chapter twenty: almost caught in the act

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As I was silently tidying my desk, I heard a knock on the door. When I looked back, Mrs. Cline was there, as always, appearing composed and enigmatic. "Ms. Yeong, I haven't seen you in a long time," she said while smiling and offering me a hand.

Mrs. Cline is Brighton's principal. She was a friend of mine, and she offered me a job in New York. That's why I ended up teaching here. I accepted the offer with sufficient enthusiasm. She has been quite helpful, and she even suggested that I leave London for New York. Since then, I haven't turned back, which is why Charles joined me on my move.

"You're back from your trip," I said with a sincere smile, shaking her hand politely. "Is there anything you need? I'm sorry that I haven't been eating at the teacher's lounge; you do know I don't like being surrounded by a lot of people."

She said, "That I'm aware of," before sliding her hand inside her pocket. "May I have a chat with you in my office? I need to talk to you about something."

My eyebrows drooped in perplexity. I asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing," Mrs. Cline remarked as I trailed after her down the corridor. She continued, "I'd like to inform you about a few concerns that we have here at this school."

She retrieved a few books from the table and slid a letter from the bookcase as I sat in front of her desk, watching. Resting it on the surface, she gave a soft cough. In my hopes that she was unaware of my covert relationship with my student, I started to question what she was going to tell me. Because of everything she has done for me, I am hardly able to repay her. Her school's reputation is too important for me to damage.

"Ms. Yeong, you have been an exceptional educator at this institution." She begins to brag, "one of the best. Yet, something seems off, you know? I trust you; you know that. I must ask—are you having an affair with Elaine Solace?"

Shit. Shit, shit, shit!

I shook my head wildly, and my eyes popped out. I was sure she couldn't have guessed because I was being discreet the whole time. Someone must have been jealous of my superior and spied on me, I thought to myself. However, I made an effort to gather myself and appear perplexed by what she was saying.

"No, that's ridiculous!"

"I know," she repeats. "It's just that I've been informed that Elaine is always with you every day after class. On occasion, the two of you would remain there for at least an additional hour. But I'm sure you wouldn't date your student, would you?"

"Yes," I licked my lips and timidly inquired, "who told you about this?"

"A janitor caught the two of you in your classroom a week ago, but it's nothing to be worried about. Amelia, I believe you. My gut tells me you wouldn't."

If she only knew what kind of person I was, she'd think that I was sick in the head.

Still, I'll keep probing you with these questions until I can show the others that you're not putting yourself in that situation. Is it okay?"

As I sipped from the cup she had set out for me just a little while before, I gave her a little nod. "Are you tutoring Elaine?" she started to ask it again.

"About a year and a half, Mrs. Cline."

"Good," she puts something down on the paper, and I just can't get my head around it right now. I felt like I was sweating buckets in this chair from anxiety. "And that's all that is, right? Does Elaine need a tutor? You know, I heard that she's a smart girl. Why else would you agree to be Elaine's tutor?"

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