It's Beautiful

422 13 14

Dogday had covered (Y/n) and Poppy from the explosion, taking most of the hit. His back was a bit burnt, but nothing serious. The three looked at the burning prototype with wide eyes and a weight lifting of their shoulders. It was dead. The prototype was actually dead. Dogday almost wanted to pinch himself to see if he was dreaming, but that joy soon turned into dread when he didn't see his daughter.

"Hopesong! Hopesong, where are you!? Please say something!" Dogday called out rushing around the burning body of the prototype to find his daughter, his everything. BB had rushed over to the pile of metal as well as the little ones hiding in the vents and started pulling at the metal. (Y/n) saw this and quickly went to the pile, calling Dogday over. Dogday felt his heart stop seeing the large pile of metal that covered his daughter. He wasted no time rushing over and throwing the scrape metal panels and beams that kept him from his little girl.

After some digging, he finally saw her. "HOPESONG!" She was burned on her left side from the explosion and was covered in cuts and stained in blood. She was unresponsive, her eyes closed, and completely limp. Dogday wrapped his arms around her and pulled her from the metal gently, holding her in his arms he started tapping her cheek he wanted- no, he NEEDED a response. "Hopesong, wake up. It's over. We did it you-you did it he's finally gone. Hopesong, don't do this to me, please! Just open your eyes!" He pleaded to any gods or any higher powers to please let his girl open her eyes, to laugh, to tell him everything was alright, to call for him once more.

(Y/n) watched their hope slowly dwindling "Dogday...I...I'm so sorry.." Dogday shook his head furiously."No! No, she isn't gone! Please, Hopesong, wake up!" Poppy shook her head standing on (Y/n)'s shoulder."Dogday... She's already gone." Dogday barked back. "Shut up! She isn't dead! She can't be not after everything! She just needs to open her eyes. HOPESONG PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! I JUST GOT YOU BACK, PLEASE!" Tears streamed down his face as all of his pleading and praying was ignored by the heavens.

(Y/n) gently placed a hand on his shoulder, making Dogday look at them "Dogday...She's gone.." Dogday choked on a sob, pulling Hopesong close to his chest sobbing on the top of her head rocking back and forth. He lost her. After he just got her back, he lost her. (Y/n) hugged him tightly, trying to ease his pain with little success. Poppy gently patted the top of his head comfortingly as she watched a father grieve his loss. The silence was deafening, with the only sound being Dogdays sobbing and (Y/n)'s quiet reassurings.


"Papa....Your squishing me.." Dogday gasped and pulled Hopesong back to face him. Her one eye was slightly open, and she gave a weak smile. "You know Papa... I was wondering if you still smelled like vanilla you definitely still do.." Dogday smiled wide and pulled her into a tight hug, sobbing into her shoulder."You're ok!" Hopesong chuckled, hugging him back."Ya... For the most part, " (Y/n) let out a small cry and joined the hug, tears going down their face. Poppy smiled at the small family and soon joined the hug. BB hugged Hopesongs neck, letting out Happy squeaks. The nightmare was finally over.


It was odd for Hopesong to have a piggyback ride on Dogday. She was technically an adult, but Dogday had insisted he carry her due to her injuries and the fact she just survived an explosion. She couldn't argue with that, so she allowed it without any complaints. (Y/n) led them all out of the factory, and Hopesong took some time to take everything in like the Gamestation and the main facility of the factory where the regular employees were.

It felt weird leaving it all behind, but Hopesong didn't want to stay not with all the horrible memories and blood that now stained those happy memories. (Y/n) opened the door and cautiously walked out. Once they confirmed the coast was clear, the toys walked outside. For the first time, Hopesong finally got to see what the outside was like, and it left her in awe. In the sky was a beautiful canvas of stars that seemed to go on forever, and the moon gave a comforting glow. Hopesong couldn't help but whisper, "It's beautiful.." Poppy smiled at Hopesong as she sat on Dogdays shoulder "ya it is very beautiful." Hopesong watched the sky in awe.

(Y/n) opened their car doors for Dogday as they went to get into the driver's seat. Dogday placed Hopesong in the seat, BB sat on Hopesongs' shoulder and placed Poppy in the front. Dogday climbed into the back with Hopesong just to check on her injuries as (Y/n) started the car. "What do you say guys ready to finally leave?" The three toys looked at (Y/n), and all three answered "Yes, " and with that, (Y/n) drove away from the factory, leaving behind all the fear and blood.

They could finally begin to heal


Hopesong was woken up by the sound of birds singing and the sun peaking through her curtains. She groaned and slowly sat up from her bed, rubbing her tired eyes, her wing flapping a bit to stretch from their position. It had been a few months when the little family arrived at this cabin in the woods. Far from societies prying eyes, they could finally recover from the horrors inflicted upon them. It was a slow process, but everything took time. Hopesong got out of bed and went to her dresser she pulled out her favorite green hoodie and put it on.

She removed the bandages covering her arms and legs to reveal the scars under them, but she didn't feel secure enough to show the one on her back, so the hoodie was a nice compromise. She started brushing her hair BB jumping out of their small bed and landing on Hopesongs head when she heard (Y/n)'s voice from downstairs "Hopesong breakfast is ready" Hopesong wasn't sure whether to call them her parent yet but maybe they'll cross that bridge one day.

"Coming (Y/n)!"

This life is truly beautiful.

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