Vs. Luka

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Y/N sat on the front row of the arena, waiting for this match to end. It was just some robots from a guy called Boss Svarog, fighting against some vagrants from the Great Mines. Y/N didn't know much about that place, other than it basically had no laws, and was rich in a resource called 'geomarrow'.

"Bit of a borefest, am I right?" Sampo asked, sitting next to him. He put an arm over Y/N's shoulder, and pulled him closer. "These vagrants have no idea what they're doing, am I right?"

Y/N rolled his eyes, but he could see Sampo was right. These weird traffic lights looking robots were somehow knocking these guy down easily.

"So, while we're on the topic of vagrants, mind if I ask a question which is kind of related to them?"

"For anyone else, that would come at a price, but for you, my friend, I'll tell," Sampo replied, a sly smile on his face.

Y/N sighed, but continued watching the beat down as he asked Sampo questions.

"They live in the Great Mine, right?"

"I wouldn't say live, I would say... survive," Sampo answered. One of the robots knocked a guy to the floor.

"If there's so much of that 'geomarrow' stuff down in the mines, how come they can't just sell that for money?" Y/N asked, as a vagrant girl ran up to the fallen one, trying to help him up.

Sampo chuckled, shaking his head. "Geomarrow is long past its most prominent use in machinery, pal. The previous Supreme Guardian, Cocolia, outlawed selling it. In fact, she took most of our geomarrow from the Great Mine before, for heating Belobog, before sealing away the underground." The girl backs away, as the robots start approaching her.

"Why would she do that?" Y/N inquired, confused. He though a 'Supreme Guardian' should be a protector of the people, not restricting opportunity. The girl was backed into a corner of the octagon arena, and Y/N could see she was shaking.

"Oho, buddy, I don't think I should-" Sampo started, but Y/N groaned and threw 10000 credits in his face. Sampo gawked for a moment, before regaining his composure. "A-As I was saying, when I valiantly accompanied the Astral Express crew to defeat Cocolia, when we met with Svarog, they discussed something called a Stellaron..."

The girl tries to hit a robot with her spade, but it bounces off the cold, metal shell, and gets knocked out of her hand. "You..." Y/N thinks carefully before continuing. "What's a Stellaron?"

"Nobody in the underground knows," Sampo sighs. "All I know is that Cocolia was in contact with it or something, I didn't hear much of the crews discussion with Svarog."

"Yeah, the Astral Express crew..." Y/N was having a hard time not blabbing about the Stellaron threat here in the underground, and also was trying so hard to not mention the current Supreme Guardian Bronya, which he felt that Sampo might know. So many possibilities with this Masked Fool.

"Boss Svarogs robots have won this round!" the announcer screamed.

Before Y/N knew it, the vagrant girl lay unconscious by the side of the arena. The robots lights flashed red and green, until they were quickly ushered off.

"While I've enjoyed our conversation," Sampo says, pocketing his earned credits, "I do believe you should be up next."

Y/N crossed his arms behind his head, watching as people picked up the two vagrants, grinning as he watched Luka stand up from where he was chatting with that Seele lady.

"And there's the prize..." Y/N smirked, standing up as well, leaving Sampo behind as an afterthought.

Luka entered the arena, the crowd going wild as he stood at the center, raising his mechanical fist. He grinned, and clenched his fist twice, the echoing noise across the room signalling silence. He looked at the announcer, ready to hear his next challenger.

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