Bonus Scene: Under the Stars

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*Note* This Bonus Scene was exclusively written as a reward for a support event on one of my other platforms, but I wanted to share it here as well since it'll later be mentioned in the story! The first few chapters of this novel are very brief accounts of Jovine and Richard's beginning together since they're based on Jovine's memories of the past before her death and reincarnation, so I thought this little snippet could add to the sense of betrayal she felt from her husband </3 Hope you enjoy this bonus scene!! 

Jovine Rainer - Age 17

Taking a sip from her delicate, porcelain cup, Jovine Rainer discreetly swept her eyes across the large expanse of the Imperial Drawing Room. Though she told herself she was simply observing the grand, elegant decor, there was someone she was hoping would walk through the door.

The resonant sound of her father's laugh caught her wandering attention. Amicably chatting with Emperor Alexander de Tristaine, Marquess Edward Rainer — a man who never really smiled much — looked the most content as she'd ever seen him before. His handsome, lined face was lit up in fond nostalgia as he conversed with the Emperor who was more an old friend than a monarch.

They were seated around a table mounted with platters of delectable goods, her mother sitting across from her where she doted on her youngest brother, Edgar, who was still young enough to cling to her side. Easton, her second brother and heir to the Rainer name, sat near her father, stiff but polite as ever as he dutifully engaged in conversation.

"It's a shame Elias wasn't able to make it," the Emperor spoke, noticing the absence of her eldest brother.

Her father's face fell, his mouth opening to answer, but as quick as ever, Jovine's mother placed a firm hand on his arm.

"Elias is still recovering his health, Your Majesty. We thank you for your prayers," she smoothly intervened.

Her father thinned his lips but took his wife's hand — a comfort he reluctantly sought. Although Jovine felt uncomfortable from the sudden tension and the thought of Elias, she stayed silent and proceeded to drink her tea. She retreated to the comforts of her own mind, dwelling in the silence of it as the chattering around her resumed. When the cushions beside her shifted, Jovine looked to her side to find that the Empress had arrived. Touching hands with her husband as they exchanged sweet smiles, she turned to Jovine with a spark in her eyes.

"Your Majesty," Jovine greeted happily, her face brightening in the warm presence of the Empress. She reminded her of Richard whenever she saw the same blue eyes and dark, luscious hair, but where the Crown Prince was more aloof and distant, Empress Helene held an air of cordial welcome that made her feel at ease.

"How are you, my dear?"

"I'm faring well, Your Majesty."

As the doors opened again, Jovine immediately straightened, straining her neck to see who had arrived. When a Palace Maid burst through with more trays of steaming goods, she instantly deflated.

An amused chuckle escaped from the Empress. Leaning in, she whispered to Jovine, "He's in the Observatory near the Gardens."

Jovine's cheeks flushed. "Your Majesty?"

"Richard. You should go find him. I'm sure he's waiting for you too."

At the mention of his name, her heartbeats thundered against her chest. The thought of him waiting had the blood in her veins rushing in anticipation. "Would it really be alright for me to go to him now?" Jovine asked in hesitation, looking around at her family and catching the sharp gaze of her mother who tilted her head in curiosity.

"Go to him," the Empress encouraged, a gentle smile painted on her beautiful face.

Freeing a sincere grin, Jovine quickly excused herself and headed out the doors of the Drawing Room. She felt a light flutter urging her with unrestrained excitement as she sped through the paths of the Palace. It had only been a few weeks since she last saw him, but her thoughts wandered towards the Crown Prince more and more the longer they were apart. She found herself longing for the time they spent together — no matter how brief or formal the exchanges had been. She dreamed of his distant smiles and the glint in his deep eyes. She missed him. All the time.

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