chapter 11

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The twins and Geto stared at the little girl that seems to be just comfortably chilling inside the young idol's hoodie. They didn't know what to say

They were just too mesmerized by her big dough hot pink eyes. One of her eyes had the same shimmering starry magical symbol on it. It was truly out of this world how beautiful those pupils were

They were addictive that made you think you never want to look away

"This Ruby. My baby girl. I have a son too. They are twins. He's sleeping. She decided to just join me to say hello"

Suki said joyfully, hugging the little life closer to her chest

Geto was a little shocked. He had seen the picture of Ruby on Yuta's phone, with Yuta. But he could confidently say the camera didn't do this little girl justice. She's much more alluring in real life

"Suki-sama.... Her eyes... They look like yours"

Mimiko said in awe, making the elder girl chuckle

"Of course silly. She's my daughter. She got her eyes from me"

She said, affectionately kissing Ruby's head

Ruby on the other hand was staring at Geto with such intensity, it made him feel like she's staring right at his soul

Now you may wonder why she was staring at him

Well, she was hit by this sudden vertigo. Like she felt when she met her Papa two days ago

She felt this intense connection like she only ever felt with Yuta. Like her heartbeat quickened, cheeks warmed up and she wanted to touch him, play with him with her toys and make him take her to the park like Yuta took her yesterday

She didn't know or understand why she was feeling like this and her other half, her dear oni-chan wasn't there to help her sort out the feelings either, so it was getting really confused for her

And also annoying as the young girls were just overly gushing over her. Mimiko tried to pinch her cheeks for god knows for how many times before Ruby finally lost it

She screeched with a loud cry, hiding her face on the sweal of her Mommy's breast.

"Oh baby. She's being fussy again. Sorry hun, she doesn't really meet many people other than me, my assistant and a few of my helpers. So she doesn't really like to be around strangers"

Suki said with a guilty smile while bouncing Ruby in her arms, patting her back to try her to come down

"Girls I told you not to bother the baby. She's still very little. And your hands aren't clean. Don't touch her now"

Geto said firmly, making the girls apologize profusely

"It's all good "

Then something Ruby did that left everyone a little shocked

She looked back, still sniffing and reached her hand towards Geto and made grabby hands.

This startled everyone. Especially her mommy. Suki was very surprised, not essentially in a bad way. But she remembers how hard is was to make her Seattle to everything and everyone after they came back to Japan

It took her almost five days to get comfortable around Keisuke and three days around miss Marysoul

So this was so confusing to him

"Gu-gu.. up, up"

The little girl said, looking straight at Geto's eyes

Her big dough eyes, that already sparkled like the night sky were sparkling more with the tears

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