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I waited next to the other alien females for the wolf to make his decision. To my utter disbelief, the colossal wolf stopped pacing and turned his head towards me.

His gaze locked onto mine, and it was as if time itself slowed down. For a moment, I saw something flicker behind those golden eyes – something human-like, even compassionate.

He moved to sit in front of me before lowering his head, eyes pained.

"Me?" I whispered, eyes wide. A shiver ran down my spine. He had chosen me over all the other stunning alien females. What? Why? Did he sense my fear and wanted easy prey?

"Looks like you're the lucky one, human," the slug-like creature smirked, his cruel eyes gleaming.

Couldn't say I felt very lucky right now, but okay Mr. Slug.

The other alien females gasped, eyes widening with shock as they took in the scene unfolding before them.

"Seriously? He chose her?" one whispered in disbelief. The others shot her disapproving looks. "What? Going with him is better than going to fight."

"Did you see the way he looked at her?" another female whispered, her voice quivering. She shuddered, wrapping her arms around herself as if to ward off an invisible chill."There's something about her... it's like he knows her."

"Knows her? He's a beast. More like he wants to eat her," scoffed the first female, though her voice wavered, betraying her own fear.

My heart pounded as their hostile gazes bore into me. Their fear was contagious, and I couldn't help but feel its icy tendrils wrap around my own heart. The atmosphere grew thick with tension, the air becoming suffocating as I struggled to breathe.

"Female..." The whisper of my name came from the alien female who I'd helped earlier. She seemed torn between curiosity and concern, her voice shaking. "Be careful."

Be careful about what? How did they all know what was going on? What did they want me to do with him, though? What could be better than fighting? Death? Was he going to eat me? I paled. Shit, he was literally gonna eat me alive.

Next thing I knew, the insectman shoved me and I landed on the already hurt wolf, so I scrambled off him so I didn't injure him anymore.

The insectman growled, yanking me forward and out of the cage by the arm. I stumbled. My legs were weak and my knees threatened to buckle under the weight of my terror.

The beast of a wolf was on my heels as we left the other females. I was acutely aware of his menacing presence. My mind was still reeling.

Clearly, the wolf was sentient from his intelligent eyes. Why did he choose me out of the line-up of beautiful aliens? Their vibrant colours and strange features made me feel plain in comparison.

"Please, don't do this!" I pleaded, my voice barely audible as I tried to resist the captor's iron grip. God, I wanted to go home. Maybe this was just a hallucination?

His mandibles clacked together, an unnerving sound that sent shivers down my spine.

"Into the cage, now!" he barked, shoving me roughly through the open cell door. I fell to my knees and the wolf growled, moving between me and the insectman. My knees stung, skinned by the concrete. Ouch.

I couldn't hold back the torrent of panic that surged through me. Shit, shit, shit!

My breath came in ragged gasps, each exhale a futile attempt to expel the fear that had taken root within me.

The beast's massive form loomed over me, his golden eyes burning with an intensity I couldn't comprehend. He turned and faced the insectmen, snarling and baring his teeth.

"Relax, mutt, she's all yours." The insectman laughed, mandibles clacking. "Enjoy. We need you for another fight soon."

The wolf focussed on me again.

"Stay back!" I cried out, pressing myself against the cold wall as my mind screamed at me to run – to escape this nightmare. But there was no escaping the brutal reality of my situation.

I was trapped in a cage with a beast who had inexplicably chosen me, and I didn't know if I should be grateful or terrified.

"What do you want from me?" I whispered, my voice cracking with emotion as I stared into those piercing eyes. There was a flicker of something there, a brief flash of recognition that vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

My heart pounded like a drum in my chest as I stared at the massive, ferocious wolf. The cage that held us felt far too small, and his golden eyes seemed to bore into my soul.

Maybe I just had to stay calm and quiet and he'd leave me alone? I tried to take deep breaths while avoiding direct eye contact with the beast.

But every now and then, my gaze would be drawn back to him, almost magnetically, as if I couldn't help but be captivated by his primal form.

He paced back and forth, his powerful muscles rippling beneath his thick black fur. His sharp claws scratched against the concrete floor.

Slowly, he moved closer, breathing in my scent. His snout gently rubbed my cheek. I froze.

My heart hammered in my chest as I held my breath, waiting for the wolf's next move. Instead of lunging at me or showing any signs of aggression, he closed his eyes and seemed to focus inward. Please don't eat me, please don't eat me, please don't eat me, please don't ea–

A low growl rumbled through the air, and I watched with wide-eyes as his massive form began to shift and change.

His fur receded, limbs contorted, and bones cracked, sending a shiver down my spine. In mere moments, where the terrifying beast had stood now was a man — tall, broad-shouldered, and ruggedly handsome. His dark hair fell in unruly waves over his forehead, framing intense golden eyes that held a world of pain and secrets.

Once he turned into his humaniod form, the insectmen left me with him – a big, naked alien male.

As the door to the cage slammed shut, sealing my fate, I couldn't help but wonder if I was making the biggest mistake of my life by placing my trust in a creature so clearly dangerous and unpredictable. 

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Virtually yours,


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