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❥ "What are they doing?" Grayson doesn't answer me as we literally spy on our little siblings. Jameson and Avery were in the woods, and behind a tree. Even though me and Grayson agreed to work together, I would prefer our work to be outside of these two.

"Eight, eight, one. The tree." It's like i'm not even there when he speaks, because it's more so a message to himself.

After Grayson rudely interrupted my school day earlier, he forced me to leave with him. I wasn't complaining seeing as school sucks, but it was uncalled for.

"I didn't know stalking was on the agenda." I muttered and Grayson once again didn't acknowledge me. "Are you alive? Breathing?"

"With you talking? It's a miracle."

"Excuse you—"

There was a noise, and then Grayson pinned me against the wall. His breath fanning mine, his lips too close, his eyes too gray.


My voice was weak when I said, "What are you doing?"

Grayson tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "You need to be quiet. Somethings just happened." I nodded, not having the mental capacity to fight him right now.

We stood like that for a couple more seconds before Grayson released me. My body felt bare without his touch, his hands in my hair, lips close to mine—

There was another noise.

It all happened so fast. One minute I was focused on Graysons hands around my waist, and the next there was—

Blood. On me.

I looked down at my stomach to see a bright red hole staining my sweater. My vision was blurring and only one thing registered.

I'm going to die.

"Evelyn." Graysons hands wrapped around my waist again, but where there used to be pleasure— there was only pain. It hurt. Everything.

He lowered me to the ground and I heard faint calls of a name— Jameson, but everything else seemed really far away. "Stay with me, okay? Gosh I—" Grayson was trying to suppress the wound from bleeding but there was too much blood.

His hands were stained red and I almost wanted to throw up from the tang of metal in the air. I leaned back against the tree and tried to think of something— anything to get my mind off of this.

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret." He whispered to me, in the deep layers of this house.

"What?" I said, inching closer to him.

"You can't stay here. It's not safe anymore."

I frowned, "What? Why?"

He motioned for me to move closer to him and I did. "Because, somethings happened to your father and people will come after you."

Alarm coursed through my veins. "What's happened to my dad? I don't get any of this."

"I wish I could explain, but it's better like this. Safer, okay? Nobody can know."

I nodded, even though nothing about this seemed safe. Where is my dad? What the heck is happening?

"You can never come looking, Eva, not until the time is right."

"What do you—"


A gasp slips out of my mouth and I'm coughing. Blood. Blood is coming out my mouth. I don't think i'm in the woods anymore because when I look up I can faintly see tinted windows.

"She's breathing. We need to hurry." Avery is talking. I can hear it in her voice, it's her. "Ev, stay with us okay?" She's in the front of the car, and right next to me is Jameson. So where is—

I'm on Graysons lap. Oh my gosh. My head is on Graysons lap and suddenly the pain isn't that bad. For a minute.

Soft hands work their way through my hair, and I squeeze my eyes shut in attempts to ease the pain. "Oren, hurry the hell up."

"We're 2 minutes away."

Hands. I looked at my hands only to see blood staining them. It's like I dipped my hands in a blood bath. Soft whimpers escaped my mouth.

"It's okay. We're almost there." Graysons voice carries me to wherever our destination is. Once I feel the car stop voices penetrate around me until the back seat flips down.

"Evelyn, we need to get up." I try and move a little bit but it hurts and pain shoots through every bit of me. "You're going to fucking die If you don't. Please don't make me move you."

It was silent for a moment but clearly I took too long and Grayson is moving me. It hurts.


There's a snapping sound and the only thing I remember is a scream coming out of my mouth before it all goes dark.

"This is insane. What do you mean I need to—"

"Don't repeat it, remember? In fact, the only reason i'm telling you this is because you might remember this down the line. This life."

"I'm lost old man."

He chuckled, "Do you remember when you were playing with Gray and Jamie earlier? And how you hit your head on the metal bars because Gray pushed you accidentally?"

I nodded slowly, not saying anything. My head was still throbbing from it. Gray tried to comfort me but nobody would let him. He felt awful about it. I wanted to come into his room and talk about sweet nothings on his bed like we always do. But Tobias wouldn't let me.

Tobias. Tobias. Tobias—

"Oh, she'll be alright." It was dark. The windows were closed and I still had my eyes shut. But there were voices.

"So you just stitched her up like that?"

"Like magic, Heiress."

"This isn't a fucking joke, Jamie."

"Grayson, please—"

"This is all my fault. First— her, then Emily, and now Evelyn.

Her. Her. Her.

It was only a couple more seconds before I drifted back to sleep.


so the drama just keeps going from here.. i'm in school and I should be studying for my spanish (speaking, NO) assessment but no. i have it rn wish me luck ok bye !! 🏃🏻‍♀️

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