'17' you came

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y/n pov

The phone slipped out of my hand's grip when I was close to passing out. Three knocks woke me before I did.

I tried to stand up but I couldn't, I was physically incapable of standing up. My uncle was dead asleep, I knew that for a fact because he would've heard the knocks by now. The knocks soon turned into loud bangs.

My breathing shallowed out. Each shaky breath caused a river of pain to flood over me.

The door busted down. Nat was on the other side of the door, looking worried and alert. She found my eyes and ran to me.

Nat pov

Oh my god.

I had never seen someone in such bad shape. My heart broke into tiny little pieces when I saw the condition Y/n was in.

I ran to her side.

"Y/n," I called out. "I need you to stay with me, ok?" I held her head in my lap, moving the wisps of brown blood-covered hair out of her face. "We're going to get you to help but I need you awake for that ok?"
"You got me?"

She nods weakly.

I hook the back of her knees with my hands and wrap my arms beneath her underarms. I lift her up and she grabs hold of my neck.

"You'll be ok. I promise." She's crying again. Tears run down her cheeks.

"You came," she mumbled. I walked out of the door and didn't look back.

"You called." She clung to me and even though blood was dripping from her wounds and onto my shirt I didn't care. In that moment nothing was more important than Y/n was to me.

I opened the passenger side of the door and set her on it carefully. She groaned painfully and I could only imagine the amount of pain she was in.

I started the car, she jumped at the roar of the engine. I laid my hand on her thigh. She looked at me, tears welling in her eyes even more.

Blood gushed out of her busted forehead, her slit eyebrow, her busted lips, bruised cheeks, and her nose, her eye had already begun to swell up.

I reached for my phone.

"Stay with me ok?" Her head hung low in severe blood loss.

I dialed Banners phone number and set it on speaker.

"Banner, I'm on my way to the tower I need you to prep the med bay, it's an emergency." I ordered.

"What? For who? Nat?! Are you ok?!" He stuttered.

"I'm fine. I'm with y/n right now. She's hurt. Badly."

He stays silent. "Got it. Bring her in and set her down on the stretcher. I'll call Steve to help you bring her in while I prep. How long until you're here?"

"Five minutes." I step on the gas and the engine roars. "Maybe two."

"Got it." He hangs up.

I turned my attention back to y/n.

She turns her head to look at me. Her eyes look so drained of life. Drained of color.

"Hmm..." she breathed in but she winced painfully.

"Stay awake for me, huh?" She nodded softly. Any movement coming from her was hurting her and you could tell.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked, doing everything I could to keep her awake.

"Blue" she mutters.

"Nice. Mines red. Obviously." I smiled gently.

"Who's your favorite artist?" My brain couldn't think of any questions.

"The Smiths," she huffs out a weak laugh.
"Basic huh?" The color drained from her face.

"No, I don't think so. I haven't met a lot of girls who like The Smiths."

I pulled into the driveway and honked the horn.

Steve ran out carrying a stretcher.

I ran out of the car and carried y/n out to the stretcher. I lay her down gently, careful not to hurt her.

She coughs and blood splattered across her cheeks. Her eyes dropped down, threatening to close. I could tell y/n was trying her best to stay awake.

Steve carried her on one side of the stretcher and I carried the other side.

"It's ok. You're safe I promise, we'll get you the help you need ok?" I lock eyes with her, it seemed as if they'd never stopped crying. At that point I wasn't sure if she was crying tears of gratefulness or pain.

Bruce had already set up her room, we moved her from the stretcher to the bed and Bruce began hooking her up to so many machines. He ripped off her shirt and pulled down her tattered jeans. The sight from the rest of her body was even more horrifying. Bruises scattered all over her body, old and new, burn scars and blade scars scattered over her stomach and legs.

Bruce was in shock. He wanted it stay and observe them but he couldn't because y/n's pulse was weakening the longer he took.

Banner had her hooked up and started working on her with stuff I couldn't name. Stitching her up. Cleaning off her blood. Banner sedated her for the rest, she had already gone through so much. She didn't need to remember this.

Clint shook my shoulders.

"Nat!" He yelled. "We can't be here right now. Give Banner some room to work. We'll come check on her after ok?"

I didn't want to leave her, but Clint pushed me out of the room forcefully. I choked back tears threatening to spill until I shut my bedroom door. I broke down.

Y/n was so young, she deserved none of the pain and torture she received.


Oml I lowkey keep forgetting this story exists wth but anywayssss

Update I failed my math test like I predicted🤭 and I did okay ig for my ela test like I could've done better but wtv n like I failed my Spanish test but the teachers said I talk too much which is actually crazy cs before the only complaint they had for me was that I talk too little so wtv but like on a positive note I am an advanced reader and writer like I exceeded my goals  n stuff n like if y'all come at me for my Wattpad writing js remember it's Wattpad and I'm not actually trying on it as much as I try for actual projects I have to write for.

Any who's
How have my honey bunches been????? YK the drill what's the tea if y'all have tea feel free to spill it. My life needs some drama😔

On other notes I js picked out my Highschool electives🧍🏾‍♀️ yes u guys I said high school

😭😭 bye honeys I yap too much😭

1,122 words

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