Chapter 13: Separate Ways

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Jonathan swore he might grind his teeth to powder as he listened to Evelyn's proposal. The idea itself was absurd, but now that Evelyn had latched on to the notion that her family was somehow involved in the development of the cure, she was like a dog with a bone and she stubbornly was not letting go. If that wasn't concerning enough, she was convinced he might join her.

            "Did you hear what I said?" Evelyn asked, almost impatiently.

Jonathan nodded, "I did, I just chose to ignore you because I'm not sure when you lost your sanity. I'm sorry but I can't even pretend to entertain this fantasy! The cure? It's a fairy tale, you know, something parents tell their children at night to give them hope."

            "You don't know that for sure, you said you've heard—"

"Evelyn! There is no hidden bunker of scientists and doctors developing a cure! Let's face it everyone knows the cure is more of a myth than an actual research effort at this point. Even in the super unlikely event that any of those rumors are true, why would I come with you to search for said 'secret lab'. I'm not gallivanting off on a dead end, suicide quest with a random stranger."

"A) We didn't just meet," Evelyn protested, "we've known each other for a few days now. And B) I don't gallivant. I have a plan. I always have a plan."

Jonathan rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion. "You barely have a concept of where you are, how could you possibly have a plan?"

"I didn't say it was the best plan!"

"This all might make sense in I don't know a movie or whatever but, even someone as certifiably insane as you must admit, we know nothing about each other! You'd have to be an idiot go on a quest this stupid!" Jonathan instantly regretted his words when he saw the look on her face. Of course, she had done just that. She had come to his rescue without knowing him and stayed with him and kept him alive.

"I'm sorry, it's not... it's just that... I don't take people places."

"You took me here," She pointed out.

"That's different, I was coming back here anyways, it was convenient. I was not helping you."

"But you are helping—"

"That was not intentional,"

Evelyn let out an indignant huff. "You just helped me break out of holding and helped me find my first real lead! You cannot say that was not intentional."

"I owed you for saving my life. Now my debt is paid. That's all there is. If you think your family is still alive after all this time, you're being naïve. If I were you, I'd embrace the fact that they're probably dead, hell I'd rather it that way than if they became soulless. You gotta wake up from this fantasy world you live in and look around at reality. Yes, it is sad, it is horrific and it is unforgiving. The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be in this apocalypse." Even as he spoke the words, Jonathan knew they were terrible. He hated to say them, but she needed to hear the cold hard truth of it. "In reality, you don't save strangers. You look out for yourself. You don't go hunting down secret science bunkers. You find the first place that seems somewhat safe and you bunker down. You don't build connections, you certainly do not—"

"What?" Evelyn spat, "waste resources making radio shows?"

The comment struck Jonathan like a slap in the face, and for once he found himself entirely unable to form a response. He didn't know she had a temper or that she could be cruel, in fact, she'd seemed incapable of it. She stared him down; her eyes brimmed with angry tears but then she did something he did not expect. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

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