'll just have a shower first and..."

"I don't need help. You're tired. Go to bed," he cuts me off, and now I know something is definitely up.

"Okay. What's wrong, Marcus?"

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