Chapter Twenty Five.

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Within a few hours Eliza woke up feeling a bit more refreshed, but something sat in the pit of her stomach, making her feel uneasy, she couldn't shake the feeling something was seriously wrong. She headed downstairs in hopes to find her daughter, who was sat on Lila's lap as Olivia spoke about how hers and Niks relationship was going.
"Morning sunshine" Olivia smirked at Eliza as she sat down opposite them at the table.
"How long was I out?" She asked yawning.
"About three hours, Tilly only woke up twenty minutes ago" Eliza nodded at Lila's words as she got back up to make a coffee. Since becoming a mother she seemed to live off caffeine, even though before she never liked the taste of coffee or the headaches that come with it.

Eliza began pouring the hot water into her cup when she had realised the girls were silent, dead silent. She turned to see them both in a daze and she knew automatically someone was talking to them through mind link.
"What's going on?" She asked, placing the kettle down, suddenly feeling more awake than ever.

"It's Ivan" is all Lila said as she quickly moved to put Tilly in the play pen that was set up between the open lounge and dining room.
"What's he saying?" Eliza asked moving closer to the girls not understanding. Olivia looked at Eliza with teary eyes and sympathy.
"His been attacked Elizabeth". Lila said coldly as she rushed to another room. Elizabeth stood in shock, her heart racing, she tried to steady herself as her hands flew up to her mouth, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"What do you mean his been attacked?" Eliza was dreading the thought, he couldn't possibly be dead, no way, they had just got into a good place, they are happy.
"He was taken by a group of vampires, back to their nest, Jones said when they got him back he wasn't himself anymore-" She trailed off not wanting to say the rest of it, the thought made her sick to her stomach. Ivan was tortured, the alphas were bringing him home but told the girls to clear the house out, they don't want anyone to see Ivan this way, they can't know yet.

Eliza's legs grew weak, a painful ringing in her ears and before she knew it she was falling. Olivia moved in such high speed to catch her, Lila couldn't move to help, she was frozen, she couldn't believe what was happening herself.
"It's okay Eliza, shhhh" Olivia hushed the poor girl in her arms as she slowly moved her to sit down on the floor. "No matter what has happened, he will get through it, it will take him time to recover but his coming home" Elizabeth could barely hear the words through the consistent ringing. She knew a vampire bite was deadly to wolves, same as a wolf bite was deadly to vampires, all she could hope was that he hadn't been bitten.

Eliza sat on the sofa where the girls had moved her too, they had taken Tilly and everyone from the pack except Jerome and Eliza and moved them to their packs, just as a safety precaution. The world had seemed to slow down, nothing seemed right, like it was ending for Eliza, nothing could make this better, nothing at all, not until she could see Ivan for herself and make sure he was alright.

Hours had passed and still no sign of the four Alphas, Jerome brought Eliza a coffee, but she let it sit there to go cold, untouched. Lila and Olivia soon returned to them, Ivan's mother Esme rushed to be with Tilly when they got the news and Harry joined the waiting game as he anxiously stood by the window looking for any sign of them.
"How could this happen?" He asked, his voice hoarse from obvious crying. "How could a vampire take him?". No one was able to answer his question, all they could do was wait and hope for the best.

Soon enough a car had pulled up outside, Jones, Mark and Albert all came in through the front door, a shadowed figure sat waiting in the car patiently making Eliza worried as well as frustrated.
"Where is he? Why isn't he here?" She asked, her voice raising more and more with every word.
"Eliza, we need to talk to you and explain a few things before you see him" Jones said as he held her shoulders, walking her backwards away from the front door. She balled her hands into fists feeling an anger like never before.
"Where is he" She gritted out before shoving him away.
"Elizabeth calm down" Harry said sternly as she began to seethe.
"Where is Ivan?!" She yelled, her face flushed red with rage.
"If you don't calm down you won't see him" Jones said as he reached out to her again. "Sit down and let me explain". She moved to the dining room chair that was a few feet behind her as she sat down giving Jones a death glare.
"When Ivan was taken they done something to him" He started off slow and soft, knowing this would break her heart and he wasn't sure if they could ever be the same again.
"What do you mean?" She asked. Mark and Albert came as sat close to her, Albert taking her hand.
"You know what happens to a wolf when a vampire bites them right?" She nodded at Albert before turning back to Jones, tears building up in her eyes.
"This time something went wrong, Ivan should have died when he was bitten". Her chest grew tight but the news he was still alive gave her some hope.
"Somehow, their bite-" Jones wasn't sure how to say the words, he knew it was going to cause uproar but he needed to prepare them all.
"They turned him" He finally said as he looked down at the ground, before anyone could say anything, there was a knock at the door. Elizabeth moved instantly, knowing who it was, she had to see for herself, she inhaled deeply, holding her breath as she opened the door to see Ivan, his warm brown eyes no longer inviting, she reached out to him but quickly withdrew her hand.
"Ivan-" She whispered as she watched his lips twist into a smirk.
"Are you going to invite me in or what?" Her eyes grew wide, the man before her was not even a fraction of the man she fell in love with, this man was cold, emotionless, he still looked the same, but he wasn't her Ivan anymore.

To be continued.........

I hope you have all enjoyed the book! I will be starting book 2 in the next week, keeping wolf Ivan and the new Ivan in two different stories.

I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has supported me during this book, it really is appreciated! All your votes and comments, I do read them all! Thank you for all the love you've shown for this book, yes our little Eliza is too forgiving and naive but will this next journey change that? Will Ivan ever become a man she could love? How much has this changed him?
You will find out in the next book!! 📕

I will edit through this book as much as I can, before moving onto book number 2. Stay turned for the next part of this story!

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