Chapter 12

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Siya POV:

Upon reaching home at 3 pm, I found the house wrapped in a calm atmosphere, with everyone seemingly occupied in their own pursuits. As I entered, Krish, with an earnest expression, approached me and said, "Bhabhi maa, it's fortunate that I found you here. I was planning to go out with my friends, but then I received a call from my brother. He mentioned that this file is very important, and he forgot to take it with him. He's asking if I could go to his office, but I have to go with friends. Can you please go and deliver the file? It's such a crucial document that he can't even send it with the driver. Bhabhi maa, please, will you take it for me? Please help me out, please."

His words carried a sense of urgency and responsibility, and I could sense the importance of the task at hand. With a gentle nod, I agreed, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Haan, Krish, main le jaaungi file." (Yes, Krish, I will take the file.), I replied, emphasizing the willingness to assist.

Krish expressed his gratitude, saying, "Bhabhi maa, aap bohot achhi hain. Thank you so much. I owe you one."

I smiled, assuring him, "Don't worry, Krish. It's family, and I'm here to help."

Feeling a mix of nervousness and determination, I arrived at Abhiram's office for the first time. Approaching the receptionist with politeness, I asked, "Excuse me, can you please tell me where Abhiram's office is?"

To my surprise, the receptionist's expression transformed into one of mild disgust. She retorted, "Who allowed you to call sir with his first name? No one is allowed to address him by name."

Taken aback by her response, I stammered, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know. Could you please guide me to Mr. Abhiram's office?"

The receptionist, now wearing an expression of disdain, confronted me with a piercing gaze. She asked with palpable hatred, "Do you have an appointment? If not, please go. We don't allow unauthorized visitors."

Feeling a sense of unease and unwelcome, I tried to explain, "I'm here to deliver an important file for Mr. Abhiram. It's from his brother, Krish."

The receptionist remained unyielding, responding coldly, "Unless you have a scheduled appointment, you can't just barge in. Please leave immediately."

Understanding the strict policy but emphasizing the urgency of the matter, I tried to plead, "I understand your policy, but this is an important file for Mr. Abhiram. Please let me in. I know him, don't worry."

Undeterred by the receptionist's initial coldness, I took a deep breath and inquired, "Do you have an appointment? If not, please go. We don't allow visitors without one."

With a sense of urgency, I responded, "I don't have an appointment, but this is important. Could you please call him and let him know that Siya is here with a crucial file? If he allows me, I'll proceed. Otherwise, I'll quietly leave."

I tried one last attempt, "I understand your policy, but this is not a trivial matter. It's urgent, and Krish emphasized its importance. Can you please make an exception and inform him? I assure you it won't take much of his time."

The receptionist, with a mix of hatred and frustration, retorted, "Oh really? Everyone who comes here says so, and I am not here to entertain you. Go somewhere else. Maybe these tricks work on someone else. If you know sir, then call him; otherwise, I will call security."

The realization hit me that I couldn't reveal my relationship with Abhiram, as he had told me not to tell about our marriage to anyone. The receptionist's words stung, and a pang of frustration set in. I couldn't call him as I didn't have his number.

"Why didn't you ask for his number? Dammit, you are married to him," I scolded myself silently.

Despite my earnest pleas, the receptionist remained unmoved. Frustrated, she summoned security, and a stern guard appeared promptly. Nervously, I explained, "Sir, I just want to deliver an important file to Mr. Abhiram. It's from his brother, Krish."

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