Chapter 2

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Eleanor smiled brightly despite the rain pelting her car as she watched Callahan walk out of school, he was talking to a girl that she'd never seen before while a group of people trailed close behind them

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Eleanor smiled brightly despite the rain pelting her car as she watched Callahan walk out of school, he was talking to a girl that she'd never seen before while a group of people trailed close behind them. Eleanor didn't recognize any of them so she guessed they were the new kids some of the people at the diner had been gossiping about.

"Mom!" Cal called out as soon as he was within a reasonable distance, despite knowing she would've heard him anyway.

Keeping up appearances was important, after all.

"Mom, I made some friends! But their dad got stuck at work and can't pick them up, do you think we can give them a ride home?"

"Really, ma'am, we're fine. We can walk-" a blond boy started, speaking with a southern drawl.

"Absolutely not!" Eleanor exclaimed, looking from the group of kids up to the grey sky. "This rain is only supposed to get worse, I can't with good conscience let you kids walk home."

The blond boy looked like he was about to try and decline yet again, but the blonde girl behind him was quick to intervene.

"Thank you," that's all she said before opening the door and climbing into the back seat, a very large boy climbing in right behind her.

Cal took his usual passenger side seat and introduced his new friends one by one as they piled into the car.

The blond boy with the southern accent was Jasper. The blonde girl was Rosalie, and the boy next to her was Emmett. There was also Edward, who had gotten into her car without a word while giving her a small smile. Finally there was Alice, the girl Cal had been talking to when they walked out of the building, she kept staring up at Eleanor with an almost giddy look on her face.

"Are all of you comfortable back there?" she asked as she took the car out of park, checking her rear view mirror.

"Yes, ma'am," Jasper answered with a nod, making Eleanor laugh.

"Please don't call me that, it makes me feel old," the woman replied, playfully scrunching up her face. "Just Eleanor will do, but I guess if you want to be formal Miss Beckett is fine."

Eleanor said the last part of her sentence with a slight wince, indicating that even though she said it would be fine she did, in fact, prefer the prior.

"Miss? So... no husband? What about a boyfriend?" Alice asked, leaning forward in anticipation for the woman's answer.

Cal started making a bunch of gagging noises from the passenger seat, causing his mother to roll her eyes at him.

"No, I'm actually pretty content on my own," Eleanor answered, following her GPS's directions toward the address the Cullens had given her.

"Really? But what if, hypothetically, there was this new and also single-" the small girl was quickly cut off by Edward reaching forward from the seat behind her and smacking the side of her head, earning himself glares from both Alice herself and Jasper.

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