Nicknames for royals.-Landon

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I screwed up.Again.Man.I sigh drinking the fucking orange juice I  wanted to drink seeing how she was drinking it her throat working it,lickinv her lips.I can't belive I wanted to be orange juice.A fucking orange juice.

It tastes...bitter.I thought it will taste sweet giving the fact that Mio was all over it but it's bitter.Does she like bitter things?Maybe that's that's sh ejects coming around me even though I being bitter with her.Maybe she's masochist and I'm the psycho who keeps waiting for her return.

Every damn time.I couldn't get my mind from her stare all night.I kept seeing her eyes on me even after having three girl on their knees infront of me.I couldn't get her lipps from my mind.Nor that dress making her look so fragile like if I move mu hand the wrong way I could break her.

At that moment there next to my father I had the desire to break her apart,just to make her mine.Just to hold her.Every time I see that bitch eyes on her my  mind just snapps.Every time her laugh is for another the worst part is,my heart aches.When I leid my eyes on her outside,with her dress,her straight black hair,those cute little bangs,her black dimond eyes,her little red lipps beging to be devored,her nipples hard from the cold,in my jacket.I just knew
me.I knew we couldn't have a smut night if I stayed in the house with her,all alone.

Of course the old man is smart.He threatened me to behave.He took Alice's talk to heart.Man she's smart too.No wonder whose son is he.

And all I think that's like this is better.It's better for her.
That's the right way but I'm not the good guy I'd I'd care about the right way.And I for shit don't like to he told what to do.
I stand seeing Gretha.
"When you're done with all the cleaning you can leave all of you."I say walking.
"But sir..."I snapped at her as she bowed."Yes."I went upstairs and without knocking I went in her room.
Her eyes wilded.
"What the hell?"She snapped at me.
Okay I deserve this.
"Now what ?You're going to continue ot what?"She snapped coming to me.
I sighed.Why God?Why this girl?

"You know what?Get out"What what?I looked at her like a fool standing there.When I didn't say anything she pushed me put.
"Hey!Wait let's just talk-"She pushed the door at my face.Damn girls.
"Fine then like I give a damn!"I shout and go to my room.I get ready and get out.
I call Cole.
"Are you ready for tonight,mate?"I ask trying to not give thta I'm passed.
"For sure."I'll be there with they guys.
"I'm coming then see you."I hang up.

I wouldn't be stupid enough to take my car I take a taxi and go to Dante's.
"You look like creep."I turn grin.
"Says the guy after me."He smiles.
We walk in their house.Nothing special like ours but smaller version.
I see on the sofa Dante,Andreas,Jacks and Nikko.I give Cole look making him snort.
"Finally!"I thought you died after the last weed."Nikko joked.
"Like I would giving the fact I was taking them from twelve. "I laugh making Dante laugh too.I take a chair and turn it around sitting.
"You look well."Jacks gives me knowing look.I swallow.He doesn't know.
"Thanks,cousin I  can't say the same for you though. Mommy bragged to much?"I grinned.
"Not as much as yours."He smirked.

Mom.What are you doing?

"Don't push me bitch."I narrowed my gaze."Your sister  wouldn't like it."I smirk as anger flicks his eyes he closes his mouth.The damned bitch starts getting on my nerves.
Cole cought fakely taking his book reading again.
"Anyways I called you here for the game tonight.Who's in?"Dantes looked at us.

The game,pfft he means the illegal matches  we make.At the age of fifteen I had anger issues I couldn't show if I showed it ,it means breaking the mask I decided to put on that's why  I started fighting in illegal fight clubs with a mask on of course.I wasn't short for my age.I made it there even though they didn't let kids under eighteen.I could beat the shit out of them while they  were beating mine.But I  didn't mind that.I was used to that from an earlier age with father ex  alcoholic and whore mother.

But after a couple of time I got bored deciding to go  for alcohol and weed after them it came my love,the parties.Giving the fact that people started talking about my bruises it was good idea to blame them on the old man I think he was too drunk to know if he was punching me on the face or on the ribs ,he felt bad so he didn't ask more about it.
After this it became a popular one.People wanting to test their kinks,or they were bored they would come bet on a person and watch it.

I laughed."You know me I'm out.I can't let girls down by letting this face bruised."I show off my face.
"See what I mean?"I grin.Dante sighs.
"You know from two years now you keep saying  no.I'd like to know what are you capable of."He sighs.
"Why would I spoil the fun?"I grin.
"We're in."Andreas  looks at Jacks.
"Same here."Nikko calls.
We all look at Cole.

He wouldn't .He only plays when he's in a bad mood with a cousin of mine.
I haven't heard of that so he won't.
"I'm in."My eyes wilden.
"Good then."Dante smiles.
"You have serious explanations to give young man."I hit him on the shoulder and laugh.
"I will be there with the girls ."
He nodds at me.
"Still we should be careful,I love taking risks too but  still."
I lost interest in the game a year ago letting Dante taking it fully .I don't accomplish much let's say I'm like a fan of with Lily and Britney.
"Dude I'd like to see the black mask play again."Nikko laughs.
"You're still his fan?"Jacks roll his eyes.
"He was a such a snake man..."Andreas shakes his head.Yeah I was a wild one.
"He's right that made him the center of all of this thought. "Nikko goes.
"Then why did he quit?He was just scare and exude to hide like a little mouse."


"Careful there, prince of destruction..."I teased.
"You sound really jealous right now.."Nikko and I laugh.I don't like Nikko but I hate someone badmouthing,especially when I  can't say a damn thing.
He scoffs.
"Like I would."
"I still can't belive that's your nicknames."Cole says out of  nowhere.
I grin.
"They are stupid ones put from our grandmother. "Andreas murmurs.
"He's just mad he didn't get a cool one."I teased.
"Prince of war is a cool  one okay?"He snapps.
I lean on Cole.
"Britney's is the second badass  after me of course. "He sighs.
"Princess Bee."He murmured.

Lily is the princess of dolls.Don't  let her nice action  play with your mind.She is the fakest from the fifth of us.The nickname was given to her beacuse Alice though she was the best at controlling her emotionals,the others too pulling the right  strings and playing with them making them believe she's one their side while puting the dagger in.

The same was for Jacks.He liked that,he was the prince of destruction.From young age he liked destroying everything. Making plans calmly destroying your mind slowly sliding the dagger.Alice put this damn right.On the other hand.

Andreas didn't like it.He never liked showing all his cards.He liked showing off playing with a same mask I play with.He didn't like everyone knowing he's war.From young age always making wars between me and Jacks thinking he could destroy me ,cus he was too scared coming up to me face to face.Hey,I don't blame him though.

I would be scared to if I was I in his shoes.Good think death always comes and always wins,like me.Alice wasn't stupid after all.Britney wanted it to be queen Bee she disliked how sounded princess Bee,it was supposed to be queen  Bee she'd always say.But Alice made sure to put that in our mind.

If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even be royals.So suck it up.

I  don't plan on being a prince for long ,but they don't need to know that.
Atleast not right now.

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