Chapter 4

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The Zenrad headquarters was a massive awe-inspiring compound completely enclosed by a highly secure perimeter fence. Will looked on with curiosity, craning his neck to try and see beyond the wall to the buildings inside. The relatively few pictures he had seen of the place must have been carefully chosen, and clearly didn't do justice to the imposing facility. The car slowed at the entrance, and some sensor appeared to recognize the vehicle as having the proper security clearance because a large spike strip lowered into the ground, allowing the driver entrance. Ahead there was a small security booth, and the driver stopped at the window briefly and exchanged a few words with the security guard inside.

The driver drove him straight to the entrance of the main building, the sun glistening off the impressive glass, steel, and marble façade of the modern building.

"Dr. Veldin will meet you at the reception desk," the driver said. Will thanked him and got out of the vehicle.

Will entered through one set of large glass doors, but inside the second set of doors were locked. He had to push a small button and spoke his name into an intercom before he heard a beep and a click indicating he had been allowed entrance into the sweeping building. Just as the driver had said, Veldin was waiting for Will at the front desk.

Inside, the facility was just as expensive looking as it was on the outside. Large windows reached all the way up to the second story to let in the plentiful sunlight, and the bright lobby's flawlessly polished white marble floors shone brilliantly. A few modern armchairs and large tropical potted plants lined the walls. Instrumental jazz was playing lightly over the speakers in the lobby as the two receptionists behind the sleek black front desk typed into their computers and answered the phones. The air smelled sterile and clean.

"Good to see you, Dr. Young," Veldin greeted him, offering Will a firm handshake. Veldin was impeccably groomed, with not a wrinkle to be found on his clothing and every one of his brown hairs was combed back neatly into place. He was middle-aged but still extremely fit, making it difficult to determine how old he really was, with the only clue being the fine wrinkles on his handsome, friendly face. Will had to admit, he was a little star-struck, meeting Dr. Veldin in person. He had read every piece of research the man had published— which was a lot—and all of it was impressive.

"Today will be mostly paperwork and getting your security clearance squared away," Veldin explained as he led Will down a long corridor, "You know, all the usual bullshit," he added in an aside as if he had just let Will in on a funny joke. Will chuckled nervously in response.

A short way down the long corridor, Veldin led him through a door into an office to have his picture taken for his security badge. A brunette with glasses sat behind the desk, and offered no smile as she wordlessly took a folder from Veldin, glanced at its contents, and began furiously typing into her computer.

"Ok, we'll need your picture and a scan of your palm today," she told Will without looking up. "No retinal scan?" She directed at Veldin.

"Not today, Teresa. Thanks."

Will tried to hide his surprise but knew he should have expected this level of high-tech security at a company like Zenrad. Of course, they wouldn't have simple lock and key or even punch code locks like at his old lab. It was probably pretty standard at facilities like this, he thought to himself, as he compliantly placed his palm on the scanner to be read. A few minutes later, he left the office with a newly printed and microchipped security clearance badge.

After leaving the office, Veldin offered Will a quick tour of the facilities. He showed him where the cafeteria was first, which was complete with a large and impeccably clean dining area and the aroma of food that smelled delicious. After that he led him through several different labs in a few different wings of the building, including the primate labs and the cryogenic lab.

The facility was mind-bogglingly massive, and even though they had traversed several floors and had been walking for what seemed like miles, Will knew they had only seen a fraction of it. He was struggling to remember which direction they had come from so he would remember how to navigate his way back to the entrance if he ever needed to. And to think, this was only one of the buildings on the campus.

Finally, Veldin clasped his hands together, and offered Will a smile, "I'll bet you're just dying to see your new lab."

Will's eyes lit up with excitement and he nodded. Yes, this was what he had really been waiting for. Veldin led him into an elevator, and they went up to the 4th floor. Exiting the elevator, they went down one long corridor and then turned right down another before they stopped at a door at the end of the hallway.

"Here it is," Veldin said, "Go ahead and put your palm up to the scanner. Your clearance should be set up by now. Only you, myself, and the director should have access to this particular lab right now."

Will placed his palm on the scanner. It flashed green, followed by a beeping sound and click from the heavy metal door. Veldin turned the handle and opened the door to Will's new lab. 

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