Chapter 4 P.2: Mates

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Xavier's POV

"Alpha, you may want to wait outside." I snap my head towards Zay, a loud growl rumbling in my chest. She narrows her eyes at me. "Fine. But I need you to calm down and stay that way." She takes another one of the paper towels and sprays it with some liquid before pressing it to the cut on Celeste's head. Celeste's eyes open wide and a loud cry leaves her lips, tears threatening to fall down her cheek. She pushes herself forwards but I put both hands on her shoulders, keeping her still. I kiss her cheeks as the first tears fall. "I'm just sterilizing the wound. It's not too deep but it's pretty wide. I'm thinking she'll need stitches." That's when Celeste freaks out. She shoves herself away from Zay with a strength I didn't know she currently carried. Celeste lands in my arms.

"Sshh, it's okay. I'm right here." She grabs my shirt, crying into it. "Zay, is there anything you can do to calm her down? Needles apparently scare her." Zay furrows her brows, thinking for a second before nodding.

Zay pulls out yet another needle. She looks at me, 'It's the only way,' her voice floats into my head. She fills it with a murky purple liquid.

"Zay," I growl.

"It's just a small amount. Don't worry, I'm going to monitor her vitals. She'll just go to sleep for hopefully a few hours." Celeste is practically shaking in my arms, halfway off the bed. "Celeste, you're going to feel a small pinch, okay? Xavier will be here when you wake up." Zay places the needle in Celeste's arm before injecting the small amount of wolfsbane. It's only a matter of minutes before her eyes begin to flutter again. Zay spends that time plugging in a monitor she kept in the room and preparing the cords. When Celeste's breathing evens out, Zay hooks her up to the vitals. Sure enough, a steady beeping takes over the room. "I didn't think she'd like these needles either. I'll take them out in a bit, once I'm sure she's not having any bad reactions to anything. I'm going to finish cleaning this cut, I'll stitch it up and then I'll place a temporary cast on her leg while she's here."

I laid my head down besides Celeste, taking a seat in a chair Zay has. Celeste still felt hot as I kissed her forehead and whispered sweet nothings I was sure she wasn't even hearing. Zay fluttered around Celeste and in and out of the room. I was barely there when she had me adjust Celeste to make the cast. She wrapped a soft purple plaster around Celeste's leg and foot. Maybe an hour had passed, maybe longer, when Zay unhooked Celeste; the beeping going silent. "She's doing okay, as well as I can hope. I'm going to get an ice pack, it should help with the fever." I nod, my eyes never leaving Celeste. When Zay leaves, I force myself to get up and make my way to the other side of the bed. Sure enough, there's a decent sized spot on Celeste's head where Zay had cut her hair and a few stitches going down her head. It still looks red and angry but I don't see any serious signs of an infection, the smell in the room is even slightly relieved. I leave the room, going to the closest guest bathroom on the lower floors. We always keep basic supplies for visiting members or pack members staying here overnight for any reason they may need to. I sift through the many items under the sink before finding a plastic box full of brushes and combs. I also grab a spray bottle, fill it with water, and detangler. There were plenty of times when I was younger where I would help Lesa brush out her hair after we came home from adventures we definitely didn't have permission to go on.

When I get back to Zay's office, Zay is placing an ice pack over Celeste's neck. She had also managed to put a gown on Celeste, still having the blanket pulled up to Celeste's shoulders. Zay looks up at me. "Alpha, I-"

"I'm okay, Zay."

"I still want to apologize. I feel like I failed you both. I should have checked her head first thing but I got caught up in her other injuries. I-"

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