Part 37

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Paige POV

I was in the back of the ambulance with geno holding violets hand to my chin. i had tears constantly running down my face.

"what the hell happened?" geno asked in a stern voice. i sniffle shaking my head. "i should've told her no. i should've cut the plan and went up with her. i knew she was scared but she wanted to go, fuck!" i say squeezing her hand.

i cry some more. "what happened paige?" i sigh out loud in frustration. "sierra fucking attacked her! that's what happened. ever since she met violet she didn't like her." i replied raising my voice.

"wanna know why she was distant at the airport? cause she had a panic attack. wanna know why...? because sierra assaulted her creating a big ass bruise on her stomach" i finally look up at geno.

he sits there with a blank face. "fuck" he whispers under his voice. i don't pay him any mind though. i go back to caressing her hand. i kiss the back of her. "i'm so sorry baby, i should've been there. i should've never let this happen. i'm so sorry violet" i whisper while continuing to cry.

we make it to the hospital and they take her out. geno and i follow along but stop as they make it to the place where we can't enter. i groan and continue to look at the door.

i finally sit down and geno looks over at me. "i'm sorry...i should've been there to protect her. i should've been with her i should've never let this happen to her. i understand if you hate me coach-" i say but he cuts me off.

"i don't hate you paige. you did what you could. you guys wanted to get the evidence to get her arrested." he pays my back sitting down next to me.

i sigh and look over at him. "i know but i feel like i failed" i bust down isn't more tears. a couple seconds later we hear multiple feet making their way over. i look up and see the team and violets girls.

i look at azzi and she immediately runs over to comfort me. "i failed her az, i failed" i cry into her shoulder. she shushes me and rubs my back. "no you didn't p, you're okay she's going to be okay. we just have to pray hmm?" she tells me.

i nod my head and we both silently pray together. we anxiously wait afterwards. "hey, we're going to go get something to eat. you guys want anything?" aubrey asked coming over to me geno and azzi.

i shake my head. "yea, i'll go with. you okay here with geno?" azzi says and i just nod my head scared that if i talk i'll start to cry again.

about 15 minutes later a doctor comes out with a clipboard. "family of violet auriemma?" geno and i hop up and walk over. "is she okay? what happened?" geno immediately questions.

the doctor smiles at us. "i have good news and bad news." my heart drops from hearing that. i feel my breath pick up scared of what's about to be said. "okay what's the bad news" geno says break paige out of her trance.

the doctor looks at the clipboard. "well she did loose a lot of blood. she had a concussion and multiple slashes on her arms and legs. sadly she has fallen into a coma." i feel my legs about to give out underneath me.

"the g-good news?" i ask with a shaky voice. "good news is she should be away in a few weeks. we're not sure how many but her coma shouldn't be that long" he says and i feel a little bit better about the situation.

"are you guys from here?" he asked and we shake our heads no. "okay, if you guys would like to get her home we can get her back tonight. if not then she'll stay here till she awakes. what would you guys like to do?" i gulp and look over at geno.

he sighs and rubs his forehead. "yea uh yea we want her home that'll work please." the doctor nods and flips some pages on his clipboard. "and your relationship with the patient?" he looks up at us.

"i'm her uncle and she's her girlfriend" he nods and flips the clipboard to geno. "i'll just need you to sign here letting us know it's okay to proceed." he says and geno looks over the paper before signing.

"okay we'll allow one of you to go along to be with her if you'd like. i'll let you guys talk it over. for now i'll show you to her room" he says walking away and we follow.

we make it to her room and my heart breaks even more. her head is wrapped and she has multiple bandages on her arms and legs.

i slowly walk over to her feeling my eyes well up with tears. "oh baby" i whisper and drop to my knees next to her bed grabbing her hand. i began to cry more clutching her hand in mine.

i feel someone patting and rubbing my back. i'm assuming it's geno. "i'll let you go with her. i'll make sure we get y'all's stuff and we'll head back tomorrow okay?" he says from behind me. i nod my head not looking away from my girl.
We made it to Connecticut and was in a hospital at storrs. by the time we made it in her mom was there waiting. "oh paige baby" she says and gives me a big hug. i sigh heavily and hug her back.

"i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry" i whisper to her. i feel her shake her head. "no paige, you're the best thing that's ever happened to my girl. you have nothing to be sorry for okay" she lets go and holds my face. i smiled sadly at her and nod.

"now i'm going to see her okay. i want you to take my car back to your dorm and shower and eat something please...? i don't want to see you back until 3 hours have passed, i mean it paige" she says handing me her keys.

i would protest but i know she would stand her ground. i take her keys and look at violets room one last time before walking off to her car.

i get in and sigh laying my head on the wheel. i finally start the car up and head towards the dorms.

i go in a shower. i may or may not have cried for about 15 minutes while in there before getting out. i feel numb, so numb because the one thing that could easily light up my shitty world is in a coma.

after i change, i grab my bible and sit on my knees infront of my bed and pray. i pray that violet makes a full recovery. that once she wakes up everything will be better. i pray for her mom and geno and her family member. i pray for the team. i pray for her best friends knowing how hard this is for them too.

once i'm done praying i get up and go to the kitchen and make me a small lunch. it's been around 2 hours now and i'm growing impatient.

i just want to see my girl again. hold her hand, let her know i'm there. let her know that i'm with her 100%. that i love and care for her so much.

i just want my girl.

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