Chapter I || Memory Lane.

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I lean back in my chair, staring intensely at the ceiling. The old PC I managed to find in the cellar was standing on the desk, and so I would do the next smart thing and try to find images of mom in that old box, setting the pc onto the ground I would open up the case and deep-clean everything.

It was just completely filled with dust, of course it would be. That PC has been sitting in the attic for decades now. I wouldn't be surprised if this computer failed to power up.

But I prayed that It would power up as I started cleaning, the cold wind from the open window hitting my room. As I started getting the job done, I hummed to myself while working.

After a long while I sat on my floor, the wood would creak a bit. As I looked around my old room. It's been ages ever since I was here. Nothing changed.

The dark lunar blue walls, graffiti over my bed and posters, photos on the other side of the room with my old friends, and the fan in the corner that stopped working ages ago.

And that scary ass brown closet that I was always scared of because I played lots of horror games while I was younger, and I thought I was gonna literally die if I went in there.

"God... The Rock posters are still over my bed..." Sluggishly, I would stand up, walking over to my bed for the first time in years, looking around my room and scanning it.

"Thanks... Dad." I would murmur, still walking around my room like a crazed lunatic who has nothing to do, as I'd stand in front of my closet. Or what was left of my closet and clothes, slowly opening it.

All the clothes were still here, most of them were punk styled clothes, I was thankful my dad didn't throw them out or anything, I guess he didn't care about me enough to go into my room at all.

It's not like they'll fit me anyway, I would scan the upper part of the closet as I would see a certain book stuck over the metal bar. "Jackpot!" I would yoink the book from the closet, hopping towards my bed.

Of course, it was dusty. Like everything else here, so I had to wipe the dust off it. My presumptions were correct, It is my old diary that I 'hid' from my parents when I was finished writing in it.

"Ugh... It's time to visit memory lane!" I would hop onto my bed as I'd use the graffiti-filled wall as support, 'man, I miss being young.' I would shuffle through the book, realizing it's completely torn apart, a shame really.

'Right... I forgot the last time I used this, I completely destroyed this book...' Some of the pages were left intact, as I got into a bad posture it was obviously hurting my back, but I brushed it off.

[Birthday Date] 2016


Today I turn 12 years old! I can't really believe time passed so fast. I can't wait for when my mom and dad give me presents! There's probably going to be a whole party! god I cant wait to go home and get out of this stupid school the math teacher sucks i dont even care about math >:(

my friends jake and maxxie said that they're busy today so they cant go to my birthday party. Oh well more cake for me i guess! I can't wait to really get out of this hellhole!!!

update like um 5 hours later.

So my mom didn't really have enough money for a party so thats okay, it doesnt matter i just want them to be happy yes i was a little angry idk why i think its just my other friends always have those cool birthday parties and i cant have them anymore

but thats okay! I think i dont know? i had fun playing with jake though i really love roblox. i got like 100 bucks from my birthday! so i spent all of it on robux.

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