The Scaaaary giant cobblestone

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i'm very sorry i honestly haven't had any ideas for writing which made it hard to write. Also i don't want to make short chapters but i might have to break it into parts again, it would be quicker but honestly having all of it in one chapter if i can, feels more natural, what do you think?

I just wanted to say my classes have started again so i can't write much or at all some times so my updating schedule is going to be a mess, thank you :) . Also next chapter is going to be like the 'mini reaction 2' chapter!

BTW let's say last chapter the birth of a hero people were shooed away. (They're gone!)


After the break, everyone came back.

Dodori was especially excited to see the guardian of boulders and taylor was also pretty interested to hear more about this hero during the ancient times.

[chapter 132: Not scared(2)]

{Hilsman looked at Cale, who was suddenly introducing himself, with confusion. However, there was someone grabbing his shoulder and pushing him back.}

Like hilsman, people were rightfully confused.

"Yea, people would normally be a bit concerned if you start introducing yourself to nothing..." Bud mumbled.

"I wasn't though?" Cale said tilting his head slightly.

"huh?" Bud asked.

"I was talking to an ancient power" Cale replied matter of factly.

"Oh yeah, mm hm" Bud sighed, turning away.

{"Stand still."
"Excuse me? Hek, yes sir!"

It was Eruhaben.}

"Another dragon-nim followed him?!!" A Noble blurted out, shocked.

"...This human must truly be great that the esteemed dragon-nim followed him..." The elves conspired. 

'haven't i been interacting with this punk this whole time? Are they that dumb?' Eruhaben wondered.

Mila who heard them wondered if she should step up and stop the elves, but as soon as an elf asked if cale was actually a human, more theories started flowing around, heck she found them funny and hopefully no harm would be done to anyone except cale's future goals.

{Raon was next to Eruhaben and holding his head up with his short paws as he observed Cale.

'Our human is in a weird state.'}

"what a weird human...and dragon" Eruhaben* mused, still thinking about the previous chapter with the eccentric little dragon and contradictory punk and the rest of the gang.

{All sorts of different powers of nature were surrounding Cale right now while the power of earth was coming out from between the cracks in the boulder.}

"Cale-nim..." Choi Han sounded annoyed, he didn't want to think what would happen after cale had used all his ancient powers. It looked like his powers were going out of control. It had a certain beauty to it that made choi han and others stare but choi han remembered everytime cale had gotten injured and bloody from his ancient powers, he didn't have a memory like cale but it was so vivid, it became a nightmare of his. 

To see the person who saved him and showed him kindness again, drenched, bathed in his own blood... but still fighting until he fainted.. He was sure he would never forget, he couldn't.

{Eruhaben also noticed this and moved back.

Ancient powers had to be earned on your own. Others could not intervene to help. They could stand guard in order to protect the person, but Eruhaben didn't think a Dragon should stoop down to the level of guarding a human.}

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