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{This chapter is probably gonna be 2000-3000 words long!}

8/8/1995... 1006 is gone... God, help us... I told everyone that this would happen, I TOLD THEM! Oh... In the name of God, please help us... I pray to you and ask you to forgive me of my sins, and that we can all live today... 1006 is dangerous, I warned everyone... They wouldn't listen, especially Elliot... So God, help me get home safe... *BANG BANG* *SCREAMING* Oh shit... I gotta hide... (Struggling, breathing heavily) *Door creaks, and footsteps heard afterwards. * What the fuck... red gas? (cough, cough) God help me...

Catnap POV:

I wake up, breathing very heavily. I notice that I seem to have grown. "It is time, kitty... Kill them all... Even Dogday." He says, laughing. I think to myself, "Dogday?! No!" But my body takes full control, and I can't control myself. I can't speak.

Please... I don't want to kill my puppy... please... I want to say, but I keep choking them back down. I can't talk.

An electrical door opens for me, revealing the entrance to Playcare... Shit...

Dogday POV:

I get up, hearing screams outside. "They must be having fun without me... But Catnap..." I say sadly and decide to head outside to see what it's all about.

My eyes widen, as I see people running, being thrown in the air, guts being torn out of their stomachs....

And then, I look up... A purple cat... But deformed... its spine is crooked, eyes are beady, and arms way too big and long for its body... That can't be... Catnap?

A tear comes from my eye, and I decide to run to Bubba's house, since he always knows what's going on. I barge into their door and slam it behind me.

To my surprise, all of the critters are hiding here. "Dogday!" They all say, "Hey guys! What the onions is going on out there?!?!" I yell over the screams of terror.

"It's Catnap! He's killing everyone! For no reason...!" Bubba says, "That cannot be him... That isn't the Catnap I know!" I say, frowning in shock.

"It is though!" Hoppy yells at me. I look out of the window for a second. "..." I have no response. They're right, it is Catnap.

I don't want to believe that's him... but it is...

"Jesus christ..." I say in disbelief. I begin to cry, a lot.

The noise doesn't come out, but the tears do. "No... No, no, no, no..." I say, crying even more, noise now coming.

Some of the critters come up to comfort me, whilst some watch.

"It's alright Dogday, you still have us!" Bobby attempts to encourage me, which is a massive failure, since Catnap was pretty much the only real, "us."

"Guys, just leave him alone, let him process it for a minute, and we need to be quiet!" Bubba says.

Suddenly, Catnap's hand crashes through the ceiling, grabbing Crafty and Hoppy. Their screams could be heard from miles away.

"RUN!" Bubba yells, and they all head for the front door, and I try and outsmart Catnap, by using the back window, which I successfully do so.

I run as fast as I can, the tears spilling out from my eyes.

I hide behind Bobby's house, looking over at Catnap. He grabs Bobby, ripping her apart, and then grabbing Kickin... tearing his stitches out one by one, making him suffer.

This hurts so much to watch. I sit down, hoping Catnap doesn't come my direction.

I then look to my right, seeing a staff only door.

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