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THE GRANDEUR OF WELTON ACADEMY'S OPENING CEREMONY unfolded like a well-rehearsed symphony, each note meticulously orchestrated to herald the commencement of another academic year. As bagpipes resounded through the hallowed halls, the strains of "Scotland the Brave" filled the air, a timeless anthem echoing through the generations.

Amidst the throng of distinguished guests, Alistair Leclerc and his wife Isadora exuded an air of regal sophistication, their presence commanding attention as they took their seats alongside the Moreau family. Alistair, resplendent in a navy blue suit adorned with a monocle tucked into his pocket, exuded an aura of authority, his meticulously polished shoes and stern countenance leaving an indelible impression. Isadora, clad in a matching blue Chanel coatdress and elegant white heels paired with white pearls adorning her neck, epitomized grace and refinement, her long black hair cascading in waves beside her.

Their daughter Victoria, a vision of youthful elegance, conversed animatedly with a fellow attendee before being reprimanded by her mother for her exuberance. Despite her youthful energy, Victoria bore a striking resemblance to her brother Lucien, a fact not lost on those who cast curious glances in their direction.

Yet, amidst the sea of expectant faces, Lucien's absence remained conspicuous, prompting whispered inquiries and concerned glances exchanged between his family members. Speculation swirled as to his whereabouts, though it was quickly surmised that he and his friend Emile were likely together, embroiled in some form of mischief.

As the ceremony unfolded within the hallowed confines of the church, the solemnity of the occasion enveloped the congregation. The boys, resplendent in their uniforms, filed into the pews with a sense of purpose, their heads held high in anticipation of the proceedings. The headmaster, Mr. Nolan, stood at the front of the church, his authoritative presence commanding attention as he addressed the assembled guests.

"Where is that boy?" Alistair murmured sharply, his gaze scanning the room for any sign of his elusive son.

Isadora set her long black hair aside, "You aren't harsh enough with him," she replied, her tone tinged with reproach.

Their conversation was interrupted by the commencement of the ceremony, as Mr. Nolan approached an old man carrying a candle.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys, the light of knowledge," Mr. Nolan announced, his voice resonating through the room. The ceremony continued with the majestic strains of the organ, filling the air with solemnity and reverence.

"One hundred years ago, in 1859, 41 boys sat in this room and were asked the same question that greets you at the start of each semester. Gentlemen, what are the four pillars?" Mr. Nolan addressed the congregation. Throughout the pews, uniformed boys rose to their feet in unison.

"Tradition, honor, discipline, excellence," they replied in rehearsed unison before resuming their seats. Mr. Nolan continued, his words echoing through the chamber as he spoke of Welton's esteemed reputation and the dedication of its students.

As the resonant tones of the ceremony echoed through the grand hall, two raven-haired boys with an air of mischief about them, slipped away from the proceedings in pursuit of their own clandestine agenda. Cigarettes dangling between their fingers, they sauntered through the corridors with the intention of infusing the austere atmosphere of the school with the rebellious scent of tobacco.

Lucien's eyes, sharp and calculating, surveyed the scene before him with a hint of intrigue. His gaze swept over the familiar surroundings of Welton Academy, taking in the grandeur of the architecture and the subdued elegance of the campus grounds. With a nonchalant air, he ran a hand through his dark, tousled hair, the gesture adding a touch of unruliness to his otherwise composed demeanor.

ECHOES OF EDEN, Neil PerryWhere stories live. Discover now