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Lucas's sigh was almost lost in the hum of conversation around us, but I caught it-a sound heavy with resignation. He slumped into the seat beside me, his gaze fixed on some distant point only he could see. The agreement with Bruce had been a bitter pill for him to swallow, and he hadn't minced words about it, his complaints echoing off the walls of our shared space.

"It's always me," he grumbled, the lines of his face hardening with each word. "Always the one who has to keep things in line."

Kyle, ever the stoic alpha, merely rolled his eyes at Lucas's theatrics. Their dynamic was a dance they had perfected over time, one leading while the other followed, though who led changed with the wind.

I couldn't help but smile at the two of them, a small, knowing curve of the lips. "It was an accident, Lucas. You're not a man baby," I chided gently, hoping to inject some lightness into the heavy air.

Lucas shot me a look that was part glare, part smirk. "What's the fun in being responsible all the time?"

I shook my head, a soft chuckle escaping me. "Why do I even bother?" The words were out before I could stop them, a whisper of a sigh that mirrored Lucas's own. In that moment, I felt a kinship with Damien, understanding just a fraction of what he must have endured during my rebellious teenage years. And here we were, roles reversed, with me trying to wrangle a grown man who carried the weight of his responsibilities like chains.

The drive back home was submerged in a comfortable silence with Lucas falling asleep on the alpha's shoulder and Kyle with a faint smile tugging on his lips. I thought about Damien and Mom, how was I going to explain this to them. Dad would have already figured it out with the number of spies he had around my house and the cafe along with that surprise visit he pulled up. My head ached as I thought of the scolding I was yet to receive.

Bruce thought it was best to change houses but I told him it wasn't needed, still didn't stop him from buying a villa. I remembered what he said when I told him not to buy it

Either I buy it or you're not leaving

I had no other choice but to agree with him, the longer I stay there the harder it is for me to return home.

I sighed as the car parked into the driveway of my house. Kyle gently shook the beta awake and I opened the door to unload my luggage. The driver helped me with the luggage into the house while Kyle was still trying to wake the sleepy guy. Lucas reluctantly got up and stumbled out of the car, almost falling face first into the pavement.

Sitting cross legged and looking in awe of his surroundings, Kyle tried to cover his laughter which he failed miserably at. I walked over to the still sleepy eyed beta, leaned down and whispered in his ear "cookies"

The beta woke with vigor, frantically looking around. "Cookies, where?" He looked around and then stopped when he caught I and Kyle holding back our laughter. He glared at us and grumbled some incoherent babble, cheeks flushed pink from embarrassment.

"Both of you better sleep with one eye open" he snarled and pushed between us into the house. One look at Kyle had me wheezing with laughter. It was cute seeing Lucas look so lost and sleepy, but in the midst of the laughter I felt a twinge of guilt.

"Maybe we shouldn't have done that" I glanced at Kyle to see him still deep in laughter. He cleared his throat and hummed in consideration, laughter still evident in his tone.


I pushed past him.amd got into the house, Lucas grumbling on my couch and nibbling on some cookies which may be past the point of saving. Chances of him poisoning himself is high

"Are you sure those are good to eat?" Kyle asked behind me and the grumpy beta grumbled some words, cookie bits falling out of his mouth.

"Well that isn't disgusting at all" I huffed and he gave me the finger, gobbling down the last bits of the cookies before glaring at me.

"The cookies were in the fridge" At least it wasn't food poisoning. I sighed in relief and pulled out my phone, shooting a text to my brother to meet up. The faster I get over this the easier my life gets. His reply was in seconds and I was dreading to meet him and explain why I went incognito for close to three months.


Saying he was angry is an understatement. It was almost like I was getting ready for my death. His expression a storm of relief and reprimand. "Where have you been?" he demanded, his voice echoing through the halls that had known too much silence. "Months, Beryl. Months without a word. Do you have any idea what it's been like, trying to keep Mother's worry at bay?"

I could only stand there, taking in the full force of my brother's worry disguised as anger. I had no defense, no excuse that could bridge the gap of his absence. "I'm sorry," I said, the words inadequate but sincere.

"Explain, from the beginning" he sighed and folded his arms like a mother scolding her child. I paced my breathing and gave him a sheepish smile, hoping to lighten the heavy atmosphere.

"Remember that video months ago? The guy who pulled a gun to Mason?" His jaw tightened and his body tensed for a moment, eyes glaring holes behind me.

"And?" He gritted out. Well this isn't going the way I expected it. At this point I'm basically fuelling the fire.

"He was my mate and he took me to his mansion which I couldn't leave and when I did there was this accident and then—"

"Accident?" He cut me off, a grim expression on his face. My face paled when it came to mind about what I said. He didn't need to know that

He seriously didn't need to know that.

"Did you see their faces? Do you remember them from anywhere? How do they know you? What happened" His questions were giving me a migraine

"Bruce has it under control, quit nagging me"

"I'm hiring bodyguards for you" his tone held no room for argument, unfortunately I do care

"No you're not. Already have those" I deadpanned. The last thing I need is another swarm of buff men restricting me from living my life. I'm still not over the baking and books fiasco. Damien sighed softly, his tense mood deflating. I walked closer and hugged him like we did as kids, before dad broke us apart. He hugged back, patting my head for the sake of him being tall.

"I'm just glad you're alright" I smiled into the hug and pulled away some seconds later

"Thanks for caring"


Before you virtually murder me, I beat you to it (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)

Y'all know the best part about this story is?
The comments 😭💕

See you in the next chapter my adorable muffins 💖

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