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I tap my fingers against the rim of my mug, looking over the kitchen median to where my sister currently makes her own cup of coffee. Her raven hair is curled loosely, hanging thickly around her shoulders.
  She hums to herself, swishing her hips as though she can hear music I can't.
  I'd barely been able to open my eyes this morning, I'd gotten home later than I planned and now I suffer the consequences. I stare down at the scattered brochures for catering, the silver and white designs bore me to no end.
  "Can't you just decide what we need?" I ask, sitting my cup down to flick through a food catering brochure. The food is high end, but the portions are designed for pups. Vespera looks at me over her shoulder, her face similar to my own.
  Thin plucked brows raise as her almost violet eyes widen, "I didn't realise you were in here." her lips twist, nose scrunching, "you look like an omega."
  I glare at her, at the mirror of the person I refuse to be, "there's nothing wrong with Petra, or being an omega. I'm just tired."
  "Could have fooled me," she flashes a fake smile before grabbing her mug and standing across from me. Her manicured red nails tap obnoxiously as she gathers the brochures to flick through herself.
  My sister, older by two minutes, is stunning. She'd inherited our father's strong jaw and high cheek bones, complimenting her full lips and slightly angled eyes.
  I wasn't born to hate her but she'd made it her mission to make sure any connection between us was simply the blood we shared running through our veins.
  Our father's golden child, the first female that would inherit the position of Alpha once he retired to live out the rest of his miserable life in peace.
  "I like Connie's pastries, we should get an array of those for one table." she slips the brochure to the side, "I want silver and white decorations, I was thinking of ordering a ice sculpture of a wolf as well."
  "I really don't care," I sip my coffee, enjoying the bitter taste, "I'll make an appearance for the appropriate amount of time."
  "Why are you so bleh all the time?" Vespera asks, pinning me with her eyes. A power play begins and I look away, out the window to my right that shows the pine forest.
  "I'm not, we just care for different things." I stand from the stool and take my mug to the sink, fixing my navy sweater before looking back over to her.
  "Yes well one of us has to take our father's place," She shrugs, smirking as she moves closer to me. We come almost nose to nose, my top lip twitches as her hand reaches out and tugs at the black strands on the right side of my face, "that god awful white is starting to show, don't let mother catch you being so careless."
  I slap her hand away, seeing the few stray white strands before hastily tucking them behind my ears. I'd been born with streaks of white through my raven hair on the right side of my head, along with a white brow and eyelashes.
  Something my mother hated seeing, I'd been dying the hairs for so long I can hardly remember what I looked like without it. I don't bother with a reply, leaving the kitchen and walking down the long hall.
  My boots echo through the empty space, our parents long gone to deal with pack business in the city. I didn't have too many plans for the day, but I don't have to spend time with a scornful bitch.
  "Ivanna, hold on! I'm coming with you." Vespera shouts down the hall, her heels clicking on the oak floorboards. I stifle my growl, hands balling into a fist. She's oblivious to my growing anger as she grabs her white handbag and slips it over her shoulder.
  "What?" I ask, frowning at her.
She rolls her eyes, "we're going to Harrowford, I need to get new silk for my birthday dress. I can't wear the drab gowns I have now."
  "Why am I coming?" I gesture at her, "you're more than capable of taking care of yourself."
  "I'm our father's golden child, I can't traverse to Harrowford alone." Vespera adjusts her her bright pink tube top, the matching skirt low on her hips to expose her midsection. "no one will try anything with your grumpy ass around."
  Last night's events flash back through my mind and I feel the colour drain from my face, what are the chances I'd run back into the alpha? It's a large city, and if I'm smart I'll stay hidden.
  This could be my chance to see if there's any word on the murder.
  "Fine, let's get this over with." I grunt as I pull the iron front door open, sun lighting hitting me fair in the face. I feel the distant throb of a headache begin behind my eyes, and I already know it's going to be along day.
  Vespera stays quiet as we walk down the hill towards the city now overflowing with activity. Wolves race through the forest and around the base of the hill, people walk through the city streets and my heart grows lighter the closer we get.
  I love Luthania, I love most of the residents and the architecture my father had designed for the buildings. Each tall building has stone carved features, ranging from simple delicate designs to our packs crest, a crescent moon with a dagger through the middle.
  I smile to the wolves and people that greet us as we walk through the streets, taking time out of their busy schedules to acknowledge us.
  My sister plays her part well, all soft smiles and sweet words. She doesn't care for the people, she cares about the power the people will give her.
  Although our father is strict, his pack runs smoothly, but once my sister takes over I fear the city will be led to ruin. Not to mention the wolves.
  As we near the large, open stone gates three guards are stationed on either side. My father talks to a guard to our left, his stark white hair flat against his shoulders.
  He wears a tight fitting navy suit with silver trims, crescent moon cuffs shine in sunlight as he turns to face us. My sister and I bow our heads, hers lower than mine.
  Displeasure swirls in pale blue eyes identical to my own as he assess my attire for the day, ripped jeans and a navy sweater and scuffed black boots.
  "Hi daddy," my sister gushes, walking over and touching foreheads with him. I linger behind her, dejection piercing my heart as his features soften.
  "Where are you off to?" He asks, releasing her from his hold and looking over her, "have you and your sister decided on the arrangements for the party? Your mother left brochures there to look through."
  I look away and zone out of their conversation.
I spent so many years begging for his attention, for his love. All I received was resentment and indifference in return. When you spend so much time loving someone who doesn't love you in return, you begin to believe the problem isn't them; its you.
  "Let's go!" Vespera calls, sauntering through the gates as people step aside from her. I stuff my hands into my back pockets and begin to walk forward, pausing as my dad takes a step towards me.
  I don't dare raise my eyes to him.
His hand ghosts the area Ciaran had grabbed my elbow, but no contact is made, "look after your sister on your travels."
  "She's more than capable of shopping without me holding her hand." I say softly, stepping away from him.
  "Of course she is, but we can't lose her."
His unspoken words scream into the void of where my heart should be.
  But I feel nothing.
  Not a single fucking thing.
  "Give her a guard then." I snap before walking after her, apologising as I slip between people and wolves to where she strolls ahead of me.
  The Hallows opens up before me, the tall blend of living and dead pines could fool anyone into believing there's no city on the other side.
  A large cobblestone path had been paved through the forest connecting the cities, but anything outside the path was a victim to the forest and those who dwell inside of it.
  I walk a step behind my sister, keeping an eye and ear out for any signs of trouble. I'd protect her to my best abilities, because even though I dislike her other's love her and I couldn't take her away from them.
  "Ugh it's so hot out today." She whines, fanning her face, "I should have brought my glasses. These trees do nothing."
I roll my eyes, the large pine's tower over us and casts broken areas of shade along the entire path. "They protect us."
  "Yeah, yeah from the Guardian."
  "And those that follow her." I point out, knowing that in each pack there's always those few who stray from their alpha and the ways they rule. I suppose I'd fall under that category, sneaking into the tunnels at night to spend time with a pack that isn't my own.
  Providing for a pack I have no right providing for.
  "I think it's all bullshit to keep us out of the forest," She sighs, "once I'm alpha I'm abolishing the rule that you can't go in here at nighttime."
  "You can't do that," I argue, matching her stride, "the Guardian isn't some ghost story told to naughty pups at bedtime. It's the forest spirit that protects the land."
  "That's what they want you to believe Ivanna," she looks down her nose at me although we're the same height. "you truly have no thoughts that are your own."
  "That's rich coming from dad junior." I snicker, striding ahead of her as we grow closer to the iron gates of Harrowford. Already the forest feels different around me, the trees seem more vibrant, more wolves trot along with their tails wagging while people laugh and enjoy one of the last nice days before winter reaches us.
  The path opens and the tree line ends as the tall stone wall of Harrowford stretches before us, the iron gates are propped open; the wolf mantle that seals them in half.
  Ciaran has style, that much I can admit.
  "I wonder if dad would propose a marriage to the alpha of the blood pack." Vespera muses as we walk through the gates and into the bustling streets.
  I look around, the difference between night and day is stark. Most of the buildings are made from bricks or wood, no detailed pristine designs mark their exterior but there's love in every brick laid or wood panel hammered in.
  Ciaran clearly loves this city and his people, allowing them the freedom to express themselves in a forms.
  "You know the alpha believes in fated mates, right?" I keep my voice low as I follow Vespera down the main street that runs between the city. "I doubt he'd be willing."
  "I'm sure that's a bond I can easily fake." She chuckles, "I've heard he's easy on the eyes as well, makes my job a lot easier."
  "I doubt he'd fall for your games so easily," I chide, if the man I met last night was to be judge I'd say he had good choice of character, my sister's manipulation tactics would be shattered with one look from him.
  "How would you know?" She comes to a stop in the shade of her favourite silk shop, other ladies mill about in the store admiring the fine array of silks on the walls, "you haven't even met the man."
  "You haven't either." I snip back, "I'll explore until you're done. I'll find you soon."
  I'm aware of the other wolves around us eyeing my sister up, some in envy and most in lust. She's more than aware of their looks, doing her best to look the image of innocence.
  "Don't be too soon, wouldn't want to tarnish my reputation just yet." She blows me a kiss before slipping into the store, leaving me behind.
  I take a moment to brush off her comment before walking away, taking the first left and heading towards the south side of the city. A handful of guards mill about, only obvious by the blood pack logo stitched into the arms of their shirts.
  A red wolf baring it's fangs, a full moon on its forehead.
  I keep my head down, not wanting the chance of running into Ciaran. He'd know me, and he'd easily figure out I'm not a part of his pack if he hasn't already.
  I grow closer to the flower shop, now opening and with the sign propped out in the street ahead of me. I stay on the opposite side, not wanting to test the fates so soon.
  I wander down the streets aimlessly, knowing I'll need to kill a few hours before I hunt down my sister and lead her back to Luthania.
  Ahead a pub is open, the faded sign illegible from the years of sun basking down on it. I decide to slip in for a cool drink, I'm close enough to the alley where I found the wolf last night.
  If people were talking, it'd be in a bar full of drunk wolves with no care of who might hear.
  I walk to the bar and order a water, thanking the young girl working before heading into the back corner away from prying eyes.
  I slide into the plush seat and look around, the bar is slowly filling as the lunch rush begins to trickle in. I should have ordered a small bite to eat.
  Preserved flowers hang from the walls, tied off with red ribbons; it's a nice contrast against the dark oak beams of the building. Behind the bar different types of liquor are displayed on glass shelves, a mirror runs along the entire back with fairy lights lining where it meets the roof.
  A red thin strip of material runs across the top of the bar, catching the moisture from glasses and mugs forgotten in the midst of conversation.
  It's peaceful and would come alive in the night.
I lean against the wall, eyes threatening to close. The warm atmosphere and dim lighting lull me into a state between awake and asleep. Anyone looking would believe I've had few too many to drink, leaving me alone.
  As I close my eyes and yawn, a familiar scent tickles my nose.
  I crack an eye open, half thinking Vespera came to find me instead.
  I'm even more unlucky than I first thought, because the table in front of me is no occupied by the alpha of the blood pack and a pretty dark skinned woman sitting across from him.
  My only saving grace is his broad back to me.
Dark hair curls at the base of his neck, his tight black short sleeved shirt exposes the tattoos that run down both arms, and yet I'm still at a disadvantage to see them.
  We need to leave, he can't see us!
But if I leave now, I'll have to walk past him. He'd scent me, he'd know me.
  I'm trapped, my only escape in front of me.
  I close my eye and decide to tune into their conversation.
  "Any more news?" Ciaran asks in a low voice.
The woman huffs, "not yet, by the time we arrived only a faint scent remained at the start of the alley, but I can't say I've crossed paths with whoever left it behind."
  "Would you recognise it if you were to smell it again?"
  "I don't know Ciaran, I don't think so." She growls, "there's no sense to this. There's no evidence left behind of who would do something like this."
  "Did you inform Robert's brother of his passing?" Ciaran asks.
  "Yes...he didn't take it well." A pause, "Raul stayed to console him while Yovel and I went looking for more answers."
  "We need to hold a city counsel, they deserve to know we may have a killer in our city."
  I open my eyes, curiosity killing me.
  Muscles are tense underneath his shirt, elbows rested on the table in front of him. I can't make out what the woman looks like, his large figure taking up the space.
  "What of Luthania?" She asks quietly, "will you alert Klaus of this?"
  "I've considered it." Ciaran leans back in his chair, stretching before keeping one arm against the back of his chair, "I might need his help figuring out whose doing this, especially if its one of his wolves."
  My mind goes quiet, knowing exactly how unwelcoming my father would be.
  He helps no one but himself unless he has something vital to gain from it.
  But who was Robert? Was there any motive to why he ended up in pieces?
  "Let us know what you decide." She perks up, "here comes lunch."
  The young girl from earlier comes over carrying two plates with steaming ribs and roasted vegetables. The smoked scent has my mouth watering.
  "Thank you." Ciaran says, nodding to the blushing girl before she wonders off.
  "Oh we forgot drinks, I'll go get them. The usual?" The woman stands, finally coming into view. Thankfully she's too pre-ocuppied with Ciaran to glance my way.
  "Thanks Idonea." He falls silent as she walks away, but I watch her go.
  Strong, defined muscles ripple as she walks, her tights leaving little to the imagination. Cinnamon hair swings from low pony, grazing the middle of her back as she starts conversation with another wolf in the line for a drink.
  Her curvy body has other males drawing their eyes towards her, nothing but respect in their eyes.
  She must be one of his betas.
  "Fancy seeing you so soon, pup." Ciaran says softly, but his words reach my ears.
  My heart is jump started back to life, the timbre of his voice acting like a electric current.
  "I was thirsty." I reply with the same softness, "thought this was the place to be."
  "Did you get home safe?" He half turns his face towards me until I can see the outline of his sharp jaw and high cheekbone. Good gods this man.
  "I'm in one piece," I fight the urge to fiddle, "that's all I could ask for."
  He hums, "you're welcome to join us."
It's more of a demand than a question.
  My hand trembles as I grab my still full glass of water, the perspiration dripping between my fingers. I take the four steps to his booth, standing before him.
  He looks up at me, nostrils flaring.
I take shallow breaths.
  I expect disapproval as his eyes trail over me, seeming to undress me, but I find only mild appreciation. Something so simple shouldn't make me feel weak in the knees.
  "Where will I sit?" I ask, gesturing to the other side, "your friend is there."
  He slides over, allowing me a sliver of space on the seat. I look from him to the slice of chair that will barely fit my ass onto it.
  "You need bigger seats." I say, taking the seat anyway. I'm careful not to brush any body part of my own against his, half of my left butt cheek hangs off the chair.
  "I usually don't share." He murmurs, looking over to where Idonea now walks towards us with two mugs in her hands. Fierce hazel eyes pin me to the seat, promising only pain. She takes note of the slim space between me and her alpha.
  "Whose this?" She asks in greeting, taking the seat in front of me and passing Ciaran his mug. I smile weakly in greeting, hiding my hands in my lap.
  Her hackles are raised, and her scent is overwhelming.
  A mixture of cinnamon and honey and a whole lot of misguided anger.
  "Ivy," Ciaran takes a swig from his mug, "I asked her to join us for lunch."
  Her eyes go to Ciaran and my shoulders curve slightly, I take a sip of my water; holding in my cough as it goes down the wrong pipe and threatens to drown me.
  "I've never seen you before." Idonea says, addressing me once more. I look back up at her, flicking back towards my glass.
  I'm not here for a pissing contest over the man beside me.
  "Nor have I seen you." I say simply, resting my chin on my hand as I look back towards the bar a though something has my attention.
  "How do you know Ciaran?" She asks.
I tilt my face back to her, "he's the alpha. Everyone knows him."
  Ciaran chuckles, shaking his head as he takes two ribs in his hands. I watch as the dark sauce slides between his fingers before wrenching my gaze away.
  "Enough Idonea, enjoy your lunch."
She grunts but does as he says, eyes wary but respecting her alpha's wishes.
  I sit in silence, unable to think of any form of conversation that would be safe territory for me to enter. They're smart wolves and I can't give them any motive, I can't risk my fathers wrath from the fall out if they do.
  I must zone out, stuck in my head, I flinch as someone taps a shoulder against mine.
  That insufferable heat sparks and spreads, and I hide my annoyance as I look to Ciaran. Eyes now a soft honey gold look down a straight nose at me, and in the light he's even more attractive up close.
  "Here," he moves his plate in front of me, half his ribs remaining, "you didn't order anything."
  I look to the ribs and back to him, frowning, "I can't eat your lunch."
  "You shouldn't deny the alpha." Idonea grumbles, sucking the marrow out of a rib, "it never ends well."
  "It's his lunch, I can't eat it." I take a mouthful of water, "I'm not that hungry anyway."
  "Ivy, it's fine." He taps my shoulder again, "it's rude of me to sit here and eat while you go without."
  "I...well..." I struggle to find words, does he have a hidden motive? "if you're sure."
  "Of course I am." He leans back in the booth, his thigh and shoulder connecting with my body. His essence sinks into my own, making it hard to focus as I reach forward and take rib.
  The meat hangs from the bone and my stomach grumbles as I take that first bite, savouring the smoked barbeque sauce as the meat falls apart in my mouth.
  Ciaran huffs a laugh, "I knew you were hungry."
  "Not true." I say around a mouthful, flicking my tongue out to catch a smear of sauce on my cheek.
  Idonea watches the exchange closely, but keeps her opinions to herself.
  "What are our plans after this?" Ciaran asks, taking her heated glare from me. I relax slightly, feeling a growing comfort by the second.
  I don't know if it's the food, the atmosphere or the feel of Ciaran at my side, or maybe a combination of all three things, but it brings me a sliver of peace.
  "We're meeting up with Raul and Yovel," Idonea says, "then your time is your own."
  Ciaran says nothing and I'm quickly learning he doesn't waste his words on pointless conversation. His words mean something, hold weight to their meaning no matter how little it may be.
   Just as I finish the second rib I glance up to see Vespera strolling into the bar, carrying to large material bags bursting with different shades of silk.
  I make quick work of the sauce left on my fingers, wanting to escape before my sister sees me and comes over and potentially ruins my life even more. She has a knack for that certain ability.
  "I best be off." I say, looking to Ciaran, "thank you for lunch."
  He doesn't miss a beat, his eyes flicking to where my sister stands, searching through the thick crowd. "You didn't finish."
  "I wasn't that hungry anyway." I begin to slide from the booth, detaching myself from where I'd relaxed into his side, "but I appreciate it regardless."
  He looks at the space between us now, growing bigger by the second. "I know."
  Well fuck me I may as well save my words.
  "Right, thanks. Lovely meeting you Idonea." I spare her a nod as I stand, ultimately alerting my sister to my presence. Like a  hound on a scent she marches towards me, her features twisted with displeasure.
  I'm past caring about what I've done that's upset her.
  "Ivanna, bloody hells I looked everywhere for you." She says in greeting, violet eyes flicking over Idonea and settling on Ciaran. My palms begin to sweat as I feel his presence expand in the room.
  "Sorry." I say, her hands already reaching out to pass me her bags. "I was having lunch."
  "It's lovely to meet you." Vespera changes in the space of a second, harsh features now soft and eyes doe like. I feel myself fading into the background once more, and damn her for taking this from me as well.
  "As it is you." Ciaran offers in return, his voice holding no warmth but no cold. A line appears between Vespera's brow, he'd be the first man to disregard her.
  I knew my assumption of him was correct.
  "Let's go," I urge, slipping past her and taking a step away, "these bags are heavy."
  She lingers a moment longer before turning and walking past me, bumping her shoulder against my own, "finally, you know I hate waiting on you."
  I bite my tongue, sparing Ciaran one last glance, "thanks again."
  "Get home safe, Ivanna."
My name on his tongue is as erotic as it is threatening, and a inkling of fear begins to spread through me, I don't think I'm hidden anymore.
  I think he's figured me out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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