44. In which Wen Zhihao procrastinates

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By the time Wen Zhihao awoke the next morning, Sun Fuyu had already gotten up and was training as he usually did in the early dawn light. Today, it seemed as though his movements were more rigorous and full of energy than usual, his bright brown eyes clear of yesterday’s gloom.

Wen Zhihao felt that Sun Fuyu had put the matter of his family behind him, but he continued to watch carefully just in case.

They went back to the sect for breakfast.

When Liu Jing saw Sun Fuyu’s overflowing happiness, and the extra concern in Wen Zhihao’s eyes, her brows crinkled slightly. Aiya, what happened yesterday? Did Xiao Fuyu’s dinner date plan go well? Do I need to twist Xiao Wen’s ears?

“Did you have a good day yesterday?” she asked Sun Fuyu kindly.

Sun Fuyu nodded with a shy smile. “Hm!”

“Wasn’t it my birthday?” Wen Zhihao grumbled. “Aunty Liu, make something good for Xiao Yu.”

“That’s right, and you will only get to eat if Xiao Fuyu lets you,” Liu Jing replied with a roll of her eyes.

“Wen-ge can eat as much as he wants,” Sun Fuyu said. His eyes curved when Wen Zhihao patted his hair.

“I’m glad someone likes me more than Aunty Liu,” Wen Zhihao joked.

Sun Fuyu’s smile became more bashful.

Wen Zhihao was filled with the urge to hug him tightly, but he had to resist! He didn’t know why he had to resist, but it felt like he should!

“Go and help Old Tang,” Liu Jing said, narrowing her eyes slightly at Wen Zhihao.

What kind of thoughts are in his head so early in the morning!

“Yes, aunty!” Wen Zhihao said.

“Yes, aunty,” Sun Fuyu repeated.

“Xiao Fuyu is such a good young man,” Liu Jing said. “Your breakfast will be ready when you come back. I’ll make something light, okay?”

“Okay,” Sun Fuyu replied.

They helped Old Tang and returned to have a light breakfast of sweet silken tofu pudding. Wen Zhihao also tended to the fruit trees, giving them some extra qi so that the mangoes could ripen faster. Sun Fuyu then had to go see his mentor Liu Zhongmin for training, full of energy and hardworking aura.

Affected by Sun Fuyu’s diligence, Wen Zhihao headed back to his room to start making a few more brush pens instead of immediately having a morning nap.

The work was mechanical, yet required enough brain-energy that allowed him to procrastinate on thinking what to do about the Thing (his feelings). Remembering all the dog blood romance that characters embroiled themselves in was too scary, ba!

Within the week, the mangoes, which had received extra care, ripened. Sun Fuyu happened to be there when Wen Zhihao announced that the fruit was ready to eat. With spatial storage rings, storing the mangoes at peak ripeness for later was not a problem. But Wen Zhihao felt that eating them literally fresh would taste nicer, even if it was all psychological.

Wen Zhihao picked the most fragrant and sweet mango and sliced it immediately for Sun Fuyu to eat as a dessert after breakfast.

Sun Fuyu enjoyed it, his eyes curved in happiness. He found that sweet foods were extra sweet when Wen he gave them to him.

“But I can’t eat it all! Here, Wen-ge!” He wanted to hold the morsel of mango to Wen Zhihao’s mouth, but shyness—other people were watching!—made him hand a slice of mango to Wen Zhihao’s hand instead.

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