Chapter 2.2: Speak

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Ari pressed Sascha against the wall, kissing him into silence. He loved how, despite how assertive Sascha was in many ways, how Sascha could be so malleable, pliable when it came to intimate matters. Sascha would let him do what he will with him, but Ari knew well not to. Ari wanted more, but that more was something Sascha could not give him. Without realizing it, Ari bit Sascha's lip. Ari could taste his blood, making Ari deepen the kiss until a satisfied hum came from Sascha.

Before it could progress any further, Ari pulled away. He would have to keep their intimate encounters low for the time being until his muddled feelings dissipated. He would not get in the way of yet another budding relationship of Sascha's. It was good for Sascha to find another love interest instead of chasing after a demon such as Nis. The same could be said for Ari with his pining for Auovin, he knew.

Unlike Sascha, Ari made no attempts at finding other lovers. He had given his heart to others and there was not very much else to give. What love he had for them had already taken root and spread into every inch of him. No one else would be enough, Ari reasoned. They could not be.

Already weeks have gone by since they reconciled and Ari was growing filled with want. Sascha eyed him as he thumbed his bottom lip, deciding to stay silent. Ari thought best not to be anymore intimate than that. Not right now. When Sascha showed more attraction and intention on pursuing the man from the meeting, Ari would consider it then.

Before Sascha could gather his words, Ari left a soft kiss on his lips then his cheek. "We mustn't get distracted here, Sascha. They have kept us here and not much else has happened."

"Should we speak with them?"

Ari's eyes narrowed. He had been avoiding them since the meeting. He did not want to think of Auovin and the implications of what bringing him here may mean. Had he not used and toyed with him enough? Auovin had single-handedly torn his heart into pieces, leaving him bare and exposed to the harshness of what the world had to offer when trust was put into the wrong person.

As if noticing his unease, Sascha filled the small space between them and kissed him once then twice, Ari threading his fingers through his soft hair. How could he resist something so tempting as him? It could not be for long, Ari noted as he indulged further loving the taste of his mouth.

They separated the moment Xaaza stood by the door as if waiting for them to realize her presence. Ari left Sascha with a single kiss, a promise that he would finish what they began another time.

"This place is surrounded by forestry, but I noticed the presence of many others just beyond them," Xaaza said.

Ari's eyes widened. "So it is true what they said then?"

Xaaza nodded. "As far as this place being ruled by demons, yes. It seems her words were true."

"She gave no reason to lie. She is quite forward," Sascha said, licking his lips before wiping them.

"As they all seem to be until they are not," Ari noted.

"So what shall we do?" Xaaza said, her eyes moving between Sascha and Ari.

Ari thumbed his chin and said, "They brought me here for a reason, they said. Someone wanted me here. For reasons I do not know, but the woman took interest in me after realizing I am not... quite the same as the rest."

Sascha nodded. "Indeed."

"The only reason I can think of is to imbalance things. You heard her as she said that they do not all see eye-to-eye. Perhaps, you are meant to be here to help them, whoever they may be," Xaaza said.

Ari laughed full of mockery. "Why would they be so foolish as to think I would ever help them?"

Sascha eyed Ari, his expression darkening. "They may have something you want... "

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