Twenty nine

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We kept battling between each other when me and Andersons gang rushed upstairs. It was a pretty big house so it was pretty challenging.

I could see my mother from afar since was yelling and crying for my father to stop this all. But of course not a word from her could end this.

We just kept shooting at each other, knocking down man left and right. And when my father noticed all his man were down and he had run out of bullets.

He threw the gun at us and jump out the window. I ran to go and shoot him but he had fled before I could get to him.

Andersons made sure there weren't no more man. I went to my mother who was tearing up badly. She was so scared since any bullet could honestly have hit her.

Mother- I'm sorry Jake. I'm putting you through this.
Jake- it's not your fault. My father for all these years made it his way. I know you were scared to say the truth, now I've come to save you.
Mother- I'm lost for words my son.
Jake- let's take back everything he took from us.

I knew he had a lot of valuable things here. We spent a good time looking for it all. Y/n even came and started helping us look for them.

I had a fear he would come back so I kept the house on lockdown. My mother was packing all of her stuff while I had my man gathering all of information we could use.

Y/n- you didn't get a chance to shoot him?
Jake- he fled before I could, I won't be at peace if I don't kill him myself.
Y/n- don't stress about it too much.
Jake- I know and just being in here gives me nightmares. My whole childhood was in this house.
Y/n- we'll make him remember who you truly are.

The police was near by and pretty sure coming over here so we left the house. My father house was now invaded by the police and swat team later accompanied by the FBI.

We were watching from afar, we went to one of my hide out places. Only close people know this spot but after getting information we needed. We were able to use it against him.

I still wonder where he could have gone. I need to find him and end his life. I was so eager that y/n tried calming me down.

Y/n- sit down, you're going insane Jake.
Jake- that's because I am! All I wanted was him dead now he's somewhere roaming the streets.

I had ordered my men to go search for the money my father had stolen from me all these years and find that guy. I couldn't let him kill my mother or y/n, if it took to kill me to leave them at peace then it should be that way.

Y/n said she was going to go get us something to eat for us to clam down. I had a bad feeling of something, I didn't want to let her go but she insisted she would be fine.

My mother was looking at me and mins baby pictures, me and him looked so like. Just form seeing the pictures we looked so happy back then.

What went wrong?

When I had turned 18 my father had put me in the Mafia business. They gave me the title of the youngest mafia millionaire. We were wanted by many police but they never stood a chance against us.

I had always thought I was an only child but after all the time knowing min was my older brother just frustrates me. " I wanted to tell you that you had a brother but your father would've killed me if I did" my mom said

I want revenged for what he did to me and my mother. I felt like min was taking his side and they probably are thinking of something to attack me.

Mother- I never wanted bad to happen to you, but my opinion wasn't valid to your father. I wanted to run away and take you with me but he would find us and it would go bad for us two.
Everytime I defended you he would beat me until I understood.

Jake- why was I born then?
Mother- it was accidental, when he found out he went crazy since he only wanted one son to take the throne.

There were many questions I had but yet so many little answers. The was a big circle that never closed through out the years of why he didn't love me.

I went out to take a break because I felt like crying but I felt to embarrassed in front of my mother. Feeling weak felt like not an option, my father put that mindset in me.

I took many breaths and went back in to hug my mother. We hugged for a very long time and I never wanted to let go. She was warm and filled my heart up to feel better.

I heard things moving around but my mind was only in my mother. This is all I needed love from my mother after all. As soon as we were about to back up...

Al that echoed through the room


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