Chapter 8: It Runs In The Family...

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Third Person's POV

A bright light shines when their diamond prisms shattered. But at the moment it did, Floyd became completely pale and transparent and falls to the ground

"Hah... Dad...? Dad!" Hya shouted his name before she quickly ran over to him

She then catches him on time and Branch kneels down next to her as she laid Floyd's limp body. John Dory, Spruce and Clay ran over and surround him with worried expressions

Now next to Poppy, Dean and Viva, Hya started silently breaking down, covering her mouth with her left hand, while her right hand grips onto her light green shirt, to her chest, as if she could feel her own heart shatter to pieces

"Floyd..." Branch said sadly

"Come on, man, wake up. Wake up, Floyd." Spruce said

"We need you, brother... Hya needs you..." John Dory added

"No..." She mutters to herself quietly as she breaks down quietly and was slightly shaking

It was silent for a bit until Branch spoke

"I-- I built a hideout, Floyd... except the ten-story waterslide..."

Just hearing that made Hya break down even more and turn away, covering her mouth with both her hands now and keeping herself quiet from crying, while Poppy, Dean and Viva hugged her to comfort her

"But... how will we shower?"

Hya immediately look up and looked at Floyd after hearing his voice

His eyes were now open and he glances over to Branch with a soft smile as he slowly gets his color back

"Floyd." Branch said in relief before he hugged him, then the rest of the brothers followed into a group hug. Even Poppy and Viva ran over to join in, and after few seconds, they break away from the hug and stood on their feet

Hya quietly laughs while tears were still spilling out from her eyes as she turns around

"Nahh... hecks nah... hecks nah, bruh, nah..." She mutters to herself as she turns back around around, her arm covering her mouth as she kept crying, not in sadness but in joy

But when she did, Floyd was looking and smiling at her direction and extended his hand to her

She whimpers slightly as tears were still falling off as she shook her head a little

"No..." She said quietly

He still has his hand extended, and she knew she can't resist him so she speed-walk towards to him

"I swear, Dad, you make me cry like this again, I'll smack the back of your head...!" She said before quickly and tightly hugging him, his arms wrapped around her as she slightly cried on his shoulder

They even stayed like this for what seems like for few minutes before they pulled away from the hug and saw Veneer and Velvet standing by the control panel

"Listen up, Mount Rageous." Veneer announces to everyone

"We are... frauds!"

Everyone gasped in shock, especially Velvet, who's head turn around slowly with her mouth agape in disbelief

"And we've been literally torturing little trolls." Veneer then grabbed one of the floating cameras as he continued

"We just wanted to be famous... honestly my sister wanted to be famous, and truly I was too afraid to stand up to her."

Veneer looked at Velvet

"It's like I don't even know who you are!" Velvet said

"Yeah, you do. And you asked me to change anyway, which isn't okay. Family or not." Veneer said and looked at Hya and Floyd, who nodded at Veneer, which he nodded back with a small smile

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