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"Monsieur, où dois-je mettre ses fleurs?"

"I don't know where to put these flowers. Why don't you ask my wife?"

"The president is currently receiving the future ministers."

Alexis threw his hands up, "Of course, she has a government to compose."

The man was so exasperated he forgot to put on his prince charming act. Not even a fortnight after the election, he already had a bad reputation and a nickname among the Elysee Palace staff: Le premier con, translation for the first prick or jerk.

If someone had asked a staff member about Alexis and their confidentiality clause didn't bind them, they would have said the French dodged a bullet by not electing him president.

As in any liberal country, the first spouse had the duty of representing the state with or without the president. They attended receptions, served as ambassadors, supported charitable organizations, and oversaw the maintenance of Elysee Palace. The spouse also maintained the Palace's art, decorations, and furniture.

Alexis was far from pleased with the task. He couldn't fathom that people genuinely expected him to fulfill this role. Severine had reduced him to the most simple expression. Alexis felt castrated by his new function.

Even more so as she didn't hold him in the secrecy of her maneuvers. Alexis watched the news like everyone else to know what was happening.

Even Noëm was more aware of his mother's dealings than his father.

Noëm didn't pity him. His father could only blame his toxic masculinity for his predicament. Thank goodness the Palace was big enough for them not to cross.

The staff already spoke of the odd ambiance reigning in the presidential family. The Lafarge were like independent electrons living and evolving in their own space. If Noëm found comfort in the gardens and new private school less than a kilometer from the Elysee. Alexis, on the other hand, suffocated.

"What is it now?" He yelled.

"I'm here to discuss the dinner," explained René, his staff chief.

"What diner?"

"The one we will hold to welcome the new government."

In frustration, Alexis spread his hand on his face, "What has it got to do with me?"

"As the first man of Franceㅡ."



"I said get out!"

While Alexis' tantrum raged, Severine discussed the most urgent matter.

"Why me?"

"Because you know the job and the risk, Christian."

"I'm old, Severine. I sleep during the sessions at the National Assembly. I could have a heart attack anytime soon."

"You're wise, Christian. I need your advice and eyes. The party trusts you; you were its leader when I was still trotting in my diapers and cabbage pants."

"They'll mock me and you."

"Let them. You are the most qualified person in the whole party. J'ai besoin de ton savoir." Severine sighed, "They used me and recuperated my identity to make me the voice of a new, diverse France. Now, they want to hold the assembly without me. It's out of the question, Christian."

The day was crucial for Severine, who had to choose her government. She opted for Christian Blanchet as Prime Minister without her party's full agreement.

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