Chapter 4 - Meet me in the woods

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I stare at the strangely familiar looking brown head of hair, but push the thoughts of the person that comes to my mind aside

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I stare at the strangely familiar looking brown head of hair, but push the thoughts of the person that comes to my mind aside. His back is turned to me so I can't see his face.

I mindlessly notice the same figure getting up from one of the tables in front of me and leaving the library.


If it is who I think it is he wouldn't have just gotten up and left. He would've made some kind of stupid remark about me.

A few minutes later, that same figure returns and sits at one of the tables in front of me. The only difference is this time the figure is facing me. I look up and see that it is none other than Theo Lockwood. Exactly who I thought it was.

I stare at him silently.

He just smirks in response.

Great, now he is taunting me.

I raise my brow at him. "You know stalking is a crime, right?"

"I'm not stalking. I'm investigating." He says simply.

Except things are never simple when it comes to him. He always has some sort of hidden agenda. After years of competing against him, I've learned that fact all too well.

"Ah, and what exactly are you investigating?" I narrow my eyes at him.

I didn't have time for his little games, I had to catch a killer. Gosh, I wish he would just bugger off, but it seems he is in a very talkative mood today.

I decide to play along to this little game of his in the hope it will get him to leave quicker. Theo stands up from his chair and comes over to stand next to my table.

"You." He pauses. "You know something about these murders and I want to know what." Theo tilts his head to the side and raises one of his eyebrows. His deep blue eyes are surveying my every move.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I hold up my chin.

"Oh, I think you know just what I'm talking about. And I want in." He says as he puts both of his hands onto my table. His white sleeves are rolled up today which showcases his perfectly muscular arms.

Oh Gosh, it's doing things to me.

It takes me a moment to understand his words. I sit up a bit straighter. I feign confusion and decide to fake it till I make it.

"Into what, exactly?" I ask as I clasp my hands together.

"To this Scooby doo shit you have going on."

His choice of words almost makes me laugh, but I force my mouth to stay straight. I fake a calm demeanor and look him in the eyes. "You know that's a kids show right?"

"That didn't stop you from watching it in the library last Friday." Theo smirks.

I perk up. "How do you know about that?"

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