✧ Act I: Darkness ✧

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'A glimpse of life, or the end of anything that ever existed?..
As if I ever knew that this will exist again... you can call me whatever you want, it really doesn't matter.
I hope this will never end. And that I will not suffer, nor others.
However... I wonder if anything will make
sense to the future life forms that will wander around... or to myself.
I'm ready for whatever will cross my path.
I hope I don't regret my words.'

(The world stopped, as the creation appeared...
What will be known as the first dimension...
It had a black sky, symbolising both an endless void, and unlimited hope.
Over time, stars appeared too.
They were hanging on the dark sky like flowers waiting to bloom...
The Soul flew around, its midnight veil covering the stars, and them glowing under it... it's eyes are like those gems too, two white stars in a black abyss.
Oh, a planet appeared!
This is... beautifully made... specially formulated from the Soul's thoughts and memories!)

'Wow... I... did this... I cannot believe it... it's... mesmerizing!'

(Over time, beings appeared, may them look like birds or cats, fish or dogs, but not humans.
Clearly, there is not a place for them, yet... who knows, maybe the Soul will have a physical form, like those critters that are wandering around... but a question is, how will it look like?
One day, the Soul decided to talk to one of them...)

Wait!!.. Awhh, this one left too
Me? What about me?
I... I thought you could... communicate?..
I can!
Oh... well, I'm the creator of this place, by the way!..
And... don't you have a name?
Yes! I already have one of those!
And... what does it sound like...?
Moon! It's the two celestial bodies from the sky!
This sounds... interesting!
If you want, I can ask Star for a name!
Star is... another one, like you?
Yes! Come, follow me!

(As the Soul and creature walked towards the big tree, it saw something... and that was a group of another critters, they were talking about names too...)

Hey!! Look what I found on the soil, I'll name it... flower!
Flower?? This isn't a flower, how about a... plant!
Wait wait!! This one of yours sounds better...
Just you wait! I'll try to see if I can make more!
How about naming it like the flower?
Plant!! It's called a plant from now on!! Flowers are colourful!!
Oh... then, does that mean that I am a flower too?

(And right when the conversation got more interesting, the critter poked the Soul.)

Are you alright? You seem concerned about something...
Oh, it's nothing... I saw a group of beings talking about plants...
Greenery? We're doing a branch on this topic! We'll use those...
Round pebbles? They're seeds
Oh yes! Seeds! Some of them already sprouted!
I'll want to see them fully grown too...
Of course you can! You're the flower of creation! Even though you aren't coloured like a normal flower!
Thank you.

Wait!! I have an idea for your name!
What is it...?
Hmm... first, let me explain it to you!
*The Soul nodded, waiting for the critter to explain*
You saw your eyes, correct?
I did... but... I never saw anyone who looks like me...
That's the point! You look unique, like every world that will be under your protection!
Alright, so, I always thought about... the sky, and how similar it is to your eyes!
The dark void behind two white stars! I said to find a similar word to void... and that is:
Yes! This sounds both mysterious, and beautiful!
'This is... my "name" from now on?'
Oh... thank you.
I'm glad to help! So, do you want to meet Star!
I... don't think I have to do so... send my greetings to Star.
I will!
*the critter waved, and then went to the group of creatures from earlier*

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