The Lost Family

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Branch wakes up in his bed.

His heart is racing

He looks around

"Oh, it must have been a dream" he thinks to himself.

Branch looks around the room again

The room looks different...

Some things are missing...

He thinks this is very strange. He goes downstairs to the livingroom to ask Poppy about it.

She's not in the livingroom...

He checks the kitchen. She's not there...

"Poppy isn't here. So where is Daisy?" He asks himself

He gets really worried

He runs over to Daisy's room

He swings open the door

Its empty...

Daisy isn't in there. Other than some random items, its empty. There's no crib, no baby toys, no Daisy. Its just a storage room.

Branch searches the whole house. He cant find her. He's getting really worried.

All Daisy's and Poppy's stuff isn't in the house. Everything they own is gone

"Maybe she's outside" He thinks to himself

He takes the elevator upstairs and goes outside.

Poppy isn't outside of the bunker. He runs to troll village. "Maybe Poppy and Daisy are there with some friends." He thinks

Branch runs over to troll village

Everything looks different...

There's less houses... He doesn't understand.

He doesn't think much of it, he's mainly looking for Poppy.

Branch franticly looks around.

Then he sees...


Branch gets so happy.

He runs up to her


He gives her a hug

-Where've you been? Branch asks, joyfully

-Woah Branch, where did this sudden energy come from? You're never like this. Poppy says joyfully

Branch becomes confused. He doesn't understand what she's talking about.

-P Poppy, what do you mean..? He asks

-Branch, you never act this happy. You actually never even happy at all. Poppy says, happily

-Poppy we've been married for years! You've seen me happy plenty of times. We sing all the time together! Branch says, confused

-Branch, we've never been married. You almost never leave your bunker. Poppy says

-Why would we be married? You hate me. Poppy asks, getting confused

-Wha- What are you talking about? Branch questions

Before Poppy can say a word Branch sees that Daisy isn't with Poppy. He gets really worried.

-Where's Daisy?? He worriedly asks

-Branch, who's Daisy? Poppy asks

-Our daughter!?? Where is she?? Branch says, panicking

-Branch, i don't know what you are talking about. Calm down. Poppy says

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