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When Aaron finally returned home, Phoebe was already fast asleep... next to Janis? Aaron looked at her suspiciously, now knowing how Cady had fooled him.

"Are you in on this?" He asked. Janis simply held her index finger up to his mouth, telling him to shush as to not wake up the sleeping girl. Aaron glared at Janis and lowered his voice, ordering "You should go home." Janis obliged, grabbing her satchel and swiftly leaving. Aaron, not wishing to wake Phoebe up after the exhausting couple days she had, decided that he would instead talk to her in the morning.


The next morning, Janis picked Phoebe up, with Cady and Damien in the back.

"Hey, I'm really sorry to hear about what Regina did." Cady said, fake sincerely.
Phoebe shot a small smile at the girl, though she was still uncomfortable with what went down at the Halloween party. Damien pat Phoebe on the shoulder comfortingly.

As Janis arrived, Phoebe locked eyes with Regina, who was sitting on a bench outside the school next to Karen and Gretchen, who were deep in conversation with each other. Whoa, Regina looks really sad, Phoebe thought, noticing the blonde's puffy eyes and unusually sloppy clothing, serves her right though. As the four walked past the girls on the bench, Janis tightened her grip on Phoebe, tugging her along before Regina had the chance to talk to the girl.

"Um.." Regina started, reaching out for Phoebe, but before she knew it Phoebe was too far away. Janis shot her a glare behind Phoebe's back, then smirked at the blonde evilly. Regina scowled at her ex-friend.

Next to Regina, Gretchen and Karen became quiet, Gretchen making eye contact with Cady and sharing a wink with the redhead. Karen then pulled Gretchen around to face her, putting her hands on her shoulders. She mouthed, "What is going on?" to the girl, but Gretchen just shrugged smugly in response. They then turned their attention to Regina, who was slumped over and on the verge of tears.

"Hey, if it helps, I'm completely on your side." Gretchen falsely comforted, rubbing a hand on Regina's back, "Want me to braid your hair? We could have a spa night tonight?"
"No! I don't want you to braid my hair!" Regina snapped, then lowered her voice, "Actually, a spa night sounds really good right now, thanks Gretchen." Gretchen grinned and nodded.


At lunch, Regina didn't feel like eating. Instead, she just stabbed her fork in her cheese fries repeatedly while blankly staring over at the table Phoebe was sitting at, laughing and smiling with Janis, Cady and Damien. Regina fumed, how could they do that to their 'friend'? Lying and breaking her heart, only to pretend to swoop in and save her.

After a while of Regina quietly staring at them, Gretchen noticed her absentness and asked, "Hey, Regina? You okay?"
"Yep." Regina mumbled in response, her attention still solely on Phoebe. Phoebe, feeling eyes on her, looked up and met eyes with Regina. She just rolled her eyes, going back to her conversation with her friends. Regina's eyes welled up again; she had never been so heartbroken.

A little while later, Regina slammed her fork down, finally gaining the courage to walk over to the table and demand Phoebe talks to her. Phoebe gave her the side eye, ignoring her. "Please?" Regina's voice broke. Phoebe, noticing this, had a wash of regret over her body, not wanting to be the reason for the blonde's hurt. No, what am I thinking? She cheated, fair and square; she deserves to feel bad. Regina hung around, silently begging Phoebe - who was still ignoring her - to talk to her.

After a while, Janis scoffed and said, "Hey, can't you see she doesn't want to talk to you? Go away."
Regina growled at Janis, though obliged, stomping away. She would try again later, when her friends weren't around to speak for her. Phoebe's eyes followed Regina as the blonde stormed back to her seat. She felt really guilty, Regina seemed really hurt and eager to make it up to Phoebe.


"I just don't understand! I didn't even cheat on Phoebe and Cady has lied and said that I did, just to win her over." Regina confided in her friends later that afternoon during their spa night.
"I know, I know," Gretchen fakely comforted. She began to feel guilty, being somewhat responsible for the blonde's pain, but also kind of felt good, her friend finally needing her. Regina rest her head on Gretchen's shoulder, lightly sobbing into the girl. Gretchen rubbed her hand over Regina's back in efforts to comfort the heartbroken girl. Karen sat there uncomfortably, not knowing what to do. So, she rest her head on Gretchen's other shoulder, grabbing her free hand and holding it. Gretchen blushed again. The three girls sat there's silently like this for quite some time, Gretchen glad that she was finally needed by Regina. She didn't want to give this up for anything.


That afternoon, Phoebe hung out in Janis' garage-turned-hangout-room with Cady and Damien as well. They all comforted Phoebe as she stared blankly at the poster-clad wall ahead of her, wondering how she could have so blindly trusted Regina. Cady, who was sitting beside her on the couch, rubbed her hand along Phoebe's back comfortingly, whispering, "Its okay, now you see Regina how we all see her. We're here for you." Phoebe silently rested her head on Cady's shoulder as tears began to form in her eyes. Cady internally rejoiced, glad that her plan was working and Phoebe was slowly becoming closer with her. Soon, she would have Phoebe all to herself, Cady smirked.

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