28 - September 14

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"Taylor," his deep voice sounds nervous, almost shaking as he says my name. But his tone has nothing on the way I feel, knowing he is behind me. I stare out of the tower, seeing no stars in the dark sky. Which is sad seeing as stars are the one thing making me feel safe and could protect me on a night like this.

"Go away, Theo." His footsteps come closer, but I won't face him. I refuse to look at someone or give someone attention when they have hurt me this badly. He played with me, healed me then ripped me wide open and spread salt in the wounds. And even worse, he knew exactly what he was doing. His body sits beside me, hoping for me to face him but I don't.


"I trusted you," I whisper, still not facing his look, but I can tell he is upset with the deep sigh he lets out.

"I know that. And you have every single right to hate me, but I must tell you what was going on. You have to know my story and not his. It's all I am asking for." His story? What in this story could make me feel better when he was the one to lie to me all this time?

"You didnt even show up at my birthday party? The party you wished for me to have. You are disgusting, Theo Nott." He nods, I can tell by him sitting so close.

"I know... I knew he would do something and I just couldn't be there to see you break. I couldn't be there to make you feel stupid when all this time-"

"All this time you have been playing with me? Made me fall for you only for you to then laugh at me over a stupid deal? What was the deal about? Are you getting another girl? I hope it was fucking worth it." He shakes his head, forcing me to look at him, and as I face him, I can see his swollen eyes.

"Taylor... I never wanted to break your heart like that. I didnt want another girl... Fine, I wanted to know who Summer was and before I got to know you and agreed on this stupid deal, I didnt care. But as it went on..." He looks down, playing with his fingers. I am waiting for him to continue, but nothing comes.


"I do like you, I really fucking do. Adrian fucked with me; he used the one thing I love the most in this world to make me agree to the deal. I swear I am not a bad person, not the way you think. I wanted it to end; I hoped you wouldn't fall for me. But you did... And in the end, I fell-"

"No, dont say that." I stop him, staring at him and noticing the shock on his face.


"No, dont fucking come up here after hurting me on my own birthday. Making me feel fucking played with for weeks to then tell me that you have to feel for me." He sucks in his lips, looking down.

"Why? I dont get it. You could have fucking told me."

"I know... I was trying not to think about the deal so much that I lived in delusion."

"Delulu quelulu?" I joke, nothing in a second that he doesn't get it and it's the wrong time to joke.

"I really do like you, Taylor Black. We haven't gotten a good start, and you may never forgive me again. But let me know what I can do, and I'll do it." I suck in my lips at his words. Hearing that someone likes me for who I am at this point feels weird. It's hard to take it in and believe it. Yet I feel like he is telling the truth; however, that doesn't mean I trust him.

"I believe you... But I dont think I can forget about this when it went on for so long. I am upset and have every right to hate you and Adrian..."

"Adrian and I are not friends anymore. I blocked him everywhere." I nod slowly, sucking in my lips. It does make me feel better that Adrian is gone from everyone's life when he was the one to hurt me from the start.

"Look... I like you, but I dont know enough to actually like you. And right now it feels like I dont know you at all. You hurt me, but I still can't overcome the fact that I liked spending time with you..."

"What are you trying to say?" His eyes light up, hope in them.

"I want to try being friends..." His smile dropped a little, and he was probably disappointed that I didn't say something else, but he couldn't expect that much from me.

"Friends is good. Yes, amazing, actually." He smiles a little, and I smile for myself, looking away. I dont know if I am doing the right thing and I feel the boys will be against this. But I must live for a moment; it's my last year here. And I do trust Theo, the little bit I can.

"Thank you... Do you want me to follow you back?" I shake my head, knowing I came here to enjoy the silence and night sky. I would rather stay here for a little.

"No, it's okay." He smiles faintly, standing up and looking down at me.

"Good night Taylor... And thank you again:" I sigh as he leaves, feeling relief in my body until I realise I still have one more problem to handle, and this would have been a great opportunity to fix it.

"Theo?" He is long gone and I groan, leaning my head against the cold wall. He still doesn't know that I am Summer.

I'm writing something so different yet so exciting (a texting book) and all I can think about is "will they like it?"

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