Chapter 14

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Chase wasn't planning on showing up to his unofficial date especially dressed up, but the moment Taylor heard about it, he was convinced that Chase needed to at least use it as a shopping opportunity. That was why after school on Friday, instead of studying or practicing violin, Chase was walking around one of Taylor's favorite thrift stores, glancing at different shirts and pairs of pants. 

"I don't really get the point of this. I mean, it's not like I need more clothes," Chase said, taking out a hanger to look at a patterned sweater a moment longer. 

"Yeah, but this is a special occasion," Taylor said, holding a shirt in front of him that was almost entirely sheer. "You'd look so hot in this." 

"I'm not wearing that. And it's not a special occasion, it's a hangout. We're just going together because he has an extra ticket." 

"An extra ticket that he's giving to you," Taylor said, putting the shirt away and pulling out a cropped top, which Chase also quickly rejected. 

"We're just friends."

"For now," Taylor said, then pulling out a black pleated skirt and holding it up to Chase with a small smile. "You have to at least try this on."

"Will you start looking for things that are actually in my style if I do?" Chase asked. 

"Yes, I pinky swear. I'll find you the most midwest closeted emo band kid outfit I possibly can."

"I'm not closeted," Chase said, taking the skirt from him and setting it in his basket. 

"You could fool me with that hair," Taylor said, walking to a different aisle. 

"What's wrong with my hair?"

"Nothing, it just makes you look kinda like you're still in the closet...Hayden Caddel's closet, to be specific, making out with your older brother's best friend." 

"People aren't talking about it, are they?" Chase asked.

"No, but I don't see why you don't just tell Trey. He'd be fine with it," Taylor said, looking through a few pairs of skinny jeans.

"It would would make things weird, okay? I don't want Trey to treat Wren like my boyfriend, I want him to see him the same way he always has, and I don't want him getting all protective. I know he'd technically be fine with it, but it would bug him, and then if it ended badly he'd feel like it was all his fault," Chase said, throwing a sweater into his pile. 

"So Wren's your boyfriend now," Taylor teased.

"What? No, of course he's not my boyfriend-"

"You just said you don't want Trey to treat him like your boyfriend."

"No, I didn't-," Chase said, then realizing he had said that, and his face flushed. "That's not what I meant." 

"Maybe you didn't mean to say it, but you definitely meant it," Taylor said with a grin.

"How are things with Kai going?" Chase asked, deciding to change the subject. 

"Really good, actually. We're going on a date this Sunday, A real date, not a 'hangout'. He's also an amazing kisser, like fuck," Taylor said, giggling softly as he spoke about him. "Did you know he's in a band?" 

"Yeah, I think Wren's mentioned it before. He's the lead guitarist, right?" 

"Yeah, and he's so talented. He's played me a few of their songs before, and he said he's writing me one," Taylor said with a grin. "He hasn't asked me yet, but I'm pretty sure we're going to Homecoming together." 

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