Chapter 40 His Unwavering Support

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Grace's P.O.V.

Elsa enters the hospital room with excitement shining in her eyes, holding a huge bouquet in her hand. As she sees me, she rushes towards me.

"Congratulations, new mama." She envelops me in a tight hug, causing me to wince slightly from the pain.

Before I can speak, Steve's voice interrupts. "She's weak. Please don't hug her like that. It must be painful for her."

Elsa steps back, glancing at Steve on the couch, his expression filled with concern, and my heart races as I hear his caring words.

I look at him with affectionate eyes, and he returns my gaze with a soft, concerned look. Our eye contact is interrupted when Elsa interjects, "I'm sorry, babes. I was so excited, I didn't realise." I can see the guilt in her eyes.

I reassure her, "It's okay. I'm fine."

"Steve, this is my friend, Elsa." I make the introduction.

"Hi, Elsa. Nice to meet you," Steve greets politely, giving her a faint smile before excusing himself, leaving us alone.

"Damn, Grace, this man is getting hotter day by day... No wonder you were missing him so much. He's aging like fine wine." Elsa jests, chuckling.

I hit her at her playful remark. "Oh, shut up, Elsa. Sure, he's undeniably good-looking, but my longing for him wasn't about his appearance. It was about how he makes me feel—what I craved most was the comfort of his embrace, the tenderness of his touch—"

"Grace, I was just teasing. I'm happy Steve is back in your life," Elsa reassures me, squeezing my hands.

I exhale deeply. Despite knowing she was joking, because of my past mistakes, I felt compelled to clarify that my feelings for Steve go beyond mere physical attraction. It's about his character, his heart, the wonderful person he is to be around.

"I feel the same way. It's like a dream. Even though Steve has only accepted me to be with him as the mother of our children, that's more than enough for me right now." I express, feeling grateful and content. Knowing I'll be by his side, breathing the same air, seeing him every day, and cherishing his presence morning and night brings me immense joy.

Elsa smiles, but soon her eyes widen as they go to the twins.

"Oh my God, Grace! They're so adorable. I like Giana's blue eyes." She exclaims.

"I know, they're perfect," I respond, smiling at my little bundles of joy.

"I'm just happy that you both are together now and you have these beautiful babies. This is for the new mommy." Elsa hands me the flowers she brought, making me smile even more.

"Thank you, Elsa. For everything. For being there for me and for being a great friend. And I'll miss you." Tears form in my eyes as I utter the last sentence.

She stood by me when I needed someone's support. She held me up when I was falling down. That's what best friends do, isn't it? Female best friends are not just friends; they are more than that. They are your soul sisters who will be with you through every thick and thin, without even letting you feel it. She's my soul sister, without a doubt.

"I'll miss you too, Grace. And don't forget to video call me daily and make me see the twins." She instructs me, her eyes filling with tears but she's trying to hold back her emotions.

"Of course, I'll." I give her a smile, taking her hands in mine and pressing a kiss to her knuckles, expressing my emotions, and she smiles back at me.

"I'm always there for you. Okay?"

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