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It felt like absolute magic. You felt like you were floating away but Ghost was right there to catch you. It was such a sweet and vulnerable moment, you could feel your heart pounding so hard against your chest, almost like it was gonna burst out and give him the biggest hug of love.

After a few more moments of the kiss, he slightly pulls away, your faces just barely inches from each other as his eyes looked into yours, your face a bright red from the encounter and you couldn't help but feel giddy inside and you smile at him.

He gives you a light smile back as he brings your face back over and gives you gentle kiss on the forehead, almost as if he would break you with his large hands.

You giggle a bit and you smile even more at the gentle moment of affection and you look up at him.

"Your a good kisser Lieutenant." You tease and he looks at you as he chuckles slightly "Yeah?" he responds, never having that kind of compliment before

You nod your head softly as you smile so kindly, your mind still in a haze from the kiss. You snapped out of it when you heard footsteps coming closer and you look over as you both unfortunately separated and Ghost put his mask back on, adjusting it as he looks at you, adjusting your uniform and his eyes trail over your figure but his eyes quickly avert as one of your fellow coworkers came over to check on him.

"Y/N? I thought you went back to your room already? It's late." The coworker asks, tilting his head a bit with a smile

"Ah, no I just wanted to check on the lieutenant real quick before I headed out." You smile nervously, trying to calm down your beating heart, the sound echoing in your ears

"Ah, I see. Well you can head on out then, I'll watch over him, get some rest yeah?" He smiles again at you, but Ghost notices that look in the guy's eyes when he looks at you and he did not like it. You smile lightly and nod as you look back at Ghost with a soft smile and his eyes soften a bit when he looks back at you.

You said your goodbyes and good nights as you made your way to the office, grabbing the blanket that ghost has given you awhile back, you practically bring it with you everywhere now, a new little habit. It was a sweet habit though, meaning you cherish the
e things you are given.

You head out of the med bay and head to your barracks as you step into your room and gently close the door behind you, and make your way to the bed as you set the blanket down and sit down next to it as you sigh softly from the long day and staying up so late in the night..but you felt it was so worth it..

You fingertips lightly touch the edge of your bottom lip as your mind goes back to the kiss you and Ghost shared..and you smiled so wide as you giggle to yourself and lay down against the bed, looking up at the ceiling as your heart races and your face burns with heat from the red that was forming along your cheeks.

It truly felt like fantasy..but it was indeed real and you were very happy about it. You look over at the blanket that he gave you and you smile softly to yourself as you turn over, bringing the blanket over to you and hugging it close as you lean your face into the soft fabric and take a breath through your nose, slowly letting it out through your mouth as you try to relax your body and mind.

You close your eyes once you brought yourself fully into the bed and you hold the blanket closely, like a kid holding a stuffed animal to help sleep at night.

You could feel yourself dozing off, ready to accept the fate of slumber but your mind quickly turned alert with the sound of your door clicking and your eyes shoot open as you quickly sit up and look over, your eyes adjusting to the darkness as you see a silhouette of a large figure.

Your heart races and you finally calm down once you realized who it was, it was Ghost.

" scared me, what are doing out of bed?" You ask him and tilt your head as you turn on the small lamp next to your bed as you look at him, confused

He stares at you for a moment before walking towards you and you look up at his tall figure and your face turns red as his hands cup your face, his eyes staring into yours.

"Think I would let someone end where we were?" He says, relating to the kiss from earlier and your face burns more red from his words as you gently grab onto his arms as he leans down, his face inches from yours as he slips his fingers under his mask and lifts it up so his lips were seen and he pulls you close, pressing his lips against yours.

You close your eyes instantly as you tilt your head a bit, kissing him back as you hold onto his arms, feeling that spark once again just like before.

His hand wraps their way around your lower back as he pulls you closer, closing the gap between you both as the kiss continues.

You couldn't help but smile against the man's lips, as you reach up and put your hands against his chest, pulling away for air as you look up into his eyes, your heart filled with joy and what you never thought you would have..Love.

Everything you needed was right here with him.


Heloo everyone! Thank you for patience and appreciation for this story. You guys are the best! I hope to see you again in the next chapter soon, Bye bye~

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