Chapter 10: Hidden

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Over the past few days, Sera and Emily stayed at the hotel. Everyone was happy on how they could all get along well. Charlie and Vaggie told Emily about their relationship and she was very happy for them. The three of them often chatted about how different things were in Heaven and Hell. Meanwhile, Sera and Lucifer were always glaring at each other every time they entered the same room, they weren't going to get along any time soon. Angel and Husk were always at the bar, talking and flirting with each other. Sometimes Emily would overhear their.. exotic conversations and ask Charlie about it, which Charlie tells her to forget. Of course, Nifty was there too, but Vaggie kept her out the room every time they talked to Sera or Emily because she was still quite hostile towards angels.

However, even with all this drama going on, there was only one thing on the hotel staff's minds. Where was Alastor?

This was taken from the pov of Charlie:

"Sometimes when I see my dad in the kitchen cooking pancakes, I notice him looking a little distant but happy. I know it's not something I should bother with, but lately I've noticed that he was in his room a lot more often than before, like he didn't want to come out. It was like he was hiding something in there that wasn't suppose to be there.. but what could it be other than ducks? Nevermind- there's another issue.. ever since Emily and Sera arrived, I've never seen Alastor once. I thought at first that he was at his tower, but when I checked and he wasn't I got pretty worried. And I don't know why, but I feel that he has a pretty strong connection to Emily and Sera.."

"Charlie? Charlie!" Vaggie shouts at me, distracting me from my thoughts. "Ah- Uh- What?" I stutter. "I said it's your turn." she replies, more calmly while Emily giggles. I always get lost in my thoughts nowadays. I look down at the cards in my hand, smiling deviously as I put down a plus four with a red card on top. Emily continues to giggle as she picks up four cards from the stack and places down another red card. "This is fun! They should make this game in heaven!" she happily tells me and Vaggie. Vaggie chuckles back, "I don't think they should.". I chuckle as well as I look at her lovingly before turning back to Emily, "It might be fun for you Em, but for others, it might not be so much." We all laugh together as the game continues, eventually ending in Vaggie's lost and my win, Emily winning second after me. I grin mischievously as I look at her, "It was fun but I won in the end!". "Ugh, you're starting to copy that overlord's movements.." she chastises me. "Well- you know! He's like a second dad to me!", "Babe, he's clearly evil. Did you not see him murder those sinners?". "Excuse me, but who are we talking about?" Emily interrupts us, reminding me that she hasn't met Alastor yet.

We then talk about Alastor. I talk about how he acts like my dad every-time Lucifer was too busy. While Vaggie recounts the tale about how Alastor was evil and that we should be grateful that he's not here. Emily seemed very interested in knowing more as well. She tells us that there was another angel who was very similar to Alastor and how that angel goes to tea parties with her. "Ooo! Who is it?!" I ask her, excitement filling my eyes. "If they're really as similar as Emily says, that angel might be related to Alastor and we can find out more about him!" I thought to myself. "Speaker Angel? He sounds pretty shady." Vaggie replies from behind me. "Whoops! I forgot that Vaggie still doesn't know anything!". "Actually babe, he's the angel that agreed with me on the meeting and helped me convince like at least half of the angels.." at my statement, Vaggie was surprised, she hadn't actually expected anyone to agree with me on my idea. "And, everyone just went along with it? That's suspicious.", "Well, actually he's very high up in the hierarchy of the Angelic Council.. and he doesn't really speak much. So it was pretty much a shock for everyone that he agreed to Charlie's idea." Emily cuts in, surprising me and Vaggie. "He's an important figure? Come to think of it, he did seat next to Sera at the meeting.." I pondered to myself as me and Vaggie and me stare at each other. It was supicious. Why would such an important person agree to my proposal? The case was getting more and more mysterious and weird the more we thought about.

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