16|fear forces respect

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There stood Coriolanus Snow in the entryway of the train station in District 4. He wore the same smirk he wore just hours ago in the Presidential Palace.

It was almost unheard of for the president to make specific visits to a district, unless it was for important business or events. It certainly wasn't for something like this.

There stood Pearl Bazin holding a Peacekeeper's gun. Mascara stained under Pearl's eyes, and her body was tired. Her shaky hands tried their best to hold onto the gun firmly, and her dagger eyes focused on Snow.

"I'm going to kill you," Pearl said suddenly.

Snow took a step forward. "Really? I thought you didn't want to be in the arena anymore, Pearl."

He chuckled, seeing her shaken reaction. "You can take the victor out of the game, but you can't take the game out of the victor," Snow whispered.

Pearl's anger only continued to build up. He put her into the games and through torture, he taunted her, and he killed her family. Snow was her sworn enemy. Yet, he was also her first kiss.

"Who came up with that stupid saying?" Pearl mumbled, trying to stop the tears forming in her eyes again.

"I did, rose."

Pearl tried to keep a confident posture as Snow stalked her like prey. "You killed my family. I don't know what you want from me, Snow! You kiss me, and then you take everything from me. If you're trying to get me to respect you, I don't know why you would do this."

Pearl didn't even realize that she was beginning to sob. Snow had gotten even closer, his hand extending to wipe a tear from her face.

"Fear forces respect."

Pearl slapped his hand away, raising the gun further. "I wouldn't come any closer, Snow. I have the upper hand for once."

Snow lightly chuckled, looking around the two of them. "You don't think I have eyes everywhere as the president? You may have one gun, but I have at least fifty guns aimed directly at your head right now."

Pearl copied his actions, looking around and trying to locate at least one sniper. How had she not seen this coming? Snow has connections, and he has all of Panem under her control. That's how he was able to get her family.

If Snow wanted someone gone, they were gone.

That means he doesn't want her gone. He's made that clear. Is Snow keeping her alive just to torture her?

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