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A few days had passed, and the dissection project was nearly over. Clemensia seemed to have gotten used to Sejanus as her partner.

She'd see him and Liville arrive, and then whisk Sejanus away as soon as they neared the laboratory. That morning, she'd caught him right at the door, giving a quick, "We have to go to the garden to get more samples."

Sejanus rolled his eyes. Just the night prior he'd complained about how many samples Clemensia collected, stating she must have her own garden that she's trying to plant at home with all the clipped flowers they'd procured over the week.

Sejanus bid Liville a farewell before departing. He was always so sweet with his goodbyes, and it made Liville feel special that he missed her when she was gone, even if it was just for a few hours.

Now alone, Liville walked down the hall, knowing Coriolanus was already in the science laboratory. He had been there the last few days, right at the day's beginning, getting there earlier than her and the rest of the class.

As she neared the corridor, she heard her name called out.

"Liville...Wanless, correct?"

Suddenly, she was greeted by a boy who began walking next to her. She recognized him as her classmate, the one who'd been snippy with Sejanus her first week there.

"Wanless, yes," she nodded. "Your name was...Festus?"

"Festus Creed," he grinned, keeping next to her. "How are you finding the Academy? Up to your standards?"

She answered politely, "Yes, of course." Though, she didn't have too many standards for a school.

"But you're still stuck with Coriolanus," he mumbled. "How tragic for you."

She hesitated, slowing her step. She defended him, "I wouldn't say tragic. He's a good class partner."

"Mhm," Festus said, obviously unconvinced. "I'd be mindful around him, if I were you."

"Mindful?" What an odd thing to say.

"Or, careful," he clarified. He stopped in front of her, making her stop with him. Ducking his head closer, he lowered his voice to say, "Coriolanus is the kind of person to get as much information as possible on people, to use it against them later. Ever notice the way he watches everyone?"

Liville didn't like the sly insults. Again, she defended, "Perhaps he's just observant."

Festus chuckled. "Please. He doesn't observe. He lurks. He lingers in the back of crowds, watching. He eavesdrops. Taking in what he can and giving as little information on himself as possible."

That couldn't be true, Liville thought. She didn't think he cared enough about anyone to eavesdrop. She was sure that if he had the choice, he'd be the only student at the academy.

"Some people just like to keep to themselves," she told Festus.

He gave a quick, "I suppose." He threw her a smile before saying, "But you don't have to. I'll catch you later, we'll chat some more."

There wasn't much room left to reply before his name was called from up ahead. His class partner, Arachne, rushed him to hurry up. She glanced at Liville only once, before rolling her eyes and snapping at Festus about being too slow, and both of them disappeared into the classroom.


Coriolanus always paid more attention to his workbook than anyone else in the world.

He paid so much attention to it that he might as well have worshiped it. Liville knew he was a good student, but his loyalty to his studies was one she'd never be able to top.

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